Story 594: Night of the Screamers

The Screamers rushed forward like a tidal wave of hunger and madness. Their hollow, gaping mouths stretched wider than humanly possible, their bodies twisting in unnatural ways as they scuttled and lunged toward ZETU.

"OPEN FIRE!" Captain Marcus "Iron Will" Kane roared.

Riley "Quick Shot" Bennett took her position on a broken pew, sniper rifle steady. Her first shot punched through a Screamer’s forehead, but instead of dropping, it let out a deafening shriek.

A sudden force slammed into Riley's chest, sending her flying backward into a pile of rubble.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Ethan "Brain" O'Connor gasped, his broken tablet still flickering uselessly.

"Their screams..." Marcus muttered, eyes widening. "They’re not just noise. It’s like a sonic weapon."

Sergeant Jenna "Blaze" Hart was still struggling to breathe, her throat bruised and freezing from the Queen’s touch. But she forced herself to move, gripping her flamethrower. “Let’s see if their screams burn.”