Chapter 9: Flying Directly

With a thousand staff members, we practiced Qi condensation for seven days. This achievement may not be considered a colossal feat, but it certainly deserves a place in the contemporary ranks.

Taoism is like escalating. The first steps are always straightforward and do not take much effort, but gradually the climb will be very exhausting. The speed is slow, and sometimes the hand slides away.

Nathan's body has always been the recipient of Nine Turns Heavenly Art. Nathan sealed all the original blood in the bowl, allowing the silver blood to flow horizontally. This type of silver blood is extremely powerful, constantly improving his body in a positive direction. His body's pores and acupuncture points operate at a faster pace.

Nathan opened his eyes, and the sharpness in his gaze increased. While fighting, the demon consistently pushed his monk forward.

At this moment, Mia quickly touched his shoulder and hurriedly spoke:

Run quickly; the Wilson family is approaching, and there is condensation in the middle of the room.

Don't believe that killing the middle-aged Qi Condensation equates to detesting this level of monk.

The demon, aside from its initial attack, lacks any magical power. In contrast, the monk possesses not only a dharma sponsor but also a magical power that can transform virtual entities. A central Qi Condensation monk can simultaneously kill four devils of the same level at the same time. Furthermore, the killing process is effortless, unlike Nathan's struggle.

I finally found you!

The other two monks laughed coldly and split into two directions to surround Nathan and Mia.

Do I have a full-power god, Great Dao? Do you definitely want the fish to die torn or torn?

Hearing Mia say that the other two laughed.

You can only use it once, and if you use it again, we will sacrifice someone. The wonderful son will definitely treat my family well!

They have determined at all costs to consume the god of the god, causing the entire Wilson family to try to be cavalry.

Mia remained silent, allowing God to overwhelm her mind at any moment.

If you want to change the network, go hand in hand!

Both monks simultaneously attacked, intending to perform a close attack.

- Wait!

At this moment, Nathan was big.

The two giants stopped holding hands, and we surrendered!

Not only the other two men were stupid, but Mia was also shocked.

"What does he want to play again?"

Mia gazed at Nathan, his hands clenched in insecurity, displaying a cowardly expression worthy of a punch, with his hands clenched in a sign of insecurity.

We surrender; don't you need to lose a network?

A cold monk:

How could she have surrendered when she still had a god in her body?

The other name nodded.

We volunteered to make sacrifices for the magnificent prince!


Nathan suddenly sighed and shook his head.

Their actions are foolish. Upon reflection, both of them are exceptional talents and exhausted individuals; why are they buried here? Isn't it a waste of a hero's life? Who is willing to make the sacrifice of leaving behind an elderly mother, a frail father, or an orphaned wife? Are you sure Jack will follow the promise?

In the afternoon, he took turns with the two monks. As anticipated, when it came to determining who would die, both monks hid their gazes, expressing hope that their opponent would emerge victorious.

Are you going to use these words: fascinated, useless?

You laughed coldly, but you didn't take any action; instead, you waited for your friends. When the other guy realized what the other guy was thinking, his face couldn't hide its anger.

Come on! No one wants to die. Can we negotiate a little?

- Negotiate?

Indeed, the two monks felt shaken and decided not to risk their lives anymore.

We are handing over the Nine Turns of Heavenly Art; please spare our lives. As I previously mentioned, you should not practice this Nine Turns Heavenly Art arbitrarily; instead, you can offer it to Jack for a reward.

Nathan's expression was very sincere, and he also clearly said that there was a problem with Nine Turns Heavenly Art. The other two monks knew this, so they couldn't see his plan.

Then hand it over quickly!

Both spoke in unison.

Books do not record such an important secret. I read it once; please remember it carefully!

Hurry up; you talk too much!

The two monks were extremely dissatisfied. Nathan did not dare to wait, so he read aloud the first step of the mind, dharma.

Such magic?

Sure enough, these two monks, like him before, couldn't hold back their desire to immerse themselves in it; they just wanted to immediately try it out.

Okay, transaction successful; we say goodbye!

Even though their desire was at its peak, these two guys still maintained their composure and decided to find a quiet place to practice in seclusion.

