The toxic mist swirled around the bunker, seeping into every crack, clouding vision, and distorting shadows. The bio-weapon canister hissed at Eva’s feet as she tightened her grip on her knife, her heartbeat hammering in her ears. Kruger had staggered—but he wasn’t down.
Through the mist, his silhouette loomed, a titan of flesh and corruption. His mutated arm spasmed, its grotesque form struggling against the chemical reaction. He exhaled sharply, his breath turning to vapor as his enhanced metabolism fought to purge the toxin.
Then, a chuckle. Low, guttural, predatory.
Eva’s stomach twisted.
He’s adapting.
Kruger’s crimson eyes cut through the haze, locking onto her. "Impressive," he rumbled. "But if you think a little poison will end me, you’re mistaken."
Eva didn’t answer. Words wouldn’t save her. Action would.