Greg had been the first to sight him. He had on a look of annoyance masking his facial expression, and a cup of wine in his right hand, which he gesticulated wildly with immediately he launched into a series of question, spilling the red drink all over the marbled tiles. “Where have you been? It’s so late and you don’t even know anybody here. You think because it’s a small town, it’s a safe place to roam around late at night? Have you been seeing the news even? And your phone? Why aren’t your calls going through?”

Grayson rolled his eyes, and groaned, already quite expecting this outburst. His voice rose in annoyance when he spoke back. “Give me a break, Greg! A break! You’re not dad!”

Greg squinted, and then tilted his head as he asked. “Excuse me, young man?”

Grayson repeated, his voice strained. “You are not dad. Stop trying so hard to be him.”

After the tense silence in the room, the two brothers engaged in a stare-down. Greg felt like the words were a blow to his head, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness as he realized his baby brother was growing into a young man. With a slightly trembling hand, he raised his drink to his lips and took a slow sip, keeping his gaze fixed on Gray over the wine glass. "You don't have the right to speak to me like that," he said firmly. "You're still just a little boy, and everything I do is for your safety."

Grayson seemed flustered. He facepalmed himself and sighed into his hands before running them through his hair in frustration. “You... just don’t get me.”

In a suggestive tone, Greg said; “Then let me get you.” It had a bit of hostility in it.

“I...” Grayson had been practicing the words he would say, over and over again. And now that he was standing there, having an opportunity to convince his brothers he was capable of being on his own, he seemed lost of those words he had practiced so much. He raised his hands, sorting to pass across his information in any way he could, and gesticulated. “I want to be me now. I’ve had enough of you and Gabriel. I want to be my own person. I want to live my own life, and make my own decisions.”

Gabriel was seated on a couch between his brothers, in a knee length hooded bath robe. His legs were crossed, and he was reclined against the softness of the seat, a playful smirk atop his lips while he scrolled away on his phone. The hood of the bathrobe was pulled over his head, and the light from his phone illuminated his facial features. “The boy’s right, Greg.” He contributed to the matter, though he could be less bothered about it. “He needs a break from all the fatherly role. Let him live a little. Dad was never this harsh on any of us. Give him a chance. You’re being too hard.”

Grayson seemed a little relieved that he was getting a support at least. Gabriel would always get his back, no matter the situation at hand. He glanced around the room and noticed Gideon was squatted by the fire place, in the corner of the living room, his back to them. He was in a black leather jacket, and he had his hands put against the warmth of the fire. Grayson wondered why he had always been so off and acted like the family matters where none of his own business. The older man, as if sensing Gray’s eyes staring into the back of his head, turned around and locked eyes with him before sending him a curt nod. He then got up from his crouched position, and walked across the room to settle into an one seat couch and cracked his knuckles. He was silent, just watched the supposedly meeting start with an argument before the proceeded to the real reason he had called for the meeting. He wanted out of the hotel business.

“So what you’re proposing is you want me off your back,” Grayson returned his eyes to listen to Greg speaking. He had his arms crossed, and was being patient with the boy.

“I never put it that way.”

“So then put it in a way I’d understand. You asked for an audience. You’re getting it now.”

Grayson sighed in relief. He shared a look with Gabriel who gave him a very approving, supportive nod. They had discussed about this before, a lot of times, before he even came to Warmaukey for the birthday. That had been the main reason they’d convinced Greg to let the birthday happen in their hometown. After, they’ll also convince him to let Gray stay and enroll into the local high school for his senior year.

The boy began his speech: “I really appreciate you always trying to be there Greg, and your support and love. But I’m an adult now...” Greg rolled his eyes and mumbled incoherently beneath his voice. Grayson ignored the eye roll and continued. “I feel like I have been too shielded, too guided, guarded. You even home schooled me ever since mom and dad died. I appreciate you have been on the look, and trust me, you’ve taken on the fatherly role perfectly well.”

Greg took a slow sip of his wine. “Round this up,” he said, his finger made a circular wave in the air, and he smacked his lips as he did so. “We need to proceed to what Gideon...” Emphasis layed on the name. “Called a meeting for.”

