Stepping outside, the world hit me all at once. Everything felt brighter, the kind of bright where the sun glints off every surface. The pavement was still wet from the rain last night, and the air was that perfect mix of fresh and cool, with a few puddles still left behind.

Fiona squinted, raising her hand to block the sunlight. “See? Isn’t it better out here already?” she asked, nudging me with her elbow. I just shrugged, trying not to admit she was right. “Where to first?”

“Ice cream!” she said, like she had it planned out from the start.

It wasn’t long before we found ourselves standing in front of our favorite ice cream stand, but of course, there was a line. I glanced at the people in front of us, annoyed at first. “Great, a queue,” I muttered. Fiona just grinned. “Chill, it’ll move fast.” And surprisingly, it did. We both got to the front of the line soon enough.