014 Success

Over the core of the Floating Land, which exuded terrifying heat energy, the shuttle cabin of the Sky slowly opened. Additionally, a tractor beam was shot from the shuttle, aiming directly at the core's fusion body.

The moment the tractor beam acted on the original core fusion body, Song Chi felt a clear sense of rejection. It was the instinct of the original core fusion body that resisted this strange binding force.

Because of this rejection, the towing progress of the Sky became extremely slow.

Seeing this, Song Chi, whose eyes were staring closely at the parts of the psionic shield, became extremely worried. Just in the last second, the shield value of the psionic shield had fallen below 200, with only the last 100 or so points remaining, and it was still falling rapidly at nearly 10 points per second.

Song Chi had no solution to this problem. In essence, the Sky was actually a decent zero-level psionic shuttle that could pull an object equivalent to the peak of the first level across levels. It was originally a small vehicle pulling a large load, and neither the nether energy shield nor the Fire Sun terracotta tree had any direct connection with the tractor beam.

If it were not determined that it was just a ball of the Floating Land origin core that had not yet been fully formed and had not yet formed a complete instinct, coupled with the characteristics of the fire ship, no matter what level of star sea wonders it was, as long as it was taken into the ship, it could be turned into completely harmless fire parts. So how could Song Chi be easily involved in the danger?

After another ten seconds or so, with the efforts of the tractor beam, the core fusion body of the Floating Land Origin was not far from the cabin door of the Sky, and success was right before his eyes.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

However, at that moment, several sounds of breaking through the air suddenly came from behind, and a dozen first-order White Wings with heavy steps were already pursuing them again.

This time they were smarter, knowing that their attacks would be difficult to cause damage to the Sky in a short period of time, so they all shifted their attack targets, hoping to interrupt the pulling of the Sky.

Song Chi's eyes were cold. He finally saw the hope of ingesting this ball of the Floating Land's original core fusion. How could he allow this to happen?

"Stop those attacks!"

After receiving Song Chi's order, ten fiery red figures swept out of the Sky cabin at the same time. They held tungsten gold battle shields in their left hands and tungsten gold spears in their right hands. They rushed straight towards the dozen attacks that came from them and knocked Song Chi's orders were carried out to the extreme.

Clang, clang, clang…

Continuous metal collisions sounded one after another, and the ten Fire Sun terracotta warriors did not let any attack pass through their defense lines.


Song Chi took a deep breath, calmed down again, and then issued the "free attack" command again.

Immediately, the Fire Sun warriors holding shields and spears stepped out in unison, and with the wisps of fiery red light emitting from their bodies, it was quite pleasing to the eye.

However, Song Chi understood that this was just a superficial effort. Relying on the puppet body, the pressure and high temperature emitted by the Floating Land's original core fusion body had little impact on them in a short period of time. When the White Wings fight head-on, the Fire Sun terracotta warriors would soon be at a disadvantage.

After all, the ten Fire Sun terracotta warriors are all only level 10, with only first-level strength, and the tungsten gold shields and tungsten gold spears equipped with them are of good hardness, and their attack power is actually very average.

But this is not important anymore. As long as the Fire Sun terracotta warriors can hold off for more than five seconds, it is enough. He has never expected to be able to defeat or even kill these White Wings.

The passage of time, which used to be just a fleeting second, now seemed to Song Chi to be extremely long.




Just before the shield value of the nether energy shield was about to completely return to zero, the first-level Floating Land source core fusion body was finally completely pulled into the cabin of the Sky.

[Close the shuttle door]

[Turn the shuttle body]

[The nether energy engine is overloaded]

There was no time to check the properties of the core fusion body of Floating Land that had been converted into shipboard components. Almost at the same time when he learned that the towing was successful, Song Chi's mind was running at full speed.

With a high degree of concentration, he actually faintly exceeded his own limits and achieved the point of doing three things at once.


With the roar of the engine, the Sky turned into an afterimage and shot straight into the sky above the rift.

Not to mention checking the properties of the componentized "Floating Land Origin Core Fusion Body," Song Chi at this moment didn't even care about the Fire Sun terracotta warriors. He just wanted to escape from this rift space as soon as possible.

Without the strong energy fluctuations emitted by the original core fusion body of Floating Land, the surrounding hundreds of White Wings would have no restrictions, and the nether energy shield is close to collapse. Now is the time when the Sky's defense is at its weakest. Let alone a first-level White Wing clan, even if attacked by a few more from the zero-level White Wing clan, it may cause the ship to be destroyed and people to die.

Fortunately, the ten Fire Sun terracotta warriors helped hold back most of the first-order White Wings. Otherwise, Song Chi would have even thought of hiding in the Heaven's Market.

Of course, he would never take this step unless absolutely necessary.

Hiding in the market can certainly ensure safety, but who knows whether the return function of the fire ship can also be triggered in the market?

If not, wouldn't it mean that he would have to stay in this unknown star field in the future?

According to the results of multiple tests in the past dozens of hours, for now, entering and exiting the Heaven's Market is based on himself.

What does it mean? To put it simply, it means that from the position he entered the Heaven's Market, he can only be at that position when he comes out again.

Because of this characteristic, once he misses the automatic return of the Xinhuo spaceship, he will only be able to shuttle and stay between the star field under his feet and the markets of the heavens in the future. It is almost impossible to return to the strong area where Xinhuo human civilization is located out of thin air.

When he thought of this possibility, Song Chi was naturally reluctant.

Even if there is Heaven's Market, the market transaction that can be opened once a month is enough to ensure his subsequent resource acquisition and will not affect his subsequent strengthening and advancement.

But the problem is that without the endorsement of a powerful civilization behind you, no matter how strong a single combat power is, it is still extremely dangerous in this broken star sea where the jungle can eat the strong, because you can never imagine a middle-to-high-level civilization that has been inherited for more than 100,000 years. What a terrifying secret lies behind it.

The Sky was speeding, and even though Song Chi had stretched its speed to the limit, many attacks from the White Wings still fell on the shuttle.

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, the main and secondary guns on the Sky were also continuing to fire towards the rear, either directly attacking the pursuing White Wings or bombarding the rock walls on both sides of the rear, exploding with countless splashing fragments to block a group of white-winged aliens from behind.

However, there were too many White Wings, and this was just a drop in the bucket. Soon, the nether energy shield, which was on the verge of collapse, was completely shattered, and attacks began to fall on the Sky's hull.

The only thing that makes Song Chi happy is that when he strengthened it yesterday, in addition to the psionic shield components, he also strengthened the hull armor to level 7. Although the defense of this level of hull armor is far inferior to the first-level psionic shield, as long as the first-order White Wings don't take action, it's okay to hold on for a while.