029 Xinhuo Network

Why don't you go there in a spaceship?

Sorry, Song Chi's Sky was seriously damaged due to the previous attack by the first-order White Wing Clan. It is currently slowly repairing itself in the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture and should not be interrupted.

In fact, if it were sent to a specialized Xinhuo airship repair factory, it could basically be solved in a few hours, but Song Chi was unwilling, because in that case, the maintenance personnel would have to board the ship, and everything about the Sky would be exposed to outsiders. In front of me, this is something that every Xinhuo captain with a secret is extremely repulsive to.

Therefore, the Sky can only slowly recover itself in the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture.

Fortunately, half a month has passed now, and it has only been a few days since it was completely repaired. If it is interrupted at this time, it will take a lot of time to re-establish it, which is really unnecessary.

Jiangyuan Xinhuo Bureau is located in the center of Jiangyuan, not very far from Dongjiang Community. The Pentium III kinetic energy speed car flew for about ten minutes before successfully arriving at its destination.

Viewed from top to bottom, Jiangyuan Xinhuo Bureau looks like a perfectly planned circular multi-functional base, with work buildings, airship docking areas, kinetic energy speed car parking lots, physical training grounds, etc., all available.

Parking the speed car at the designated location according to the staff's instructions, Song Chao took Song Chi straight to the Xinhuo officer's work building.

Not long after entering the work building, a middle-aged man wearing a Xinhuo uniform came up to him with a smile.

"Uncle Shen!"

Seeing the visitor, Song Chi took the lead in politely calling him uncle.

Shen Wenjie, one of the inspection captains of the Xinhuo Bureau, is also the second-level captain of Xinhuo. He has a guard-class psionic spaceship under his command, which has considerable power in the entire Jiangyuan City.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has a very good relationship with his father Song Chao. They have been friends for many years. The two families have been in frequent contact since they were young. Song Chi is also very familiar with Shen Wenjie.

Shen Wenjie first exchanged a few words with Song Chao, and then turned his attention to Song Chi.

"Good boy, as long as you have successfully awakened, the other things are not important. Come to Uncle Shen's house in a few days, your aunt and I will celebrate you."

Song Chi smiled broadly.

"Thank you, Uncle Shen... By the way, Youran should be awakening soon. It's almost two years since I last saw you, alas."

Hearing the almost inaudible sigh from Song Chi's mouth, Shen Wenjie and Song Chao looked at each other, and then laughed.

"You kid, are you still angry with me and Auntie You? You want to go to Jiangyuan City by yourself. You are already thirty and you are still coy."

Hearing this undisguised teasing, Song Chi, as an old man with a mental age close to sixty, couldn't help but blush slightly and seemed embarrassed.

Seeing this, Shen Wenjie and Song Chao had smiles in their eyes, and they stopped teasing Song Chi. They chatted wordlessly.

As they said, the three of them quickly arrived at the door of a room on the left on the third floor. Song Chi raised his eyes and glanced at it. There were five words written on the sign above the door.

"Heaven's Network Room!"

Shen Wenjie knocked on the door, and soon a man wearing the uniform of the Xinhuo Bureau opened the door. After seeing Shen Wenjie, the man's eyes were slightly surprised, and then the smile on his face became brighter.

"Captain Shen."

Shen Wenjie nodded lightly, and then waved to Song Chi. Seeing this, Song Chi stepped through the door.

This special room was the place responsible for activating the Heaven's Network, and after Song Chi walked into the room, the smile on the man's face who closed the door remained unchanged.

As someone brought here by Shen Wenjie personally, he still had some idea. If he didn't have this kind of vision, it would be impossible to stay in the highly competitive position of "Heaven's Network Assistant Activator" for several years.

As a position with simple, safe work and extremely high salary, the quota of "Heaven's Network Assistant Activator" in each city Xinhuo Branch is extremely popular, and you may be squeezed out if you are not careful.

"Song Chi, right? Sit over here."

Following the other party's guidance, Song Chi sat in a special metal warehouse similar to a nether energy transformation warehouse.

Out of curiosity, the man's soft voice sounded.

"This is the Heaven's Network auxiliary activation warehouse. Next, try to relax and don't resist.

Since Captain Shen personally brought you here, the authority level of the Heaven's network you activate will be one level higher than that of other ordinary Xinhuo captains. More specific functions need to be experienced by yourself after activation. I'll tell you what happened here. Don't say more when you go out later, and I won't admit it. "

Song Chi nodded, a little surprised in his heart. He always thought that everyone had the same access to the Heaven's Network after awakening the Xinhuo Seed, but he didn't expect that such an operation could be possible.

But no matter what, he belongs to a special kind. Naturally, he will not be like Long Aotian, the protagonist of the previous online novel, who thinks that he can change the rules and fight injustices for the world. That is completely wrong. I have never experienced any signs of being severely beaten by society.

Where there are people there are rivers and lakes, and where there is white there is black. If you don't know this simple truth, you will definitely die miserably in the future. Thinking of this, he murmured softly:

"No wonder dad sent me here personally..."

He thanked Shen Wenjie secretly in his heart, and then he closed his eyes.

The familiar nether energy circulated in the activation chamber, and finally fully acted on his eyebrows.

Song Chi only felt a cold energy pouring into the Heaven's Ancestral Aperture from the center of his eyebrows, and then gradually gathered around the Heaven's Seed in the Ancestral Aperture, as if trying to build a mysterious and mysterious link.

I don't know how long it took, but when Song Chi came to his senses, he found that he was already lying on a single bed on the back side of the activation room. The Heaven's Network auxiliary activation warehouse had been closed again, and other people were also trying to activate it. .

Apparently, I have successfully activated the Heaven's Network, but I need to wait 24 hours, which is tomorrow, before I can officially log in.

After he had completely recovered, Song Chi thanked the assistant softly and then left the Heaven's Activation Room.

Outside the door, Dad and Uncle Shen were no longer there. Song Chi went to the fourth floor where Shen Wenjie's office was based on his impression. As expected, the two were sitting in the office chatting. Next to Shen Wenjie, there was also a handsome man with a handsome face. youth.

Shen Qing, the son of Shen Wenjie's eldest brother, is also Shen Youran's cousin. He often hung out with Song Chi when he was a child. He also awakened the Colorless Fire Seed two years ago and is now an ordinary operator in the Fire Bureau. Of course, Song Chi estimated that he would be promoted soon. Is there anyone behind him who could be promoted?


"Da Qing!"

Hearing this long-lost nickname, both of them smiled tacitly. Regarding this nickname, we have to talk about it since childhood