061 The Markets Advancement




Almost every half minute, the shield value dropped by a thousand points. At this speed, the psionic energy formation would be completely destroyed in less than ten minutes. Without the protection of the psionic energy formation, the market would be destroyed in the blink of an eye by the extremely bloodthirsty void demons.

Quickly taking the Sky back to the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture, Song Chi glanced around reluctantly.

Just before he finished looking around and made up his mind to exit the market, the trembling that had never stopped under his feet suddenly ceased.

Song Chi's eyes widened in surprise.

"Is this... the market advanced successfully?"

At this moment, Song Chi's mood was like a thunderstorm day in June. One moment it was cloudy, and the next second the clouds cleared and the sky brightened after the rain.

In his excitement, he did not forget to confirm his guess and immediately opened the market's attribute panel.

**[Name: Heaven's Market]**

**[Market owner: Song Chi]**

**[Level: lv10]**

After confirming that the market level had indeed reached level 10, Song Chi could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart and laughed loudly.

You must know that from the time when the Xinghai Market Order was successfully used to connect Heaven's Market to today, it has only been a little more than two months, and three market transactions have been started.

During this period, he not only obtained an orange glory-quality component but also a purple component and a white component called Jinyan hull armor.

In just two months, the profits have already reached such a terrifying level. One can imagine how much he struggled in his heart when he made the decision to abandon Heaven's Market.

It was the opposite at this moment. As uncomfortable and struggling as he was before, he was now so excited and thrilled.

After laughing for a while, Song Chi came back to his senses. He didn't bother to check the specific attributes of Heaven's Market, which had successfully been promoted to the first level, and immediately activated the configuration of the nether energy protection array.

After reading the detailed attributes of the nether energy protection array, a look of certainty appeared in his eyes.

Although the level of the Nether Energy Protection Formation is still lv9, as Heaven's Market itself has been promoted to the first level, like the Xinhuo Airship, the attributes of each basic configuration have been improved by a fixed proportion, and they are also 20%.

The original protection and shield values ​​of the nether energy protection array are as follows:

**[Protection: 500]**

**[Shield value: 3800/40000]**

But with the success of market advancement, these two items have become:

**[Protection: 600]**

**[Shield value: 11800/48000]**

And the most important thing is that the shield value is not just the upper limit increased by 20%; even the shield value that originally had only 3800 points was instantly increased to 11800, which could last for a few more minutes.

After discovering this, Song Chi summoned the Sky again and, at the same time, glanced at the [Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator] component with a thought.

**Buffering time after overload: 8/35 (minutes)**

This orange energy shield component that has been strengthened to level 15 has a buffer time of 35 minutes after overload, but now 8 minutes have passed, and it only needs 27 more minutes before it can be reactivated.

Seeing this, Song Chi's eyes glowed again. The successful advancement of Heaven's Market gave him hope of completely repelling the void demons outside and keeping the market. As long as the nether energy protection array can sustain for more than twenty minutes and the Sky's energy shield is reactivated, the Sky can go out to fight again.

According to the results of the last round of outings, as long as no new void demons appear by then, more than 90% of the more than 500 void demons remaining in the outside world should be cleared out before the dark matter energy shield generator is overloaded for the second time.

By that time, even without the fire support of the Sky, Song Chi and the ten Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors can take over the subsequent cleanup tasks, and the possibility of preserving Heaven's Market is really high.

Thinking of this, Song Chi quickly threw out the last energy grenade at the right time, killing nearly ten zero-level void demons, and then went straight to the Sky, controlling the airship's main and secondary guns to continuously attack the ruins. Shooting from the sky above the city relieved the pressure on the nether energy protection array to the greatest extent.

Four minutes later, when the shield value of the Nether Energy Formation dropped below four digits, Song Chi in the Sky had a change of heart, and then the sound of Heaven's Market sounded in his ears.

**[Are you sure to spend 150 rays of zero-order floating land origin to upgrade the nether energy protection array to lv10?]**



At the moment when the configuration of the nether energy protection array was upgraded to level 10, the semicircular light curtain covering the market shone for a few minutes. Looking at its protection and shield values ​​at this time, Song Chi secretly shouted in his heart.

**[Protection: 1200]**

**[Shield value: 120000/120000]**

The protection value increased directly from the previous 600 to 1,200, and the shield value soared from 48,000 points to 120,000 points.

What made Song Chi even more excited was that the shield value, which originally had only a few hundred points left, actually returned to its peak shield value after upgrading, with a shield value as high as 120,000. After surviving the remaining 23 minutes, it was certain.


The sound of breathing gradually subsided, and until then, Song Chi was completely relieved, but he did not stop attacking. Although the protective light curtain was no longer in danger, killing one more void demon would provide a buffer for the follow-up. The completed Sky would reduce the pressure by one point.

In this way, time passed slowly, and he repeated the attack countless times until the buffering of the dark matter energy shield generator components on the Sky was completed, and he immediately controlled the Sky and rushed out of the market.

As the Sky moved away from the market, the attack movements of the ten Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors became obviously sluggish, and they even froze in place and were unable to move.

But there was no other way. The duration of the brainwave remote control system had expired and it would take a long 6 hours to buffer it, so Song Chi could only go into battle in person.

Fortunately, with the current shield value of the first-level psionic energy array, it could last for a long enough time even without the manual cleaning of the Fire Sun soldiers.

Song Chi, who didn't need to be distracted by controlling the Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors and concentrated on controlling the Sky, was obviously more at ease. The result was that the Sky was clearing out the void demons faster and faster this time.

In less than twenty minutes, even before the dark matter energy shield generator component was overloaded for the second time, the remaining hundreds of void demons had been completely eliminated.

Looking at the hundreds of green and black corpses around Heaven's Market, Song Chi felt an inexplicable urge to cry in his heart.

It had nothing to do with sadness but the urge to cry for the rest of his life, but it soon turned into deep joy and thankfulness.

After the strange emotions in his heart calmed down, Song Chi began to control the Sky to wander around the periphery of Heaven's Market, using the airship's tractor beam to quickly collect the corpses of the void demons.