006: Shuttle Detailed Properties

Song Chi's focus remained fixed on the column detailing the basic components. The current psionic shuttle was a blank canvas, while the other items held less interest.

For instance, in the special parts column, the newly integrated Xinhuo flying ship initially featured two special part slots. The number of slots would increase with subsequent upgrades of the nether energy shuttle.

The quality of the Fire Seed was a critical factor in this regard. Higher-quality Fire Seeds added more slots. This was why the Fire Seed was highly valued in Xinhuo human civilization—not only did it determine the upper limit of the fire airship's enhancement, but also influenced its combat capabilities compared to others of the same level.

Consider two lv10 fire ships: a white fire ship might accommodate up to 10 special parts, while a colorless fire shuttle could only manage a maximum of 6. This nearly threefold gap significantly impacted combat prowess.

Their attention converged, swiftly revealing the detailed attributes of these modules:

**Nether Energy Main Gun lv0**

- Quality: Colorless

- Consumption: 10/shot (psionic points)

- Power: 11

- Charging: 5s; Buffering: 10s

- Required for Upgrade: 1 strand of floating land origin (level 0), 100 nether energy points

**Nether Energy Secondary Cannon lv0**

- Quality: Colorless

- Consumption: 1/shot (psionic point)

- Power: 1.1

- No buffering or charging required

- Required for Upgrade: 100 psionic points

**Hull Armor lv0**

- Quality: Colorless

- Consumption: 1/s (psi energy points)

- Protection: 11

- Required for Upgrade: 1 strand of floating land origin (level 0), 100 nether energy points, 1 ton of refined iron

**Nether Energy Engine lv0**

- Quality: Colorless

- Consumption: 1/s (psi energy points)

- Energy Supply: 10/s (psionic energy points)

- Buffering after Overload: 30 minutes

- Nether Energy Pool: 1000 points (can store 1000 points of Nether Energy)

- Required for Upgrade: 1 strand of floating land origin (level 0), 100 nether energy points, 5 life cores (level 0)

**Psionic Energy Shield lv0**

- Quality: Colorless

- Consumption: 3/s (psi energy points)

- Protection: 11

- Shield Value: 110/110

- Charging: 30s; Buffering after Overload: 1 hour

- Required for Upgrade: 1 strand of floating land origin (level 0), 100 nether energy points, 5 life cores (level 0)

**Patrol Radar lv0**

- Quality: Colorless

- Consumption: 1/s (psi energy points)

- Detection Range: 1 light second

- Accuracy: 10

- Required for Upgrade: 1 strand of floating land origin (level 0), 100 nether energy points

**Nether Energy Training Platform lv0**

- Quality: Colorless

- Consumption: 2/s (psi energy points)

- Cultivation Bonus: 2 times (200%) {Only valid for zero-level life forms}

- Required for Upgrade: 5 strands of floating land origin (level 0), 10 life cores (level 0)

Song Chi didn't linger long on these basic data; they were mostly familiar from his earlier studies. The nether energy training platform at the end, however, did catch his attention.

As a core component of the Xinhuo airship, it was the fundamental reason why all Xinhuo human civilization coveted their unique fire airship.

Why venture into the vast and alien starry sea at the risk of one's life? Was it merely for the exotic views? Certainly not. The driving force behind Xinhuo citizens' exploratory spirit was the rare and peculiar resources found in alien star realms.

But what was the ultimate purpose of plundering and collecting these resources? Was it solely to bolster the fireship's strength? Not entirely. While enhancing the fireship was inevitable, it merely scratched the surface. Ultimately, every fireship captain pursued the elevation of their life levels.

Put plainly, it was about achieving immortality—extending one's lifespan through mastery of the guidance technique. As the guidance technique reached higher levels, life level transformations ensued, increasing the practitioner's lifespan.

Yet, mastering this technique at higher levels was immensely challenging. Initial life level transformations were hard enough, let alone subsequent ones.

Enter the nether energy training platform, bound to each Xinhuo airship, offering a solution. It dramatically accelerated nether energy guidance practice, enabling captains to trigger life level transformations time and again, exponentially increasing their lifespan.

The higher the fireship's enhancement level, the more potent the nether energy training platform's effects.

Hence, what truly concerned Xinhuo captains wasn't merely strengthening their fireships, but maximizing the potential of the nether energy training platform tethered to them.

Glancing at the nether energy training platform on his shuttle, Song Chi immediately thought of the all-attribute training room in the market. Its nether energy training bonus was 400%, twice the size of the training platform before him.

Previously overshadowed by the excitement of the "ultra-remote space gate random delivery platform," he now realized its significance. The thrill he had contained surged anew, for he knew precisely what this meant.

It meant that future nether energy guidance training would far surpass that of captains of equivalent fireship levels.

It meant greater chances to elevate his life level and extend his lifespan.

It meant that even if his subsequent fireships failed to improve in quality, it would not impede his personal practice.

Of course, Song Chi wouldn't forsake his Xinhuo airship unless absolutely necessary. After all, future market enhancements and merchandise introductions demanded vast resources, far beyond monthly market transactions.

Furthermore, the market lacked robust firepower support. Unlike the strengthened Xinhuo flying ships capable of dominating entire star seas and floating lands.

With these considerations, Song Chi quickly formulated a preliminary development plan.

With the market as a base, supported by the Xinhuo flying ship, he could more effectively accelerate life level transformations while securing future firepower support. Both elements complemented each other, ensuring a balanced approach.

Once establishing this primary-secondary relationship, Song Chi refocused on strengthening his nether energy shuttle.

Tomorrow marked his inaugural exploration of an alien star field, albeit a welfare exploration. Nonetheless, thorough preparation was key to sailing a ship for millennia—a principle Song Chi understood well.

A faint light flickered between his brows as he retrieved the glowing sphere of the "Fire Sunflower Terracotta Tree" special part from the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture.

Placing it into one of the nether energy shuttle's two special component slots, Song Chi awaited its properties.

**Fire Sunflower Terracotta Tree lv0**

- Quality: White

- Consumption: 50/tool (psionic points)

- Effect: Huokui Terracotta Warriors (Summons ten lv0 Huokui Terracotta Warriors. These soldiers are immortal and can exist indefinitely. Once slain, they can only be summoned again after 24 hours.)

- Required for Upgrade: 5 strands of floating land origin (level 0), 500 nether energy points