Story 422: The Whispering Tunnels

The narrow, claustrophobic tunnel stretched endlessly before the team, dimly lit by ancient lanterns that flickered as though they were alive. The damp air was laced with the smell of earth and rust, mingling with the faint metallic tang of blood still clinging to their gear. Every footstep echoed like a ghostly whisper, reverberating off the uneven walls.

"This place gives me the creeps," Shadow muttered, scanning the path ahead with her rifle. "Who lights these lanterns? There shouldn’t be anyone down here."

"Maybe they light themselves," Viper quipped, her voice low but tinged with unease.

Rook held up a fist, signaling the team to stop. The faint sound of movement echoed from deep within the tunnel—not the rhythmic steps of a march, but something erratic, dragging, and wet.

“Hold positions,” he ordered, crouching as he motioned Ghost to check the scanner.