058 Void Demons

Song Chi didn't feel much about the changes caused by the advancement of Heaven's Market.

Inside the market, all he could feel was the vibration of the market itself and the fleeting intense brilliance.

As the brilliance dimmed rapidly, he opened his eyes again, full of expectation, already imagining what changes would happen after the market advanced.

However, the duration of this advancement was a bit surprising. The previous nine advancements were all instantaneous, but this time it was different. The vibration underfoot had not ended, and the market attribute panel had not yet appeared.

However, it was a high-level promotion, which was different from the past, so Song Chi didn't pay much attention to it.


Suddenly, countless sharp whistling sounds came from all directions. Song Chi, who was just about to wait for the end of the market promotion, had an alarm bell ringing in his heart. He was too familiar with this sound.

This was the sound the White Wings encountered during the first welfare launch when they threw their forked weapons with all their strength to attack the Sky.

He quickly raised his head and looked out through the psionic protective light curtain above the market. Then Song Chi saw a scene that made his scalp numb.

Outside the semi-circular nether energy protective light curtain, densely packed blue-black figures covered the entire sky above the market, with the number starting at at least four digits.

A large number of attacks continued to fall on the nether energy protection formation, causing countless ripples.

Look at these blue-black creatures again.

They have double spiral horns, double wings on their backs, and every trace of violent aura pervades their bodies.

When his eyes caught these unique features, Song Chi instantly had the answer in his heart.

"Damn it, it's actually a Void Demon. How could such a terrifying creature suddenly appear, and in such huge numbers!"

Song Chi's face was livid. The reason why he could recognize the nature of this group of creatures so quickly was because the reputation of the "Void Demon" was so great that basically all middle and high-level civilizations in the star sea would show a warning of its presence.

Void demons are one of the void creatures, and the most notorious one. Not only do they have amazing individual combat capabilities, but most importantly, they are highly bloodthirsty. This is also the most disgusting thing for most of the star sea civilizations.

As long as it is an area visited by void demons, all life will be slaughtered by them without any exceptions.

These creatures seem to be born for killing, and only killing can make them feel excited.

Fortunately, they cannot leave the void space for too long. Whenever they leave the void space for a certain period of time, they must return again, otherwise, they will continue to weaken until they eventually die.

However, Song Chi at this moment did not feel any happiness because of this, because Heaven's Market had been floating in the gap of nothingness.

To put it simply, you are in the opponent's base camp.

"Doesn't Heaven's Market have the characteristic of 'avoiding evil'? How did these things find it? Is it because the property of avoiding evil has failed? Or..."

As his thoughts whirled, Song Chi's heart trembled, and he thought of the reason.

Apart from the intense light that emerged during the advancement, he couldn't think of any other reason.

Anger, annoyance, panic... In a short period, countless emotions emerged in Song Chi's heart. The key is that in the information about the secret realm of the market that he had obtained before, there was no mention of such a situation happening with promotion.

Suppressing all these emotions one by one, there is only one thing he needed to do at this moment, and that is to calm down. As long as he calms down and actively looks for ways to deal with it, there is still a possibility of saving everything.

Summon the Sky to go out and fight...

Improve the level of the psionic protection array...

Summon the Fire Sun terracotta warriors... further strengthen the various shipboard components on the Sky...

After calming down, Song Chi began to think of many countermeasures in his mind, but the one of "leave the market and run away quickly" never appeared from the beginning to the end.

As his golden finger, Heaven's Market is his biggest reliance on reaching the top in the future.

The orange glory-quality [Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator] was traded in it, and the fire source for upgrading the Fire Seed was also obtained from the market. The same is true for today's purple component [Brainwave Remote Control System], Song Chi really can't imagine the consequences of losing Heaven's Market.

As his mind raced, he was doing two things, quickly calculating the most reasonable and perfect response plan.

Soon, Song Chi, who had calculated the most perfect response plan, began to take action.

The first thing he did was not to summon the Sky, but to open the attribute panel of Heaven's Market and begin to strengthen the configuration of the market's nether energy protection array.

You must know that the current level of the Nether Energy Protection Formation is only lv0. If it is not upgraded as soon as possible, it may not be long before it will be completely broken.

That is to say, this protective array is from the hands of an unknown powerful person in the fairyland. Its defensive power far exceeds the energy shield of the same level. Otherwise, let alone lv0, even if it is lv10, it would have been overloaded by so many attacks.

After consuming 450 rays of the zero-level floating land source, the nether energy protection array was upgraded to level 9.

[Name: Nether Energy Protection Formation]

[Level: lv9]

[Effect: Absorb void energy on its own to form a semicircular protective light curtain.]

[Protection: 500]

[Shield value: 38450/40000]

[Buffering after overload: 33 minutes]

[Remarks: It comes from the hands of a powerful person from Xinghai's "Immortal Civilization"...]

[Required for upgrade: Market level lv10, 150 strands of floating land source (zero level)]

Song Chi could only say that it was indeed the work of a powerful person. It was upgraded to lv9. Its properties were simply astonishing.

You must know that after the orange glory quality "Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator" is strengthened to lv10, the protection is only 380, and the shield value is only 6080 points. Compared with the psi energy protection array at lv9, it is simply weak.

This excitement did not last long. After strengthening the nether energy protection array, Song Chi, with a solemn expression, quickly summoned the Sky. The nether energy protection array was only for defense. He wanted to repel thousands of void demons outside. You have to rely on the powerful Sky.

The Sky landed and Song Chi boarded the shuttle. With a thought in his mind, a prompt sounded in his ears.

[Whether it takes 100 strands of zero-level floating land origin to upgrade the white fire ship body to lv10? Based on the level and quality of each component on the Sky, the success rate of this promotion is 96%.]

Hearing this prompt, Song Chi paused, loaded the purple-quality [Brainwave Remote Control System] component, and clicked to confirm the promotion.

The Nether Energy Shuttle was promoted to the Nether Energy Airship very quickly. After just over ten seconds, the Sky began to expand rapidly, and the length of the hull quickly increased from seven meters to nearly twenty meters.

The streamlined hull is even thicker under the surface gold rock armor. Although it is far inferior to those real steel behemoths that can easily reach kilometers, it has already begun to appear a bit ferocious.