040 Deceiving Wang Songchi

Heaven's Market.

As time passed, more and more foreigners entered the market, and the streets gradually became lively.

However, Song Chi was not happy. He had been staying in the stall area, trying to see if he could find one or two more Star Sea wonders like last time, but he still hadn't found any.

As for the goods in the shop that are all sold at five times the purchase price, although they were still extremely popular, these were profits that had been planned for him. He wanted unexpected income.

At this moment, his eyes lit up as he looked toward the market gate.

With strong excitement and anticipation, Gore returned to the market. His goal was very clear. He crossed the overcrowded free stall area and went straight to the store where the genetic optimization medicine was located.

"How many doses of this genetic optimization potion can be exchanged for a three-hundred-year-old deep-water clam bead?"

In the middle of the shop, Gore looked a little nervous.

The Tongge tribe had long since declined. Even though his father was the tribe leader and a second-level mermaid, he could only produce six deep-water clam beads that were more than 300 years old. Naturally, it was best to exchange for more of this genetic potion.

In the free stall area, Song Chi did not move, but his mind had already turned to the genetic medicine shop.

After pondering for a moment, he gave a price.

[A three-hundred-year-old deep-water clam bead can be exchanged for three genetic potions.]

According to the prices in the Principality of Morning Star, a 300-year-old deep-water pearl could be sold for more than 200,000 credit points, and three basic gene potions cost 30,000 credit points. He would earn a price difference of more than six times. With these 100 million points, wasn't that too much?

Naturally, Gore didn't know what Song Chi was thinking. He just dug into his body and produced four deep-water clam beads that were about three hundred years old in his palm.

After a slight hesitation, he put three of them back and handed one to the counter.

"I want three genetic optimization potions first."

Song Chi was not in a hurry. He controlled the power of law in the market to put away the three-hundred-year-old deep-water clam bead, and then automatically floated three basic genetic potions from under the counter, delivering them to Gore.

After getting the genetic potion, Gore couldn't wait to pick up one and pour it directly into his mouth.

For creatures that had never used it before, the effect of basic genetic medicine was very good. After a period of rather painful genetic modification, Gore felt the familiar and powerful blood in his body, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Then he took out the three deep-water clam beads again and exchanged them for nine genetic optimization potions. It wasn't over yet. Under Song Chi's surprised eyes, he took out two more larger deep-water clam beads.

"The seven-hundred-year-old and nine-hundred-year-old deep-water clam beads are much more precious than the three-hundred-year-old deep-water clam beads. If you exchange these two deep-water clam beads, how many genetic potions can be exchanged?"

Holding back the excitement in his heart, Song Chi quickly replied.

[The seven-hundred-year-old deep-water clam beads can be exchanged for ten genetic optimization potions, and the nine-hundred-year-old deep-water clam beads can be exchanged for twenty genetic optimization potions.]

Seeing this exchange number, Gore's eyes showed some contradictions. He was excited but also mixed with a faint struggle.

The value of deep-water pearls that were more than seven hundred years old was very high. Even when the Tongge Tribe was still a king-level tribe of the Mermaid Tribe, there were no more than fifty deep-water clam pearls that were more than seven hundred years old stored in the clan treasury.

Once these two deep-water clam beads were exchanged, given the size of the sea area that the Tongge tribe currently controlled, it might be difficult to collect deep-water clam beads of this vintage in the future.

Just when he was struggling, there was a sound of footsteps behind him. Gore looked back and saw a Star Sea human walking in.

The aura exuding from this human was average, but his tone was really assertive.

"Excuse me, how many stocks of this genetic medicine do you have in your store? If it's not too much, I want them all." As he said that, the man threw out a large number of floating land origins and life protozoa in his hands, including zero-level ones and first-level ones.

After hearing this, Gore stopped worrying and said quickly:

"In exchange, these two seven-hundred-year-old and nine-hundred-year-old deepwater clam beads can be exchanged for genetic potions."

The moment the words came out, what Gore didn't notice was that the corners of the mouth of the human standing behind him raised slightly, but it was quickly restrained.

The human race that came in was naturally Song Chi. He saw that the mermaid race was hesitant, so he came to add fuel to the fire.

There was no way around it; the 700-year-old and 900-year-old deep-water clam beads were extremely rare, and they were of great help to him, who was currently at lv5 in Guidance Technique. He was really unwilling not to get them.

With his current training progress, even with the acceleration of the all-attribute training room, it would still take half a year for Guidance to break through to lv6. This speed was not slow; it could even be said to be extremely fast. After all, he broke through from lv4 to lv5 in less than a month.

But Song Chi was not satisfied with this speed. The follow-up training of Guidance Technique was still very long. If it was so slow in the early stages, what should he do after lv30 or even lv40?

With these two seven-hundred-year-old and nine-hundred-year-old deep-water clam beads, he was sure that he could break through the level 6 guidance technique within a month. Coupled with the four three-hundred-year-old pearls in front, he had certain confidence in breaking through the Guidance Technique to lv7 within this month.

After handing thirty basic genetic potions to Gore, Song Chi was certain that as long as the transaction was completed, it would be useless for Gore to regret it later.

The trading rules he designed for this market were like this: transactions must follow the principle of voluntariness. As long as one of the two parties disagreed, the transaction could not be carried out. But once the transaction was successful, it would be useless to regret it later.


Seeing that the mermaid's deal had been completed, Song Chi knew it was his turn to appear again. He coughed lightly, attracting Gore's attention, and continued to ask:

"I wonder how many genetic medicines are in stock in the store?"

At the same time, he thought, and then the fonts on the light screen changed accordingly.

[Close to five figures.]

Seeing this, he knew it well and pretended:

"There are actually so many? It's a pity that I don't have enough funds; otherwise, I would buy them all."

Hearing his voice, Gore nodded subconsciously, feeling the same.

Seeing this, Song Chi took the opportunity to speak proactively.

"Friend, I see that you bought a lot of this genetic medicine just now. It seems that you have also discovered the power of this genetic medicine. How about we make a deal?"

Gore raised his eyebrows, a flash of wariness crossing his mind.


Song Chi suddenly realized it and whispered:

"I'll give you a sum of floating land origin. How about you help me buy an enhanced gene potion?"

Gore's eyes narrowed, stunned. Instead of directly agreeing, he asked rhetorically.

"Enhanced genetic medicine? What is that?"