056 Purple Parts

Song Chi remained focused on the one-armed alien's hands, scrutinizing the rare item. The attributes revealed a highly valuable object:

**[Rare Object: Brain-Eating Tribe's Hyperwave Master Brain]**

- **Quality:** Purple

- **Evolvable:** {Brainwave Remote Control System}

- **Note:** This item, evolved from the brain of a high-level star sea creature, has special functions.

Despite the lack of specific details, Song Chi knew he had to acquire it. Even if it wasn't directly useful, a purple-level ship-based component would fetch a high price on the Xinhuo Network.

Song Chi carefully chose his words, addressing the alien, "Stall owner, I need to examine this item personally to ensure it suits my needs. Would that be acceptable?"

The one-armed alien appeared wary, a natural instinct given its recent arrival and unfamiliarity with the market's rules. However, reassurances from surrounding aliens eased its tension.

"Don't worry. If you're concerned about this mermaid's intentions, you can request the will of the market's law as a witness. Under its protection, no one dares to breach their word."

Taking this advice, the alien hesitantly summoned the "law will" of the market space. Song Chi subtly activated his own control over the market's laws, manifesting an illusory golden dragon above the stalls, its aura of law enveloping the area.

The one-armed alien, reassured by the overwhelming presence, agreed. Song Chi carefully took the rare item, concealing his actions with a cloak to maintain his disguise. Utilizing the power of his ancestral aperture, he activated the Fire Seed to uncover the item's true properties:

**[Brainwave Remote Control System lv0]**

- **Quality:** Purple

- **Consumption:** 10/second (after activation)

- **Features:** Controls the fireship in reverse via a brainwave beacon.

- **Effect:** Activates a brainwave beacon, allowing remote control of marked creatures and mechanical creations.

- **Control Distance:** 10 light seconds

- **Duration:** 40 minutes

- **Buffer:** 6 hours

- **Upgrade Requirements:** 10 strands of floating land source (zero level), 500 nether energy points, 10kg of soul crystals

The item's unique properties immediately intrigued Song Chi. The ability to remotely control Fire Sun terracotta warriors or other entities could significantly enhance their operational range and versatility, addressing a critical limitation. Additionally, marking himself with a brainwave beacon could allow remote control of his ship, creating strategic opportunities.

There was also potential for real-time monitoring of the external world while within the Heaven's Market, although Song Chi was skeptical about the feasibility of the system penetrating the void's vast boundaries. Regardless, the inherent value of the Brainwave Remote Control System warranted acquisition.

Meanwhile, the alien had grown anxious as no suitable offers materialized. Song Chi seized the moment, presenting his own valuable items:

- **Advanced Exoskeleton Armor:** Enhanced strength, speed, and resistance when equipped with a battery, effective against first-level creatures.

- **First-Level Combat Robot:** Operational with a battery, capable of confronting first-level creatures head-on.

- **Three Energy Grenades:** Potential to severely damage first-level creatures if used strategically.

Song Chi meticulously explained each item, highlighting their effectiveness and potential value in survival and combat. The one-armed alien, desperate and weighing its limited options, found these offerings compelling. Song Chi's calm demeanor and the quality of his items might just be the key to securing the coveted Brain-Eating Tribe's Hyperwave Master Brain.