054 The last market transaction in the zero-level stage

After receiving Song Mingsong's confirmation, Song Chao and Shen Wenjie were reassured, and peace returned to Jiangyuan City.

Meanwhile, Song Chi, though not directly involved in recent developments, remained focused on his training regimen.

Despite the setback caused by the potent body-building potions mixed with deep-water clam beads, which nearly affected his foundational stability, Song Chi managed to restore balance and resumed his rigorous training routine without any slack.

His father, Song Chao, and former boss Yang Minghui consistently emphasized the importance of persistence in Daoyin practice. They stressed that after reaching the second level, cultivation progress slowed significantly. Carelessness could prevent one from advancing to higher levels even with a long lifespan. Thus, minimizing time spent in early cultivation was crucial, allowing more focus on training at the second and third levels and thereby increasing the likelihood of future advancement.

More than twenty days passed swiftly.

In the Heaven's Market, ultra-long-range space gates were positioned prominently on the stage, evoking a sense of excitement on Song Chi's face.

Today marked the beginning of a new round of market transactions. With only ten minutes left on the delivery platform's buffer time, the third market transaction was imminent.

Achieving three market transactions would elevate Heaven's Market from level zero to level one, a prospect that stirred deep excitement within Song Chi.

It wasn't that Song Chi lacked determination; the benefits of upgrading the All-Heaven Market were simply immense. This upgrade would not only increase the number of space gates per session but also elevate the market from level zero to level one, enabling first-level aliens to freely enter and exit through the space doors alongside level zero aliens.

This upgrade held significant implications. Level zero aliens were akin to children with limited purchasing power, whereas level one aliens were akin to adults capable of substantial economic contributions. The more economically active aliens entered Heaven's Market, the greater Song Chi's potential profits.

Beyond these benefits, there were potential new functionalities that might accompany the market's upgrade. Though not confirmed, the prospect alone excited Song Chi.

His earlier disappointment from returning empty-handed after exploring the alien star field two days ago began to fade. The exploration had led him to a star sea hollow zone where, despite traveling for twenty-four hours at light speed in the Sky, he found no resources—a frustrating but common experience among second- and third-level fire captains in the Broken Star Sea.

The silver lining was that he hadn't ended up in the devouring layer of a black hole, which would have been far more perilous.

After shaking off these thoughts, Song Chi regained his focus. Complaining about his luck wouldn't change the outcome, and returning empty-handed wasn't a significant setback. His remaining 2,000 Level 0 Floating Land Source funds could still facilitate two more market transactions, quickly recouping any losses.

As the buffer time for the ultra-long-range space gate random delivery platform reached zero, Song Chi decisively activated it.

[Are you sure to activate the ultra-long-range space door random delivery platform?]


With a resonant buzz, nineteen beams of light simultaneously illuminated the delivery platform. Nineteen arc-shaped illusory space gates materialized at the market entrance, ushering in a variety of alien creatures.

Different types of aliens began bustling through these portals, swiftly revitalizing the market atmosphere.

The products on offer remained consistent with previous sessions: tungsten battle shields, spears, gene optimization potions, civilian exoskeletons, and other adaptable items of relatively moderate price.

However, this time, Song Chi had set up a unique shop. Devoid of merchandise, the shop featured only a crystal counter in the middle, showcasing a blazing white rhombus-shaped crystal—a Titanium Crystal.

Despite being a sample, Song Chi wasn't selling this Titanium Crystal. Instead, he wanted to acquire more.

This display served as a clear reference for entering aliens, ensuring they recognized the appearance and value of Titanium Crystals.

While acquiring Titanium Crystals was a rare occurrence among the few hundred aliens visiting each session, Song Chi recognized the importance of preparation. By actively pursuing every market transaction, even with low odds, he could eventually secure one. Not trying would guarantee failure.

Song Chi briefly considered expanding his acquisition list to include "special rare fire items." However, practical considerations, such as affordability and current resources, led him to postpone this idea.

Although the starry sea held potential for encountering valuable rare items, Song Chi understood his current limitations. Only when Heaven's Market was fully developed, with adequate funds and diverse rare items, would he revisit the idea of acquiring special fire items.

For now, his focus remained on the imminent upgrade of Heaven's Market and maximizing its newfound capabilities.