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Five felt as if the two men were directly talking to him. All his life he never had anything under his control, he always got the worst Life had to offer.

He has no origin, no family, and no roots. He had lived his whole life in the orphanage home

His life in the orphanage was a nightmare, the other kids treated him coldly and always found an opportunity to beat him up.

It was later he realized their dislike for him stemmed from the affection and Care the orphanage administrator showered on him more than any of the other children.

She never liked any of the children, but when it came to him, she always treated him special.

It was ironic that the reason he left the orphanage was actually because of the Administrator who loved him so much, maybe a little too much, thinking of that Five shuddered.

After leaving the orphanage, Fate decided to still deal him some bad hands, which led to a series of events that eventually landed him here.

It seems everything was against him, even here he seemed to have been purposely pushed down the food chain Motherher fate, cause there was no other reason to explain why some people got abilities but he didn't even though he wasn't exactly the only one without any ability.

He was currently sitting close to the wall, he could see some of the picture frames hung on them. Under each picture, there was a little description, ranging from the number or code name of the person and what they did to be framed and placed on the wall.

With his young developing mind, he couldn't understand most of the things they did, but one thing he observed was that almost all of them were in blue camouflage.

After adding his experiences and everything he has seen, it seems those in blue camouflage are those with Powers and those in black are those without.

Five then took a deep breath and closed his eyes, he was tired of just sitting back and letting the wind of life take him anyway, from now henceforth he will be the one to decide his fate.

This was not something that a kid, should be thinking about, but he would be stupid to think these people and this place cared about that.

He then opened his eyes, which now reflected his resolution. He finally brought back his focus to what was being said by the two men, but it seemed the man in blue camouflage was the only one talking now, while the other one had stepped back.

"Take this as not only a call to be strong, but a call to also serve your country and the world." He suddenly stopped and then looked around the hall filled with curious and confused eyes, but in those eyes, he could see some glint of the men and women they would grow to be. "Take a good look at the person close to you, they are your friends, comrades, enemies, and also ghosts."


"Good luck to you all, 'cause you will need it."


In the outside world, people were still living their lives as usual, except for those who were directly related to some of the children taken by Pax.

One of those concerned few was Gabriel Wayne, brother to One Thirty and one of the greatest criminals in New York. He has his hands on almost all the heinous crimes that go on in New York, ranging from Smuggling, Drug Trafficking, money laundering, etc. Despite all these, the police Police knowing he was a criminal could not pin anything on him because of lack of evidence, cause he never Carried out his operations personally. He presented a clean front as an owner of a chain of hotels

Gabriel Wayne was a tall huge man in his late thirties, but his most striking feature was a jagged scar that ran from his right temple down to his jawline. Despite the scar, his face was handsome, with sharp features and piercing blue eyes that seemed to take in everything around him. He carried himself with a confident air as if he knew he had everything under control ."

His cold heart only cares for one person and that is his younger brother, the only living relation he has, whose right now whereabouts are unknown

Presently in an expansive living room, with high ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows that let in plenty of natural light. The walls were painted a soft, neutral beige that complemented the sleek, modern furniture. The centerpiece of the room was a massive, plush couch that could comfortably seat six people, but which was occupied by only Gabriel, It was upholstered in a deep, rich navy blue that contrasted beautifully with the light-colored walls. The couch was surrounded by a few low coffee tables, each with a different art book or magazine artfully arranged. The rest of the room was sparsely decorated, with a few abstract paintings on the walls and a single potted plant in the corner. Overall, the room was welcoming and comfortable, yet refined and stylish."

But currently, the person kneeling in front of Gabriel, was in no way appreciating the room's decor. He was a burly man, in a dark suit which was torn in different places. He had a deep cut on his lip which was still bleeding.

There were three more occupants of the room apart from the man and Gabriel. Two of them were standing in different strategic positions, while the last one was standing behind the kneeling burly man.

Gabriel who was reading the newspaper suddenly sighed and folded it, then gently placed it on one of the coffee tables.

He slowly turned his gaze towards the man kneeling in front of him and let out another sigh.

"My boys have turned the whole of New York upside down and still can't find my brother, I hope you have recalled some things other than the same old story."


Getting no answer, he took out a white handkerchief from the breast pocket of his suit and started wiping the blood from the cut on the kneeling man's lip, he looked at the man standing behind the kneeling guy. "His bleeding, why is he bleeding? "

"Sorry boss, my hand slipped."

"Be very careful next time, I need him in the best of shape so he can tell me, where he left my brother," Gabriel said in a cold voice.

"I already told you, boss, the young boss was the one who instructed me to give him space, a few moments later when I came to check up on him, he was gone." The man narrated in a trembling voice, but Gabriel only shook his head.

"You had one job to do and you blew it, recently a little bird told me you also have a brother."

Hearing that the man's body trembled.

"Bring him in". Gabriel said out aloud, soon a young man was dragged into the room by two hefty black men in suits, the young man's eyes lit up seeing the familiar face of his elder brother, he would have called out or rushed towards him if his mouth wasn't gagged and he wasn't held back by two vice grips.

"Please Boss do not do this, he has nothing to do with all this, kill me instead". The burly man started to plead, knowing what was coming next for his brother, he tried grabbing uontoGabriel but he was quickly held down as well.

"You had one job, you had one job, you had one job. " That was the only thing Gabriel kept saying, almost like a mantra. He gently went to where the young man was then took out a gun, from the gun holster around the hip of one of the men holding the young man, and without even saying anything he shot the young man in the head, the hands holding him up, finally let him go and he fell on the tiled floor with a thud, his now dead eyes reflected the unwillingness to die.

"Nooooooo". Watching his brother die, the burly man let out a painful shout and quickly turned his head away, too guilty-filled to look at the lifeless body of his only brother.

"Well, this was your fault., Gabriel said with a bored look on his face, he simply dropped the gun on the floor and steadily went to the couch he once was and took a red scarf which was on it. He put the scarf around his neck and slowly walked away, but stopped all of a sudden. "Dispose them" After saying that he, made his way out of the building. Soon later another gunshot was heard in the expansive living room.