Grey exhaled loudly, huff and puffed, and then let out the words that had been clogging his throat. “I put a halt on my modeling business for the mean time. A year at most. And the brand deals I’d gotten recently.” Greg, saying nothing, looked at him like he were crazy. Grayson undeterred, continued. “I know what you’re thinking, how will I continue to make money? The estate deals will still continue, and besides, I have more than enough...” his voice nearly broke. “I just need a break from being everywhere, being everything all at once. I want to be a normal kid for once.”

“So?” Greg probed, and gestured for him to continue.

Grayson’s eyes locked with Gabriel once again, who sent him a thumbs up. “When Gabe leaves for California tomorrow, I’m staying back at Warmaukey for a while longer.”

“How long?”

“Six months or one year at most.”

Gregorio’s brows knitted in disapproval. His head shook the negative, as if to repeat no countless of times. And when he finally spoke, the tautness in his voice told Gray he wasn’t agreeing. “Are you crazy?” He certainly wasn’t in agreement. He rephrased his question. “No, you are crazy. This town is the last place you want be at the moment. It’s not safe.”

“Oh, C’mon man.” Gabriel interceded. “He will be fine. I will put people to watch him, guards, security, whatever calms your titties.”

Greg spun around to jab an accusing finger at him. “Are you in support of this, too?”

“Yes. Right from the very start.” Gabriel gave a teasing smile as he added. “You’re clueless as to why we’re here for a birthday, aren’t you? It’s to give the boy the freedom he wants. And apparently, being here, with guards even isn’t that freedom. You need to let him loose. He’ll be fine.”

Greg disagreed. “Not happening.”

Grayson let out a frustrated groan. “Please, Greg!”

“I’m going to be in town for a while. The boy can stay.”

Silence had befallen the entire room, safe for the sound of fire crackling in the corner of the space and Gabriel playing a game on his phone, candy crush, it seemed. Everyone of them turned to look at the owner of the somber voice. It was Gideon, who had been seating so silently, now contributing to the subject at hand.

Greg snorted, and settled into one of the couches, easing his legs of having to be standing for too long. He rotated his wine cup in his right hand, and then finally spoke. His voice held on tightly to anger, and showcased obvious hostility and scorn. “You’ve left us, and this boy since he was twelve. What makes you think you have a say in his life now? You just come back unexpectedly, and you expect me to believe you aren’t up to something?”

The blank expression on Gideon’s face never reflected any emotion as he spoke. “You and I know I have just as much say in this boy’s life as you do.”

Greg bellowed ferociously. “Oh. you do now?!”

“He’s my brother too.”

“Is he now?!”


Gideon’s tone remained calm. “Six years and you never cared to ask why I left.”

“Because you left on your own accord!”


“Because after mom and dad’s death you treated me like a stranger.”

“Because you shut us all off like we didn’t matter to you!”


“I needed to find my life course, a reevaluation, to be what I wanted, who I needed to be. I was lost.”


“And what have those six years given you? A wife? Children? More money? Happiness? I doubt that even.”

Gabriel got out of his seat and approached the two arguing men. “¡Ustedes me están dando dolor de cabeza! ¡Deja de discutir como niños, tonto!” His yell had gotten their attention, and when there was finally silence between the two men, he added swiftly. “Greg, if Grayson wants to stay, he stays. And Gideon, nobody ever treated you like a stranger, you did that to yourself. Not any of us.” And then he returned to his seat. “You’re our brother. We love you. Every single one of us. Stop letting yourself feel so left out. Welcome back to the familia.”

Gideon, ignoring the look of anger directed his way by his younger brother, nodded and smiled briefly. “And I’m here to stay.” He then turned to look at a perplexed Grayson. “It’s two against one. You’re free to stay at Warmaukey and explore as much as you want.”

Almost for a second there, Grayson got reminded what exploring had caused him the last time with Laura Moore. Still, he finally sunk into the couch next to Gabriel and exhaled in relief. “I love you man!” He beamed happily like a kid with a candy.