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Seeing Five in such a state, Forty-One tried to press her advantage by trapping him in a headlock. But he is too fast and he slips out of her grasp.

She tries again, this time wrapping her legs around his neck, but Five quickly spins around, using his momentum to fling her into a nearby tree. She hits the tree hard, her body slamming into the trunk.

Forty-One gasps in pain, while Five struggled to keep standing his adrenaline was the only thing that kept him going right now and the madness to keep fighting.

Forty-one managed to stand up and looked at Five who was even struggling to keep standing, "You can't win, just give up already." She said as green light shone on her body, which started to heal her.

She may not be good in a quick fight, but when it comes to a long draw fight she shines, cause her opponent will continue to get exhausted and tire out but she will always remain in tip-top shape.

"Don't be too sure about that." Five smiled, which gave him a creepy visage with the blood around his mouth.

He suddenly charges at her, throwing a flurry of punches and kicks. But Forty One's reflexes are lightning fast and she blocks each blow.

She waits for an opening, then struck with a jab to the stomach, followed by a cross to the face. Five stumbled back, dazed. Forty-One leaps into the air, bringing her foot down in a powerful axe kick, but Five rolls out of the way, and the kick misses its mark.

Unexpectedly Five springs up, unleashing a series of spinning back kicks. Forty-One was able to deflect the first few kicks, but she was caught off guard by the last one.

It smashes into her ribs, knocking the wind out of her. She doubles over, clutching her side. Five seizes the opportunity and rushes in, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back.

Forty-One grunted in pain, she used her free hand to sweep his legs out from under him. They both fall to the ground, grappling for control, but Five still manages to pin her down and lock her arms behind her back.

She struggled against his grip, but couldn't break free, Five was giving it his all, but she was not ready to give up. She uses her legs to push off the ground, twisting her body to throw him off balance which she succeeded.

Five toppled to the ground and stood back up, she rolled away and stood up as well, but when she looked at him she froze in terror.

She looked at the grenade pin in Five's hand and her eyes widened in fear as she tapped her left pocket and confirmed that the grenade in it was no longer there.

An explosion from her jacket pocket sent her falling to the ground unconscious with red smoke surrounding her. The red smoke in the grenade contains some incapacitating chemical agent which can make one lose consciousness even if the grenades are not lethal.

When Five and Forty-One were grappling for control on the ground, she was unaware that he had his hand in her pocket. He slowly reached in and retrieved the grenade in her left pocket which she hadn't used.

He knew she probably had a grenade or something from the first time they met. He had observed that she constantly kept her hands inside her pocket and he never saw her with any weapon.

He had a knife, Forty-Four had a Pistol, and even her sister Eighty had an empty gun holster, but she never showed any weapon. This means that whatever she got as a weapon was inside her pocket.

He took a lucky chance and it paid off and let him change the tides of the battle.

He wondered why the others' attention wasn't attracted by the little explosion and red smoke, but he soon discovered that they weren't even close by as fighting sounds could be heard across the nearby trees.

As he was about to go towards the direction of the fight a wave of fatigue suddenly washed over him and he fell breathing hard, this fight had completely taken a toll on him as he struggled to stay awake cause he knew the moment he closed his eyes and fall into the darkness he'd be eliminated.

When that thought crossed his mind, he dragged his body up as he felt every part of his body heavier than usual as if they weighed a ton, he managed to start walking as he staggered like a drunkard fully wasted.

In the woods which their fight had led them, Forty Four and Eighty were still battling it out. From others' point of view, it looked like twins were locked in a fight cause Forty-Four was using Eighty's characteristics.

As the fight progressed Eighty got to learn that Forty-Four is only able to use at least 50% of her strength after changing to her.

This weakness had left Forty-Four at a complete disadvantage in the fight so far as he was looking beaten up with blood and bruises all over.

Another reason was that even if he was using someone else's body it was a little difficult for him to control and get accustomed to it and he didn't fight as efficiently as he used to, making him predictable.

But he was still forced to keep using her body and strength, cause once he reverts to himself, she would easily snap him like a little twig.

Forty-Four once again charged toward her, delivering a thunderous punch to her jaw. She only stumbled back and quickly regained her balance and retaliated with a powerful kick that knocked him off his feet.

He wasn't giving up yet, he jumped back up hurling a tree branch at her. However, she deftly sidestepped and lunged forward, sending Forty-Four crashing into a nearby tree which broke from impact.

Determined, Forty-Four didn't care about his pain and rushed back, unleashing a barrage of punches on her. She blocked them with ease and rolled her body, sending him flying once more.

Forty-Four was now down, dazed, and injured. Eighty approached him, ready to end the fight. Suddenly he grabbed her foot and dragged her to the ground.

She tried to stand, but Forty Four was quick to pin her down, she struggled baring her teeth and hissing with anger. Forty-four was taken aback, but not enough to lose his grip on her.

With all his strength, he pushed her down and readied himself to deliver the final blow.

But as he lifted his arm, she suddenly smiled. She flipped him over her head and slammed him to the ground with a deafening thud.

This time around Forty Four was really down for the count as reverted to his body writhing in pain on the ground.

Eighty was no better she breathed hard, her mental strength almost fully exhausted, she slowly crawled towards him, finally trying to end it, as she promised herself she first took his left leg and snapped it.

"Aaaaah" a gurgling shout of pain escaped Forty Four's lips as he witnessed and experienced his leg being broken.

With a satisfying smirk, she moved closer to his face readying herself to give him a hard punch that would knock him out.

But suddenly someone grabbed her from the back and drove a knife into her heart.

" Don't move, unless you will die" Five whispered in her ears. What he said was completely true the knife penetrated her aorta, if she moves too much or tries to pull it out she will definitely die." The choice is your's" Five continued as he slowly removed his hand from the hilt of the knife.