The helicopter’s engines hummed steadily, the noise a welcome break from the chaos Zara and Callum had just escaped. Callum leaned back in her seat, clutching her ribs where the brute’s attack had landed. Zara glanced at her but said nothing, instead keeping her focus on the rapidly approaching horizon.
“Where are we headed?” Callum finally asked, her voice strained but curious.
The pilot, a grizzled man with a headset that seemed older than the helicopter, turned slightly. “Ravenwood Sanctuary. Closest safe zone still standing. You’ll get patched up there.”
Zara’s eyes narrowed. “I’ve heard of Ravenwood. Isn’t it run by the Vanguard Collective?”
The pilot nodded. “Yeah. Vanguard’s in charge. And if you’re lucky, they’ll let you stay.”