Story 586: The Drowned Revenants

The swamp had transformed into a nightmare. The skeletal colossus loomed over the ZETU team, its glowing eyes piercing through the mist. Around them, more undead began to rise from the water, their fleshless forms dripping with swamp muck, their movements eerily silent.

“Stay tight!” Marcus "Iron Will" Kane commanded, his shotgun aimed squarely at the colossus. “Riley, find its weak spot!”

“On it!” Riley "Quick Shot" Bennett scrambled to higher ground, perching on a gnarled tree root. She peered through her scope, scanning the towering figure.

“It’s got some kind of core in its chest,” she shouted. “Looks like it’s drawing power from the swamp!”

“Blaze, you’re up!” Marcus ordered.

Jenna "Blaze" Hart nodded, hoisting her flamethrower. She pushed forward, clearing the smaller revenants with bursts of fire, each one hissing as it dissolved into ash.