068 Abnormal Status Purifier

After the brief surprise, Song Chi quickly figured it out.

With so many second-level Xinhuo captains coming this time, if the Baihe Auction House did not present a figure with enough intimidation, it might be difficult to maintain order in the future.

In fact, this was indeed the case. The white-haired old man on the auction stage not only had amazing strength, but his identity was also not simple.

John Tross, the patriarch of the Tross family among the three major franchised families of White River Mall, is now 280 years old. Although he is about to reach the end of his life, this is the key to his intimidation.

A second-level peak fire captain who doesn't have many years to live is really going to anger him. Who knows how crazy he can get?

Never mess with a person who has his feet half buried in the ground, because he has nothing to lose. Everyone knows this truth, so few people are willing to mess with such people.

Seeing everyone quiet down, John Tross slowly spoke.

He is not only the intimidator of this auction but also the host of this auction.

"The time has come, I announce that this auction has officially begun."

After finishing speaking, an auction house staff member came from behind the auction table. For a moment, almost everyone's eyes fell on the wooden box held by the staff member.

Obviously, what this person is holding is the first auction item, and according to the procedures of most auction houses, the first item must be a high-quality product that can mobilize the atmosphere of the entire auction.

"The following is the first auction item, the blue quality engine 'Aurora Thermal Engine.' The attribute diagram is as follows:

**Aurora Thermal Engine lv0**

- **Quality:** Blue

- **Consumption:** 3/s (psionic energy points)

- **Energy supply:** 24/s (psionic energy points)

- **Buffering after overload:** 30 minutes

- **Energy pool:** 3000 points (can store 3000 points of psionic energy)

- **Can be converted into:** {Aurora Lava Core}

- **Required for upgrade:** 4 strands of floating land origin (zero level), 400 energy points, 4 life proto-cores (zero level)

After introducing the Aurora Thermal Engine, John Tross began to quote.

"There is no pricing for this Aurora Thermal Engine. It only supports barter. Interested parties can use the bidder on the seat to place a bid."

For a time, dozens of people in the auction house picked up the bidders one after another and began to use the bidders to report the trading items they took out to John Tross above.

Of course, it could also be reported to the person behind the "Aurora Thermal Engine."

To be honest, Song Chi was also quite moved.

Now the only thing missing on the Sky is a high-quality engine part. Although the blue part is not comparable to the high-quality parts, it can still be regarded as a high-quality engine. As long as he can get this Aurora Thermal Engine, he can continue to strengthen it in the future.

Just over twenty days later, he and Shen Qing were going to explore the so-called "Buluo Civilization Ruins." It was said that there was no danger in the ruins, but Shen Qing himself had only explored the first floor. Who knew? Surely the subsequent second level will not be dangerous?

According to Song Chi's idea, it was natural to try to strengthen the dark matter energy shield generator as high a level as possible before going to the ruins.

However, no matter how eager he was, Song Chi was destined not to make a bid. The most important thing at the moment was to get the purification blue component that would appear later. Compared with the subsequent exploration of the ruins, the importance of the Heaven's Market was far more significant.

This part was finally won by a first-order fire captain, which made other bidders sigh.

I just don't know what conditions this person used to trade for this blue engine.

"The second auction item, the white energy shield 'Magnetic Energy Stand Layer,' has a starting price of 300 strands of the first-order floating land source. Each increase in price shall not be less than 10 strands of the first-order floating land source. The bidding begins."

The first blue-quality "Aurora Thermal Engine" directly brought the auction to a climax, but the subsequent items were much more ordinary. Of course, a few small boutique items were inserted from time to time in the middle to maintain the popularity of the entire auction.

This commonly used auction method is well known to everyone present, but the atmosphere in the venue is indeed good.

After the first Aurora Thermal Engine, there was no second item that interested Song Chi until one item appeared.

"The forty-third lot, 200 tons of mercury crystal, starting price is 1,900 strands of zero-order floating land origin. Each increase in price must not be less than 20 strands of zero-order floating land origin."

After hearing the words "mercury crystal," Song Chi's eyes finally regained their vitality, and he quickly picked up the quote machine beside him.

Mercury Crystal is a mid-range battleship strengthening resource, and its market price is generally around 1 ton of 10 rays of zero-level floating land source.

The reason why Song Chi is interested in it is because every strengthening of the dark matter energy shield generator requires the use of this resource. Currently, he still has nearly a hundred tons of mercury crystals in his hands, but the lv15 dark matter energy shield generator consumes dozens of tons each time it is strengthened, and hundreds of tons are far from enough.

"1980 rays of zero-level floating land origin!"

As soon as he entered his bid on the bidder, John Tross's voice sounded from the auction table below.

"No. 235 bids 1,980 strands. Is there anyone who wants to increase the price?"

A few minutes later, after multiple rounds of quotations, Song Chi finally purchased two hundred tons of mercury crystals with 2060 strands of zero-order floating land origin.

However, the two hundred tons of mercury crystals will not be delivered to him for the time being. He needs to wait for the transaction to be completed and pay the floating land source corresponding to the quotation before he can get it from the auction house.

After that, Song Chi waited for a long time. Just when he thought that Roque Tross had deceived him, the blue purification component that he had longed for was finally put on the auction block.

"Blue quality special component 'Abnormal Status Purifier,' the component attributes are as follows:

**Abnormal Status Purifier lv0**

- **Quality:** Blue

- **Consumption:** 5/s (psionic points)

- **Effect:** Purification Halo (After loading, the component will automatically generate a purification halo, which can purify a variety of negative states.)

- **Required for upgrade:** 3 strands of floating land origin (zero level), 300 nether energy points.

"According to the request of the auctioneer, this part can only be exchanged for other items, and does not support the original trading of floating land."

As John Tross's words fell, just like the first blue engine, many Fire Captains quickly aroused competing bids.

Song Chi also picked up the quotation device next to him again, but he was not in a hurry to bid, considering how many Void Crystals he should take out, and whether to use the first-order Void Crystals as well. 

Since there is a restriction on exchanging things, the only things Song Chi can exchange for are these Void Crystals.