004: Ancient Fairyland Civilization

"Introduction to attributes? Nether energy?"

"Could it be the psionic energy controlled after awakening the Fire Seed that caused the change?"

"In addition, this Star Sea Market Token is actually a Star Sea Rare Item, and it is a growth-type Star Sea Rare Item that I have never heard of before, but the name sounds quite impressive."

Countless thoughts surged through Song Chi's mind, and suddenly, a flash of insight struck him.

Focusing his mind, he began to concentrate the few nether energies in his body, gathering them towards the palm of his right hand, and slowly injected them into the token he held.

In the next moment, a sudden change occurred.

A strong suction force enveloped his entire body, and Song Chi immediately felt uneasy. Despite this, before he could cease injecting nether energy, a powerful dizziness overcame him in the next second.

Suppressing the urge to vomit, he swiftly opened his eyes and glanced around several times.

Only after confirming there was no immediate danger did he relax slightly, though he remained vigilant. He had determined he wasn't in his bedroom but an entirely unfamiliar place.

Once the intense nausea subsided completely, Song Chi cautiously surveyed his surroundings.

Meanwhile, the Xinghai Market Order bronze medal, still tightly clenched in his hand, emitted a comforting warmth. Just as he prepared to lower his head to inspect the Market Order, an inexplicable message materialized in his mind.

[Name: None]

[Market owner: Song Chi]

[Level: lv0]

[Specifications: 100mX100m]

[Basic configuration: 10 vacant shops, 1 10mx10m street stall area, 1 first-floor inn (accommodating 10 people), 1 lv0 full attribute training room (doubles efficiency when practicing psionic energy), lv0 psionic energy protection array, lv0 ultra-long-range space door random delivery platform.]

[Additional configuration: None (0/2)]

[Characteristics: Avoid evil (can move freely in the void, avoiding natural disasters)]

[Required for upgrade: 10 strands of Floating Continent Source (Level 0), market transaction volume reaches 100 strands of Floating Continent Origin (Level 0)]

[Note: This inconspicuous market on the dark side of the Broken Star Sea only permits entry for creatures below the first level. Fortunately, it possesses great potential.]

A few minutes later, as Song Chi processed the initial information, his eyes gradually lit up, his excitement hard to contain.

Turning to look out through the semicircular psionic shield behind him, he beheld a vista of black nothingness.

In the distant expanse, terrifying void storms raged. Wherever these storms passed, dense space cracks followed, tearing through the fabric of space itself. Song Chi felt a chill run down his spine.

As far as he knew, only highly reinforced Fireships could achieve such space-tearing abilities. Yet in this dark void, storms of this magnitude were commonplace.

Yet, just as fear gripped him, a realization dawned, and his apprehension gradually ebbed.

From the information he'd assimilated, he understood he now occupied a special secret space, drifting within the void cracks on the dark side of the Broken Star Sea. It was reputedly a relic of an ancient civilization that called itself the "Fairy Realm."

This space had been established by a formidable figure from the "Ancient Immortal Civilization," featuring a rare ultra-long-range space gate random delivery platform that linked to trading markets in both the Southern and Northern Seas of Xinghai.

Moreover, it possessed a rare attribute of "avoiding evil," allowing it to independently navigate void storms within rifts. This attribute alone explained how it had persisted unscathed for countless millennia.

Fully reassured, Song Chi began scrutinizing the entire market. Lacking new energy replenishments in the void, over tens of thousands of years, this once-thriving market secret realm had shrunk to its limits, its dimensions reduced to a pitiful 100 meters in length, width, and height.

On either side of the lone street stood ten shops, an inn, stalls, and more, evenly spaced.

To the far left of the street stood the market's sole all-attribute training room. Opposite it, the market's central edifice loomed large—the ultra-long-range space door random delivery platform.

His gaze fell upon these two distinctive structures, and Song Chi promptly accessed their detailed attributes.

[Name: All-attribute training room]

[Level: lv0]

[Effect: Practice speed increases by 200% within, 400% when practicing psionic energy.]

[Specifications: Single training room]

[Remarks: This top-tier training facility was crafted by a powerful figure from Xinghai's "Immortal Civilization," enhanced by special Psionic Energy for additional psionic training benefits.]

[Required for upgrading: Market level lv1, 10 strands of Floating Land Origin (Level 0)]

[Name: Ultra-remote space door random delivery platform]

[Level: lv0]

[Effect: Activates 10 space gates randomly dispersed across the Broken Star Sea. Each gate remains active for 24 hours, with a 720-hour cooldown.]

[Space gate restrictions: Due to the market's level, Xinghai entities of level one and above cannot currently traverse the gates.]

[Remarks: This marvel was created by a powerful entity from Xinghai's "Immortal Civilization," boasting extraordinary capabilities.]

[Required for upgrading: Market level lv1, 10 strands of Floating Land Origin (Level 0)]

Having reviewed their attributes, Song Chi was eager to test the "ultra-remote space door random delivery platform," unable to resist the impulse to do so.

As the new owner of the market thanks to the Xinghai Market Order, he effectively governed all market rules, invincible within its bounds unless faced with entities exceeding the market's level.

Assured of his safety, he resolved to explore the core function of this market: connecting different star regions within the Broken Star Sea, facilitating trade and communication with diverse alien civilizations.

Moreover, he couldn't overlook the future necessity of the market's upgrades, contingent upon specific "transaction volume" conditions.

After a brief internal struggle, he managed to suppress his impulsive instincts.