I noticed some mistakes in the script for Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, so I made it so good that if someone remade the movie with this script there would be no more HP haters.
I put up a royalty free picture so it shouldn't be taken down anytime soon.
The synopsis is a straight up lie to the story as it’s a poorly edited version of the Philsopher’s Stone script with worse everything. The author’s synopsis that says, “I noticed some mistakes in the script of Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone,” implies that they will work to correct or improve upon them. “so I made it so good that if someone remade the movie with this script there would be no HP haters.” Is outright saying that they made it better than the original, and no one will be able to “hate” on the story. That is a blatant lie once you read the first few chapters.
The English grammar in this is quite horrible. The tensing is all wrong. The pronouns of male and female are mixed up. They call Dumbledore, White Dumbledore for some reason. Is there a Black Dumbledore? A Grey Dumbledore? A Orange Dumbledore? It is all kinds of out of context and unneeded. If this is written by a native English speaker, I would have to argue that they are quite young.
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