Wait, what was I even doing? Was I still in the estate? For all I knew, I could be in Spain or some other exotic location. My mind was a jumbled mess. I sat upright, rubbing my temples, and called out, "Ann! Where am I?" I wasn't even sure if Ann was everywhere, but as soon as I spoke, the lounge sprang to life. "You are in the Luis Mansion, young sir, within the REDSFIELD estate," Ann replied, her voice calm and soothing. I sighed silently as I heard a knock on the door. It was Williams, accompanied by a lanky guy wearing a crisp white uniform, complete with a name tag that read "Massage Therapist." Chester," Williams began, "it's time for your massage." The therapist cracked his knuckles, and I literally died inside. "I'm very sure I don't need that right now," I said, laughing nervously. "But Chester," Williams protested, "it's part of your relaxation routine." I urged him again, "I'm very sure!" Just as I thought I'd escaped the clutches of the massage therapist, the door swung open to reveal a stunning woman, also wearing the same crisp white uniform, her raven-black hair flowed across her shoulders. She looked like she was in her early twenties, and her bright smile lit up the room. "I'm ready for my massage!" I blurted out without thinking. Yeah, I knew the world was ending, but who turns down a good massage, especially from someone who looked like she belonged on the cover of a magazine?

After what felt like the quickest hour of my life, the massage therapists packed up their equipment and left me feeling like a new person. I had to admit, the movies were right - massages were pure magic. My muscles felt like jelly, my mind was clear, and I felt a bit better. Williams informed me that my dad was coming to visit me later that day, which was weird since he was still technically married to my mom. I guess that's what happens when your parents are basically strangers. But hey, at least he was doing well. I found out that he owned a food company in Switzerland, where he now lived, and I couldn't help but feel a little proud of him. His culinary skills were finally being recognized, and I was happy for him. What really threw me off, though, was that REDSFIELD junior high was giving me four free days a month for my "relaxation routine". I would have been killed if I missed school that much before! Ann had even synced up with the therapists to monitor my vital signs and adjust the massage accordingly. It was freaky, but also kind of cool. As I lay there, feeling like a pampered prince, I realized that maybe this whole "relaxation routine" thing wasn't so bad after all.

The day dragged on forever, and I was itching to see what Sukani had done to my dad since people were just transforming here and there. But the day had other plans, and I found myself with a ton of free time on my hands. Luckily, I had the massive Luis Mansion to explore, and let me tell you, it was a treasure trove of awesomeness! I could easily spend weeks discovering all its secrets. I wandered through the stunning gardens, marveling at the vibrant flowers and perfectly manicured lawns. The glassrooms were like something out of a sci-fi movie, with their futuristic architecture and exotic plants. As an art lover, I was in heaven in the art house, surrounded by masterpieces from famous artists and sculptures that seemed to come alive. The music house was another favorite, with its soundproof rooms and sleek instruments that made me want to jam all day. I even caught a movie in the cinema, complete with plush seats and a massive screen. And then there was the lawn, perfect for a picnic or a game of frisbee. The bathhouse and spa were like a mini-resort, with saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs galore. And don't even get me started on the swimming pools - there were like five of them! But my absolute favorite was the gaming house, packed with every console, game, and gadget a gamer could dream of. It was like a dream come true! I spent hours exploring, playing, and relaxing in this incredible mansion.

For what felt like an eternity, I lounged in my room, exhausted from a marathon movie and gaming session. I surrendered to the comfort of my bed, letting Ann's expertly curated playlist serenade me with soothing melodies. Celine Dion's powerful ballads, Don Williams' smooth country tunes, and Westlife's catchy pop harmonies filled the air, and I couldn't help but admit that Ann had impeccable taste in music. As the clock struck 7:00 PM, Williams' gentle voice interrupted my musical reverie, inviting me to dinner. I hesitated at first, but my stomach growled in protest, and I decided to indulge in the culinary delights of the mansion. The kitchen, that was basically a battleground for the disputing servants, now became my playground. I seized the opportunity to create a mouth-watering masterpiece: pasta and meatballs, paired with a tender steak and crispy fries. Why settle for a restrictive diet when the world's cuisine was at my fingertips? I even treated myself to a decadent ice cream, savoring the sweet freedom of my new life. As the night wore on, my mom's absence became increasingly noticeable. It was 9:00 PM, the hour she usually enforced as bedtime, but I felt wide awake, my mind racing with excitement. At 11:00 PM, I tossed and turned in bed when a soft knock at the door broke the silence.

"Who's at the door, Ann?" I asked lazily, feeling like I was floating on cloud nine. It was like I'd died and gone to heaven - I could never get used to this level of luxury. "It's Williams, young sir!" Ann replied, her voice crisp and clear. I sprang out of bed like a jackrabbit, my heart racing with excitement. I had begged Williams to come get me the moment my dad arrived home, no matter how late. "Let him in, Ann!" I called out, scrambling into my soft, fluffy slippers. The door swung open, and Williams trudged in, looking like he'd been up for days. "He's...he's back, Chester," he said, rubbing his eyes like he was trying to erase the exhaustion. "He's having dinner downstairs, but I don't think it's a good idea for you to see him right now. You know how cranky he gets after work." His eyes pleaded with me to stay away. I thought to myself, "Dinner at 11? That's just crazy talk!" But I was determined to see my dad. "It's fine, Williams, I can handle it. It's kinda important," I replied, trying to sound calmer than I felt. Williams raised an eyebrow. "What could be so important?" he asked, curiosity getting the better of him. I just smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, but thanks for looking out for me, man!" I held out my fist, waiting for him to return the fist bump. He hesitated for a moment, looking surprised, but then cracked a smile and bumped my fist with his.