Story 463: The Chamber of Whispers

As the stone door sealed behind them, the team found themselves in an even darker, narrower passage. The air was colder here, and the faint sound of whispers seemed to emanate from the walls themselves. Their flashlights barely penetrated the oppressive darkness, the beams of light swallowed by the shadows.

“This place feels alive,” Shadow muttered, her hand gripping her rifle tightly.

“Stay close,” Rook ordered. “No one gets separated.”

The corridor opened into a vast underground chamber. The walls were adorned with more intricate patterns of bones, but this time, the designs formed spiraling glyphs that seemed to pulsate faintly in the torchlight. At the far end of the room stood an altar, atop which rested a small black chest bound in chains.

“That has to be it,” Viper whispered, her eyes fixed on the chest.

Ghost scanned the room carefully. “It’s too exposed. This screams trap.”