Chapter one

My name it's John Green and I was born in Los Angeles California, I'm a former cop and detective. I will document my journey in a journal, and I will tell you exactly what happened to me. I'm in prison because I killed someone, and that man was a bastard who deserved it. Probably you may laugh but I'm innocent. Why I'm here ?I'll inform you shortly.I think I'm going to die, why? I will tell you right now.

23 January 1958

Friday night, I was in my favorite Chinese restaurant and I ordered rice with fried eggs,It is my preferred dish , after that, I ordered some fortunate cookies because It's funny to read some meaningless messages, yeah I need a hobby. I'm a weird guy, I even named my gun, Frank, I did that because I had a partner Frank, he got shot twice in the head, he was my best friend and a good partner, we tried to save someone who was threatened with a gun, that bastard said we should not get too close otherwise he will kill the hostage, Frank always was a brave man, but his courage ultimately led to his demise, so he took out his gun in order to kill him, poor Frank, if he were quicker then him, that bastard pointed the gun right on his head....and I think you know what happened next,(he took a bullet) I lost it, so I shot him five times in the head, I think I was too kind with him. Since then, I gave up being a cop. Back in restaurant, I found a message! It says "In twelve months, you will meet your end ." That very funny because I'm sick and tired of this life. Well I paid for my meal and now I'm heading home. I still remember that dark night, It was just me and my thoughts, no human being around me, the noisy wind was like a ghostly whisper and the rain drops sounds like a person's foot steps who was right behind me ready to finish me off, but I wasn't scared I'm not afraid of darkness, I'm not afraid of anything, It's just paranoia. I hate rain, makes me feel sentimental. Suddenly, I see something on the ground, it's a note. That's odd, almost like as If someone placed it right there, I read it... and it says "In twelve months, you will meet your end". It can't be the same note that was in my fortunate cookie, the shape it's different and the color too. No! I'm not drunk, I quitted long time ago. Or maybe it's my mind who plays tricks with me, or maybe I should change my cigarettes. I'm sure it's a joke, yeah, surely it's a joke. Whoever it is, he chose the wrong man, I'm not the type of guy to make fun of. I'm the best detective from USA, but I think he doesn't know that, too bad for him.If I find I will tell him a joke and he might not laugh. But its not my style to pursue those who don't matter I got a reputation to mentain. I've arrived home, and in front of the door I see her, my lovely wife, Donna.

Donna: John, I missed you.

John: Hello honey, I missed you too.

Donna: How was it today?

John: A tough day as usual.

After spending some time talking, I went to sleep. But I couldn't, I was still thinking about that note, " In twelve months, you will meet your end" , who is this guy and what does he desire from me? Ha! I should stop thinking about that, he's not a threat to me. He's not...