033 Battle Field Of Different Civilizations

The engine was activated, and the Sky began to shuttle rapidly through the quiet sea of stars. The launch location was still not ideal; no celestial bodies were detected within the patrol radar's range.

He scurried around like a headless fly for several hours without finding anything, causing Song Chi's heart to sink.

For this exploration, he had specifically purchased a similar model of the Furious Tiger Floating Land Mining Vehicle and two vehicle exploration instruments, costing him a total of four hundred strands of zero-order Floating Land Origin. This was intended to greatly improve mining efficiency.

Now, apart from the temporary emergency resources, he only had three hundred strands of zero-level Floating Land Origin left.

If this exploration didn't yield sufficient results, the benefits from subsequent market openings would also be significantly reduced.

Just as he was becoming anxious, a rapid siren suddenly sounded from the patrol radar.

Dense red dots gathered in the upper left corner of the radar chart; two large groups of battleships were engaged in a fierce battle.

Unbeknownst to him, the Sky had suddenly broken into a starry sky battlefield between two different civilizations.

The speed of the Sky was reduced to its lowest while it tried its best to hide its traces. Song Chi watched this large-scale war silently from the edge of the battlefield.

The number of warships on both sides of the battlefield exceeded 10,000. Judging from the energy fluctuations emitted by the battleships and cannons, most of these warships were of the zero level, with hundreds of first-level ships mixed in. Generally speaking, it was the lowest intensity of interstellar battlefield civil wars.

However, for Song Chi, a battlefield of this scale was already extremely dangerous, and he had no intention of participating.

Although the dark matter energy shield was impressive, it was still inadequate on a battlefield with over five figures of warships that could easily set it on fire.

Moreover, the current firepower of the Sky was weak, with only a thick health bar. The chance of taking advantage of the chaos to gain significant benefits was almost zero.

He wandered around the edge of the battlefield for about ten minutes until he locked onto a foreign civilization warship that had essentially left the battlefield. Seizing the opportunity, Song Chi quickly took action. The already heavily damaged foreign warship was easily reduced to wreckage.

Since he had decided not to participate in the war, wandering around the battlefield wasn't just for fun. He was after the star maps on these battleships.

He didn't understand this completely unfamiliar star field, but these local civilizations likely did. Instead of running around aimlessly, why not spend ten minutes obtaining a star map?

With the star map in hand, Song Chi quickly controlled the Sky to escape without any regrets.

A few minutes later, the Sky, already far from the battlefield, turned around and followed the nearest small debris belt marked on the star map.

The star field recorded on the star map was vast. Besides small fragments, there were even three floating lands in the star sea, including a level-2 resource floating land, extremely rich in various resources, with medium and large metal ore veins.

However, the distance was too great. The 12 light-year distance was simply out of reach for the Sky, which lacked a "jump device." The debris belt was the only reachable option, albeit a helpless choice.

Over an hour later, the Sky finally arrived at the target small debris zone.

Compared to the previous exploration, the diameter of the current debris belt was much smaller. Song Chi didn't mind. The number of celestial bodies in the debris belt was conservatively estimated to be over hundreds of thousands. With less than twenty hours remaining, he could explore only a tiny fraction of it, not counting mining time.

Aware of the time constraints, Song Chi accessed the market, deployed a Furious Tiger mining truck, and dived into the debris field.

As time passed, the on-board intelligence of the Furious Tiger mining vehicle kept prompting. "Ten kilograms of fine gold, skip it."

"Gas mine, unfortunately only a few hundred kilograms, skip it."

"Starry Sky Cold Iron, fifty tons, takes half an hour to mine."

Mining time flew by, and five hours passed in the blink of an eye. Despite some gains, the amounts were small, leaving no opportunity for the second mining vehicle.

Insufficient mineral reserves meant mining could be completed in about half an hour, making back-and-forth travel cumbersome.

The Sky continued to move aimlessly. The debris field was large enough, eliminating the need for detailed exploration planning.

Suddenly, he discovered a fragment with over a thousand tons of fine gold reserves.

"The radiation reaction of 'Adamantine Ore' was detected on the debris at coordinates xxxxx ahead, with an initial estimate of over a thousand tons."

Carefully parking the Sky on the target fragment, Song Chi deployed the Furious Tiger mining truck, assigning three first-level Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors to guard it. He then brought out the second mining vehicle and continued the exploration.

Mining thousands of tons of fine gold would take several hours, allowing the Sky to explore further.

"Ugh, this place is a real mess, the debris density is too high."

After a violent tremor, the Sky shuttle passed through gaps between closely packed debris. The recently repaired shuttle sustained minor scratches again, prompting Song Chi to curse.

If the prospecting instrument hadn't detected special radiation fluctuations in this debris pile, he wouldn't have ventured here.

Despite the instrument's inability to provide specific results, only detecting special energy fluctuations, Song Chi's curiosity drove him to explore. He initially deployed two general-purpose drones to confirm safety before diving in.

Scanning the area, Song Chi noted nothing unusual behind the dense debris. The vehicle intelligence still prompted, "Unknown energy fluctuations, please explore further."

Facing dozens of fragments, each at least ten meters in size, Song Chi felt overwhelmed.

Manually detecting each fragment would be impossible within a few hours.

He brought the Sky closer, allowing the exploration instrument to pinpoint the source of the energy fluctuations.

Ten minutes later, after eliminating most fragments, Song Chi began lowering the mining truck to excavate the remaining five fragments one by one.

An hour passed, and the first, second, and third pieces of debris were cleared. The Furious Tiger mining truck began working on the fourth fragment.