Story 126: Infinite Happiness

In the heart of Silicon Valley, where lines of code determine the world's fate, there was a programmer named Ethan. Ethan was obsessed with one thing: happiness. He spent years developing a program that could change lives, a simple line of code that, when executed, would bring infinite happiness to the user.

His life was consumed by the project. He barely slept, barely ate, and his social life dwindled to nothing. All that mattered was the code. His colleagues mocked him, saying happiness was not something that could be coded, but Ethan was determined. He knew he was close.

Finally, after countless sleepless nights, Ethan completed the code. He called it “Eternal Joy v1.0.” The function was simple:


private static int updateDesktop(Image wallpaper) {

int happiness;

MyDesktop desktop = new MyDesktop();


happiness = INFINITY;

return happiness;

