049 Zhu Kang’s Identity

Just as Song Chao prepared to deliver the final blow and breach the energy shield of the silver-armored airship, a communication request from the enemy came through the Blue Sky.

Pausing briefly, Song Chao chose not to answer immediately but instead firmly pressed the fire button. By this point in the battle, he understood that the background of this silver-armored airship was far from ordinary. With potentially purple-quality engine parts and a suspected purple-grade main gun, such a vessel wouldn't go unnoticed in Jiangyuan City.

The reason for his choice was simple: the Blue Sky was nearing depletion of its power. If he didn't secure victory now, he risked being overwhelmed once the "armor-breaking effect" expired. Song Chao couldn't afford to let the situation turn against the Blue Sky.


The main gun on the Blue Sky's bow roared again, shattering the outer energy shield, hull armor, and the hull itself of the silver-armored airship.

As the opponent's communication requests grew more urgent, this time Song Chao accepted.

When the communication link established and the opponent's projection appeared, Song Chao's expression remained unchanged, but inwardly, he felt a sinking sensation.

He recognized the young man before him from core intelligence on Jiangyuan City's faction leaders. He had suspected the silver-armored airship held significant backing, but seeing the face of Zhu Kang confirmed his suspicions and added an unexpected twist.

If memory served, the young man was Zhu Kang, approximately a hundred years old. He had attained the rank of second-level Xinhuo captain over a decade ago and was formidable in his own right.

However, the crux wasn't Zhu Kang himself but rather his father, Zhu Yaokui—the dominant figure in Jiangyuan City's skies. As the dean of Jiangyuan's top Xinhuo Academy and the city's only third-level Xinhuo captain, Zhu Yaokui commanded a cruiser-class nether energy airship capable of imposing control over low-level Star Seas and Floating Lands.

Zhu Kang, as Zhu Yaokui's fourth son, though not the favored one, still bore the direct lineage of a third-level Xinhuo captain. Any harm to him would undoubtedly draw Zhu Yaokui's intervention.

Despite efforts by Song Chao and Shen Wenjie to conceal their identities and actions discreetly, investigation by a third-level Xinhuo captain would eventually lead to their exposure. Jiangyuan City was limited in size and Xinhuo captains were few—tracking them down would be inevitable.

Song Chao made a swift decision. He wouldn't kill Zhu Kang but wasn't inclined to let him off easily either.

While unable to end lives, the spoils aboard Zhu Kang's ship were plentiful. Securing just two would be a significant gain.

Seeing Song Chao masked and unidentifiable, Zhu Kang's eyes darkened. Yet, he wasn't foolish; his current predicament demanded humility. He spoke coldly:

"I don't know who you are, but in Jiangyuan City, you should know me. I won't interfere with your titanium crystal vein. How about it?"

Behind his mask, Song Chao smirked subtly, parsing Zhu Kang's words. Naturally, he couldn't agree.

"Zhu Kang, out of respect for your father, I'll spare you. But forget about the titanium crystal vein—it's a residual mine with no more than 300 pieces left. We discovered it first. What concern is it of yours?"

Zhu Kang's expression hardened, teeth gritted.

"And what else do you want?" Song Chao hesitated briefly.

"It's simple. Hand over two shipboard components of blue or higher quality as compensation for your defeat."

"That's impossible!" Zhu Kang retorted immediately, clearly offended by the demand.

Seeing this, Song Chao, unused to such resistance, resumed firing.

Soon, the Yinfeng's hull armor was damaged by over 70%, with the hull itself taking over 40% damage. However, Song Chao wasn't optimistic. Zhu Kang remained resolute, confident Song Chao wouldn't dare deliver a fatal blow.

Reluctantly, Song Chao ceased fire, opting instead to redirect firepower. Should Zhu Kang's ship sink, even if Zhu Kang survived, Zhu Yaokui would inevitably intervene—a scenario Song Chao sought to avoid.

Minutes later, Zhu Kang's pride swelled as Song Chao refrained from further attacks.

However, as Zhu Kang scanned the battlefield, anger flared anew. Song Chao had turned his attention to another frigate, the "Hefeng." Though an ordinary frigate, it housed a captain chosen exclusively by Zhu Yaokui—a childhood friend and most loyal subordinate to Zhu Kang. Loss of the ship would be unacceptable to him.

Minutes later, under relentless assault from the Blue Sky and Bronze Halberd frigates, the Zephyr's energy shield crumbled swiftly, its hull armor on the verge of collapse. Finally, a communication request from Zhu Kang reached Song Chao again.

Seeing this, Song Chao smiled behind his mask, reconnecting the communication.

Despite his grim demeanor, Zhu Kang eventually relented, agreeing to Song Chao's demand and surrendering two blue-quality shipboard components.

Twenty minutes later, the four frigates returned to the Tianyu mining area. The twelve nether energy airships ceased their skirmish, understanding the battle's outcome. Several on the Black Mountain Club's side appeared disgruntled, evident from the frigates' battered hulls—a clear indication of Zhu Kang's defeat.

Realizing the futility of using the titanium crystal as leverage, Scar's heart sank. His original plan to secure Jiangyuan City's foremost support had backfired, and now he faced Zhu Kang's wrath—a predicament he couldn't ignore.

Ten minutes later, Zhu Kang departed with his fleet in silence, leaving the Song Dynasty group to continue their excavation.

While initially estimated to contain 1,000 to 2,000 pieces, the titanium crystal vein—a micro-mineral deposit—had yielded slightly more than anticipated. With over 2,000 pieces confirmed, it would take time to extract them all.

Song Chao's declaration of the vein's diminished value aimed to mitigate its strategic importance. Any disclosure of its true value could provoke Zhu Yaokui's intervention—an outcome Song Chao sought to avoid.