WebNovelNumber 596.97%


"Not everything you have stays forever. But there are things you would be glad to fight for just so you can have them longer"

Now on the fighting stage, two girls stood far apart from each other, but their eyes were fixed intently on each other.

Sixteen who stood at one end is a petite young girl, wearing a sleek blue combat uniform that fits her slender frame perfectly. Her height, at 5'9", gives her a poised and slightly towering presence. Her brown hair falls just past her shoulders, neatly tied back, allowing a few strands to frame her determined face.

At the opposite end of the fighting stage stands Forty-Five, a tall, pale-faced girl, clad in a sleek black combat uniform, she appears almost as if she's a shadow brought to life. Standing at 5'11", her slender yet athletic frame exudes quiet strength. Her black hair cascades down her back, slightly tousled but controlled, contrasting sharply with her pale complexion. Her dark eyes, framed by her pale skin, carry a cold, unwavering focus, locked onto her opponent.

The now down translucent invisible barrier suddenly shimmered back to life as it enveloped the fighting stage once again like a dome, everything was silent once again and if one were to drop a pin, it would be heard by everyone.

The coming back to life of the barrier was a sign that they should begin fighting and Forty-Five made the first move, rushing forward with fierce determination. Her fists swung towards Sixteen, aiming to overwhelm her with brute strength.

But Sixteen remained calm. The first punch connected with her chest, but instead of flinching, she absorbed the impact, leaving Forty-Five, surprised cause the feeling she got from her punch was like throwing a stone into a lake.

But sixteen feeling the surge of energy pulse through her veins, let out a mocking smile. Forty-five undeterred followed with a second and third blow and with each hit, Sixteen's power grew, her body glowing faintly with the accumulated force. In an instant, she moved. Her speed was blinding, a blur of motion as she twisted around her taller opponent, with every step precise, every movement fluid. The kinetic energy she had absorbed flowed through her, and with a swift, effortless strike, she released it. Her palm connected with the Forty-Five's chest, sending her flying backward with a deafening shockwave as she hit the translucent.

The fight was over in seconds. Forty-Five crashed to the ground, dazed and unable to stand as she coughed out blood before finally going unconscious, while Sixteen stood over her, barely even winded. She exhaled softly, her eyes still sharp, as if the battle had been nothing more than a brief moment of exertion.

This was the expected outcome though, but the expendables didn't know that it was going to be this easy to be taken down when facing a Neo. It wasn't a fight at all, cause in a fight, two or more parties are participating, what it was, was a direct beatdown.

Blue Zero inside the glass boss, let out an almost unnoticeable smile, while black zero frowned.

He then turned to one of the black uniform men facing a screen,

"classify her as an alpha-level neo."

The barrier soon came down and the shadowed men around came in and took the unconscious Forty-Five away, while Sixteen confidently walked back to her seat among the Neos.

Soon enough other numbers were called to fight, sometimes a Neo against a Neo, or expendable against an expendable, or polar opposite ( but let's focus on only a few main characters. *Wink*)


Now standing motionless on the fighting stage is a handsome teen, his figure sharp and commanding in a fitted blue combat uniform. His ice-blue eyes, striking and intense, glimmered with a cold detachment as if nothing in the world could stir his emotions. His face, chiseled and smooth, bore no trace of warmth—just a frozen, unreadable expression. The stark blue of his uniform matched the color of his piercing gaze, giving him an almost otherworldly aura as he surveyed his opponent. This is no other person than sociopath Twenty.

His opponent Thirty-Two, a Neo as well stood across from him on the fighting stage, his presence a sharp contrast to the cold, stoic figure of Twenty. Clad in a similar blue combat uniform, his 5'6" frame was slightly shorter but compact and well-built, suggesting agility and speed. His blonde hair, slightly tousled yet neat, caught the light, giving him an almost radiant appearance. His face, though youthful, carried a determined expression, his eyes filled with focus and readiness. Despite his smaller stature, there was a quiet confidence in the way he stood, shoulders squared, as if prepared to meet any challenge head-on. He didn't have to wait long though, cause soon enough the barrier enveloped the stage once again.

Thirty-Two charges first, his hands glowing with a brilliant yellow light. He raises his palm and fires it


A massive energy blast shoots toward Twenty.

Twenty sidesteps at the last moment, leaving behind a trail of frost on the floor. His eyes narrow, his smile widening.

"You’ll have to do better than that."

Thirty two growls and launches another blast, this time faster. The ground beneath Twenty cracks as he dodges and retaliates with a wave of ice spikes, shooting up from the ground toward Thirty-Two.

**CRACK!** **SLAM!**

The spikes strike, piercing through Thirty-Two’s energy shield that he had raised and grazed his arm. He grits his teeth, one arm bleeding slightly, but doesn't stop. His face now contorted in a grimace.

"'You think you're invincible, huh?" He shouted at Twenty whose smile never left his face.

He plants his feet and unleashes a continuous energy barrage.


The blasts tear through the stage, slamming into the barrier, and causing the entire area to shake slightly.

Twenty raises his arms, summoning a blizzard wall The blasts collide with the ice, shattering parts of it, but he keeps his stance, barely moving. He clenches his fists, and the blizzard intensifies, swirling around him. Suddenly, he lunges forward, sliding effortlessly on a trail of ice, closing the gap between them.


Twenty strikes with a frost-coated punch to Thirty-Two’s ribs, sending him stumbling back, ice creeping up his side.

Thirty Two roars in pain, but manages to fire another energy blast point-blank, hitting Twenty square in the chest.


*Twenty was thrown back, hitting the barrier with a loud crash. He coughed as ice smoke crackled on his chest as he froze up the burning area on his chest, but his smile never faded as he spoke in a low voice

"Not bad. But... it’s my turn."

He raises his hand, summoning ice chains from the ground. They snake toward Thirty-Two, wrapping around his legs and arms, locking him in place.

Thirty-Two struggles, his energy flaring, but the ice is too strong as frost creeps up his body.

"No… I won’t lose to you" he growled with a strained voice

Summoning all his remaining strength, he lets out a primal scream, his body surging with energy. He overcharges, sending out a massive shockwave of energy that shatters the ice chains and blows Twenty back.

Twenty skids across the ground, his body battered but still smiling.

"Impressive." He said with an amused tone

Both fighters, bruised and bleeding, face off in the center of the stage, panting heavily.

Suddenly, Twenty’s eyes glinted coldly. He slams his fist into the ground, and the entire stage is covered in a sheet of ice. Thirty-Two stumbles, struggling to stay on his feet.

With a sudden burst of speed, Twenty slides across the ice, dodging Thirty-Two’s final energy blast, and slams an ice-coated fist into Thirty-Two’s chest, sending a shockwave of frost into his body.

Thirty-Two gasps as the cold spreads through him, freezing his body. His arms drop to his sides, his breath coming out in weak, icy gasps. Twenty then stands over him, his cold, blue eyes gleaming and a grin on his face.

"You fought well… but it’s over now," he whispered

He then conjures an ice spike, aiming it at Thirty-Two's heart.


That was the only thing he could voice out weakly before the spike pierced through his chest. His body goes limp, frozen in place from the inside out and a kick later from him twenty scattered his frozen body all over the stage. The translucent barrier dims, signaling the fight's end. Twenty turned and walked away as the frost still lingered in the air

"Another one down"

He muttered.....