012 First-order psionic energy shield

He who controls the markets of the heavens only needs to grow steadily, and taking risks is really not on his mind.

However, my thoughts changed. Although energy fluctuations of this scale far exceed the zero level, they cannot reach the second level. In addition, this release is a welfare exploration, and there should not be anything nearby that is too big for the Sky to threaten.

After thinking, he turned his head and glanced at the seven Fire Sun terracotta warriors standing upright beside him. After confirming that he was still sure of escaping unharmed no matter what, Song Chi made a decision.

He changed the direction of the shuttle and headed towards the area where the change had just occurred.

An hour later, behind a certain large piece of debris, the Sky turned off its engine early and quietly docked on the debris.

This fragment was over twenty meters long and wide, perfectly covering the shuttle body of the Sky.

On the other side of the debris, there is a vacuum area wrapped inside the debris belt. This vacuum area is different from the star sea void belt. The diameter is very small, less than 10,000 meters from left to right, and in the very center of the vacuum area, there is a piece of debris nearly a kilometer in diameter.

Song Chi guessed that the abnormality detected by the patrol radar before was most likely caused by this fragment. Huge energy burst out from the fragment, pushing all other fragments except this fragment thousands of meters away.

But what the facts are is no longer important at this moment. What is important is that Song Chi can conclude that there must be something extraordinary on the large floating land in front of him, because in the more than ten minutes he has been observing, he has seen more than three waves of aliens with strange wings pour into the fragments.

And the most important thing is that after these alien races boarded the fragment, they all started fighting in unison. Therefore, Song Chi speculated that the things on the large fragment, or the resources, must be rare enough to make these alien races crazy, otherwise it is impossible for these alien races, which are obviously the same creature, to kill each other.

As for Song Chi himself, it was impossible to say that he was not curious, but he did not act rashly.

At this moment, on the large fragment with a diameter of more than a kilometer in front, there are hundreds of winged alien creatures, including dozens of first-class existences.

He is waiting for the analysis results of the semi-automatic shipboard brain on the Sky. Every Xinhuo captain who explores alien star fields will definitely download a copy of all the star seas that have been discovered so far, disclosed by the Xinhuo human civilization. Basic information on civilization.

However, the amount of information contained in this document is so large that even with the analysis speed of shipboard intelligence, it will take a long time to verify it.

Of course, this is highly likely to be related to the fact that the intelligence brains carried on all Xinhuo airships are only the lowest-level semi-automatic intelligence brains, but there is nothing we can do about it. The brain can only be semi-automatic.

It's no wonder that Xinhuo Human Civilization has given such restrictions. There are really too many examples of Star Sea Civilization being dominated by intelligence brains under its command, and thus transformed into mechanical civilization, and we have to guard against it.

A few minutes later, the shipboard brain finally gave the comparison results.

Race name: White Wings

Introduction: A very common void creature in the Broken Star Sea. They do not need to live on floating land and can move freely in the void of the Star Sea.

Racial advantages: Flexibility, amazing speed.

Racial Weakness: The attack power is extremely weak. At the same level, it is difficult to break through the energy shield of the Fire Airship.

"White-winged tribe..." Song Chi stared at the virtual light screen projected by the ship's brain. After some comparison, he confirmed that it was indeed this kind of void creature called the White-winged tribe. Song Chi was thoughtful.

If the official data given by Xinhuo Civilization was correct, he had a bold idea in his mind.

At this moment, there are still 110 strands of the zero-level floating land source and nearly two hundred zero-level life proto-cores in the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture. It takes 15 strands of the floating land source + 12 life proto-cores to upgrade the nether energy shield from lv7 to lv8, and it takes 17 to upgrade lv8 to lv9. The source of floating land + 13 life nuclei. To upgrade from level 9 to level 10, you need 50 roots of floating land + 40 life nuclei.

Calculated in this way, to upgrade the psionic shield to the first level, a total of 82 strands of floating land source and 65 life nuclei are needed. The emergency resources left on the body are completely sufficient. As for psionic points, they can be replenished in a few minutes. That's not important.

As long as the psionic shield is strengthened to the first level, even if faced with the joint attack of hundreds of White Wings, it is impossible to break the shield value of the psionic shield in a short time because the psionic shield strengthened to the first level component, the shield value it provides will directly soar to a thousand points.

Coupled with the full cover of the Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors, who are also at the first level, this matter is completely promising.

After struggling for a moment, Song Chi no longer hesitated. The resources left behind were originally used for emergencies at critical moments. When should we wait longer now?

After several consecutive clicks, the nether energy shield components were strengthened from level 7 to level 10. The cost was that the resource reserves on the Sky were greatly reduced. There were only 28 strands of the zero-level floating land source left, and there were only a little over a hundred life nuclei. Okay. The psionic shield attribute at level 10 is pretty good.

Psionic energy shield lv10

Quality: colorless

Consumption: 20/s (psi energy points)

Protection: 99

Shield value: 990/990

Charging: 20s; buffering after overload: 40 minutes

Required for upgrade: 100 strands of floating land source (zero level), 1600 nether energy points, 50 life cores (zero level)

As a standard component of colorless quality, after strengthening to the first level, the subsequent strengthening of the nether energy shield component still only requires the zero-level floating land source and the zero-level life original core, which is more convenient than the subsequent strengthening of white and above strange object components. A lot, but the resources on the Sky are basically exhausted at the moment, and it is impossible to continue strengthening it.

After strengthening the psionic energy shield, Song Chi still did not move. After only strengthening the psionic energy shield components, he was naturally worried and closed the psionic energy shield first. After the psionic energy points in the psionic energy pool were replenished, he controlled the Sky and began to return the way it came.

He would not act stupidly directly. Anyway, looking at this posture, it is basically impossible for the fighting between these White Wings to end in a short time.

In this case, of course, we should go back first to take back the Furious Tiger mining truck, and by the way, get a few resources worth mining that have been recorded before, and wait until the 24-hour exploration time is about to end, then come over and find an opportunity to do it. If you do this, even if nothing can be done at that time, you can still run away easily.

Of course, if the battle had already ended when he came back later and the items on the fragments had been taken away, it would only mean that this unknown item had no connection with him, and Song Chi would not force it.

More than ten hours later, Song Chi returned to the location of the small hole. At this time, there was only the last half hour left before the 24-hour time limit for the first alien star field launch.

Looking at the situation on the large fragment in front, there are still more than two hundred remaining White Wings, and there is a high probability that several new batches have arrived after he left.

The only thing that made Song Chi unhappy was that after more than ten hours, the number of first-order White Wings had not decreased, but had increased by several. At this moment, there were nearly twenty first-order White Wings on the fragment.