Despite fully knowing that everything was happening because of my harmless wish, I still desperately sought the underlying reason behind the chaos. But who could I turn to? My so-called mother, with her perpetually tight-lipped smile, or the servants with their pale, ghostly faces that seemed to hold a thousand secrets? I was determined to get to the bottom of it, no matter what it took!

"Oh, for fuck's sake, Sukani!" I muttered to myself, my mind racing with possibilities. I thought about my Chronicle, the book that held all my deepest secrets and desires. Could it be the key to unlocking the mystery? Did it still exist? Was there even a remote possibility that I still possessed it? If I did, it would be the only one who could shed light on the whatever the fuck was going on.

Determined I gazed around the enormous room I still struggled to call my own. The high ceilings, adorned with intricate frescoes, and the lavish furnishings felt like a perfect. I felt like I was searching for a needle in a haystack, with no hope of finding it. I flung open drawer after drawer, scanning every nook and cranny with growing desperation. But it was nowhere to be found. I checked under the plush bed, the tiny library with its dusty tomes, and even the gaming area with its polished wooden tables. It was nowhere.

Frustration took over, and I let out a blood-curdling scream, the sound echoing off the walls like a wounded animal. My heart raced, and my mind reeled with the implications. Where was my Chronicle?

And then, I remembered Ann. I shook my head, chuckling at my own stupidity for not thinking of her sooner. "Ann!" I called out, my voice echoing off the lavish walls of my room.

"Yes, young sir?" the room responded, Ann's soft, melodious voice seeming to come from all directions at once.

I asked, my eyes closed, hoping against hope, "Where's my Chronicle?" My heart raced with anticipation, my palms growing sweaty with excitement.

"It's in your safe, young sir," Ann replied, her voice calm and reassuring.

My eyes snapped open, wide with delight, as if I'd just stumbled upon a treasure trove. And as if by magic, a hidden safe slid out from the pristine walls, opened by a soft click, like a secret door revealing a hidden world. I gasped in wonder, my heart skipping a beat.

And there it was, my beloved Chronicle, nestled in the safe like a precious gem. Old, worn, and smelling like paper and grandma's attic - a scent that transported me back to lazy summer afternoons spent poring over dusty tomes. I sighed in relief, embracing the book like a long-lost friend, scanning its pages with hope.

I flipped back a few pages, my fingers tracing the worn edges of the paper, and my eyes widened in shock at what I read. Did I really write all this down? The words blurred together as my mind struggled to comprehend the raw emotions that poured out of me like blood from a fresh wound.

"May 12th... A usual day, father hit mother again!" The words screamed off the page, echoing the anguish and helplessness I felt that day. "Her face is all puffy and ugly... I hate my life so much." I remembered the feeling of despair that had settled in the pit of my stomach like a heavy stone.

My heart raced as I continued reading, my eyes scanning the pages with a mix of horror and fascination. "I didn't get the dog... and Jessy Jones kissed Bridget in my bathroom!" I exclaimed aloud, my voice laced with disbelief and disgust. What the fuck! Jessy kissed Bridget?! Not too surprising, but man, nah! Not in my bathroom - the one place I considered my sanctuary. I felt violated, like my personal space had been desecrated.

I continued reading, my mind reeling like a stormy sea. "May 13th, father returned drunk, in another woman's arms... it's clearly Chelsea Evans, and mom isn't bothered." The words stung like a slap in the face. I remembered the feeling of betrayal and anger that had coursed through my veins like poison.

"I think a divorce will be better!" I had written, the words jumping off the page like a desperate cry for help. "Father can finally move to Switzerland and face his business... mother and I will enjoy our lives alone, and I'll finally go to boarding school."

As I read the words, my hands trembled, and the Chronicle slipped out of my grasp, falling to the floor with a soft thud. I felt like I was reliving the nightmare all over again, the emotions still raw.

My lips quivered, and a bitter taste filled my mouth. Memories of grandma's warm eyes and dad's loving smiles flooded my mind, contrasting starkly with the painful reality unfolding before me. But again, I should have seen this coming. I needed to talk to sukani no matter what.

I took a deep breath, composed myself, and drifted back to sleep, the softness of the bed enveloping me like a cloud. But my reprieve was short-lived, as I was jolted awake the next morning by Ann's gentle voice and the warm sunlight streaming through the windows.

The usual routine I had grown to dread began to unfold like a well-rehearsed play. The swarming servants, the hair stylists, and designers descended upon me like a whirlwind, transforming me into a polished version of myself. But today was different - today, I was headed to school, and the thought filled me with a of excitement.

As I gazed at the uniform laid out before me, I felt a bit of nostalgia for my faded red coat and worn navy blue pants. But this new uniform was a far cry from those tattered clothes - it was crisp, perfect, and intimidating. I slipped into it, feeling like a million dollars. For a moment, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and barely recognized the person staring back - confident, poised, and put-together.

Breakfast was...okay. At least better than the bland, tasteless meal of the previous night. I savored each bite, trying to distract myself from the absence of my parents. I saw none of them, but I tried to shrug it off, telling myself I didn't care anymore. But the ache within me betrayed my words.

I'll let you guess that school was absolutely fantastic - a surreal experience that felt like a dream come true. The first thing that set the tone for this extraordinary day was the luxurious SUV that pulled up to take me to school. I mean, what do you expect when you're whisked away in a sleek, vehicle with tinted windows, plush leather seats, and a personal driver who greeted me with a crisp smile? It was like something out of a movie.

As I settled into the backseat, feeling like royalty, I couldn't help but gaze out the window at the passing scenery - the manicured lawns, the towering trees, and the quaint houses that seemed to blur together in a haze of privilege and perfection. My driver, a stoic figure with a kind smile, navigated the roads with ease, expertly avoiding traffic and delivering me to the school gates with time to spare.

The SUV's engine purred softly as we came to a stop, and I felt a thrill of excitement mixed with a dash of nerves as I gazed up at the school's imposing facade - a sprawling, ivy-covered building that seemed to whisper secrets of the past. I took a deep breath, grabbed my bag, and stepped out of the car.