Story 608: Death in the Shadows

The fortress corridors were cold, damp, and reeking of decay. Torchlight flickered against the ancient stone walls, casting long, eerie shadows as General Viktor ‘Bloodfang’ Kruger moved forward, bow in hand, his crimson beret barely shifting with each calculated step.

Behind him, Sergeant Darius ‘Hellhound’ Rook crept alongside the walls, his combat knife gleaming in the dim light. Eva ‘Black Widow’ Morales followed close, her twin daggers spinning between her fingers.

They were predators. Their prey had nowhere to run.

A distant muffled cry echoed through the corridor ahead. Kruger raised a fist, signaling for silence. His men halted immediately. He drew an arrow, nocking it to the bowstring as he inched toward the source of the sound.