Watching the two men split into two directions and rush away in the thick fog, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Nathan's mouth.

Mia witnessed it from beginning to end, feeling a bit frightened about his madness.

Instead, you want to chase and kill them.

If you don't kill now, how long will you wait?

After saying that, he carried Mia and chased after a guy.

Upon his arrival, he observed a man rolling on the ground, wailing in agony. The difference between primitive and silver blood caused serious injuries to his body. If he had an immortal body, he would undoubtedly be able to combat it; however, he is not Nathan.

One punch killed this monk, and Nathan immediately ran in the direction of the other monk. There was a sound of painful crying, but a moment later it was silent.

Nathan wiped away the blood on his hands, his expression cold and gloomy, completely different from his shameless appearance just now.

What kind of person are you? I can't see through you!

Mia couldn't help but force her mouth to speak.

What did you say to me?

Nathan grinned, his coldness completely disappearing.

I am cruel to the evil, kind to the good, and shameless to the shameless.

Mia was about to continue speaking when he waved his hand to stop her.

At the end of the first day, Nathan had killed nearly a hundred demons and demon beasts. Through crazy, bloody battles, his Qi condensation also immediately increased to nineteen hundred feet.

During this time, there were also occasional encounters with monks from other forces, but they knew that Mia was holding the divine talisman in her hand, so they did not dare to act rashly and actively avoided it.

On the second day, Nathan resumed his ruthless killing spree. Nathan skillfully performed the Wilson family's Nisin sword technique, wielding a green sword he had stolen from two monks. Of course, Mia was the one who taught him, as his Qi condensation magic power now had a sufficient foundation to cease using this sword technique.

Inferno's Wrath Sword!

As Nathan's sword light slashed down, a meteor shower carrying an evil aura also fell on the heads of more than ten early-stage Qi Condensation demons, turning them into purple mist that flew straight into the sky.

Time passed very quickly, and the second day came to an end again. Nathan and Mia became quiet because they still hadn't gotten any keys.

He encountered a humanoid demon today, but he had to flee when he realized its cultivation level was at the mid-stage Chaos Origin Realm. By the time he had run far away, he saw Begonia of the Golden Spider Clan fighting this demon. The two sides fought until it was a landslide. In the end, Begonia turned into a giant dinosaur and swallowed the demon alive, successfully capturing the key.

Even Mia appeared to be extremely appreciative.

He dared to surpass both a major realm and a minor realm to kill the mid-stage Chaos Origin Realm, a truly formidable opponent.

The journey from Qi Condensation to the Chaos Origin Realm represents a complete transformation from the monk's physical to spiritual level. In the cultivating world, fighting beyond a sub-level happens every day. However, overcoming the enormous realm of combat is another matter. A mid-stage Qi Condensation monk can kill a peak late-stage Qi Condensation monk, but a hundred Great Perfection Qi Condensation monks may not be able to kill an early-stage Chaos Origin Realm.

In the middle stage, Begonia went above and beyond, completely destroying the Chaos Origin Realm. How could he not be terrified?

Disregarding Begonia, the current challenge lies in locating the key to the second gate. Only one day remains, but Nathan isn't confident he can get the key tomorrow, so he must keep it until the end.

In the past two days, many strong individuals have faced defeat. They are concentrating on maintaining their fighting power at its peak and preparing for tomorrow's death match.

That's it. Tomorrow, there will definitely be quite a few Chaos Origin Realm experts. The odds of winning are not high; let's retreat...

Even someone as resilient as Mia has thoughts of giving up. But at this moment, she discovered that Nathan did not listen to what she said at all. Nathan glued his eyes to the purple sky above, observing with extreme attentiveness.

An hour later, his eyes were filled with blood. He simply exhaled, his face brightened, and he spoke.

We've got a way! Numerous demons and demon beasts, slain throughout the secret realm, transformed into a purple mist that rose into the air, continued to gather into clouds, and then fell to the ground to transform into new demons and beasts! However, when the key emerges from the demon beast, it's clear that the actual key originated in the sky!

I can guess this, but how can we reach the sky up there?

Mia frowned in confusion.

Nathan smiled mysteriously.

There's no need to reach for the sky; we can just fly directly!