Chapter 10: Campfire

Morning sunlight filtered through the trees while Rena, Yuuki and Losi made their way to the campsite. The air was cool and on every side noises of nature.

As they grew near the camping site, before Rena, she saw a figure that she knew well standing by it. "Is that Kenzo?" she asked as her eyes narrowed against the bright light.

"It seems like it," replied Yuuki with puzzled expression on his face, "But what is he doing here so soon?"

They entered into an open space only to notice Kenzo grinning broadly at someone else. Next to him was Akiko, who exuded a warm demeanor and cheerfulness.

"Hi there everybody!" shouted Kenzo waving his hands zealously." You made it! I couldn't wait any longer so I brought along Akiko. There was one more place vacant and I thought maybe she could come!"

"Oh no!" exclaimed Yuuki in surprise but tried to smile without showing how shocked he was when he saw Akiko's presence.

"So much for being in a relationship," said Yuuki softly to himself.

"As you know my boyfriend is going for this trip anyway so…" She giggled embarrassedly then added with excitement: "Why not?" prompted Akiko as her eyes glittered

Rena looked at Losi briefly; both girls were equally surprised and curious."Of course! The more the merrier!" answered Rena happily."

"This is going to be so much fun. Welcome to the Adventure Club Trip, Akiko!" Losi exclaimed.

Despite settling in, Yuuki had a doubt in his heart. The group dynamics change due to the entry of Akiko. Rena looked at him staring back at her with a knowing face.

"What have you all been doing?" She tried to bring the conversation back on track and lighten the mood.

"It was just a matter of setting up for campfire and doing other things," Kenzo's enthusiasm was visible in his voice. "I can hardly wait for showing you around this place!"

While unpacking their gears, Yuki ended up by Akiko's side. "So how did it go at the theme park?" he asked out of curiosity.

"It was quite something! I rode everything with Kenzo and even ate gigantic funnel cake," enthused Akiko.

"I can't wait for you guys to see this place!" And as they talked among themselves, laughing freely filled the empty space created by silence; these were among several emotions brewing inside me together with many others that I couldn't exactly identify or name.

With someone like Akiko around, he knew that this journey would be filled with unexpected surprises, and he wondered if it would affect what he felt for Rena.

As they chat amongst themselves, laughter filled the air momentarily softening Yuuki's heart.

All at once, Kenzo clapped his hands with a bang making them all turn their heads to him. "Alright team! Let us start this campfire! I have some awesome plans for today but first things first!"

Yuuki observed intently as Kenzo gathered firewood excitedly; his enthusiasm was contagious. With her laughter ringing around along with her help, Akiko joined him. Both Rena and Losi gave each other a look that showed they were both amused and intrigued by the interplay between these two.

"Seems like they're getting on fine," said Rena trying to sound light.

"They seem to hit it off," replied Losi devilishly while her eyes sparkled. "We could make some fun out of this."

"What do you mean?" Yuuki asked raising one eyebrow.

A playful grin spread across Losi's face as she leaned closer. "How about we set up a challenge? A campfire story competition! The best storyteller chooses tomorrow's opening activity."

Rena's eyes gleamed brightly. "That sounds cool! I am game!"

"Okay, everyone! Time to vote," Kenzo announced, distracting Yuuki. "Who was the best storyteller?"

In response, the group broke into laughter and talks with each one willing to give their mind on the story teller. Rena beamed as she completed her tale; her face was slightly flushed as she sat down awkwardly while Akiko turned to Kenzo and leaned forward a little more eagerly with anticipation sparkling in her eyes.

"I think we should do this fairly," Losi suggested raising her hand. "We'll count our votes and the winner can choose what we do first tomorrow!"

Yuuki's stomach churned with anxiety mixed with excitement. He knew how much Rena had put into her story, and he hoped it had been enough to make others appreciate it like he did.

"Alright, who votes for Kenzo?" called Losi, some hands went up including those of Kenzo himself causing everyone to chuckle.

"And then Akiko!" Losi continued a few hands were raised again including that of Kenzo who cheered from his seat.

"What about Rena?" asked Losi almost every hand went up including Yuuki's who felt very proud of herself.

"It looks like Rena's winning!" Kenzo said with a grin on his face. "And now for the grand finale… my vote! I'm also going with Rena!"

Cheers erupted around the campfire as Rena gleamed across in joy. "Thank you, everyone! I can't believe I've won!"

"Looks like you are the queen of storytelling," Losi teased Rena, playfully. "What your first activity going to be?" 

Rena paused, her excitement bubbling over. "How about we all go hiking to the viewpoint! I heard it's stunning, especially at sunrise."

"Alright, count me in!" Akiko exclaimed. "I can't wait to see it!"

"Me too!" Kenzo added, his eyes shining with excitement. "This trip is going to be epic!"

As everyone talked excitedly, Yuuki felt a mix of emotions swirling inside him. He was so much looking forward to that hike! But he couldn`t help hoping something would prevent Akiko from going along. With Akiko in tow the atmosphere changed a little, and Yuuki wondered how that would alter things between himself and Rena.

"Good, then we'll all have a good night's rest tonight and set off refreshed," Kenzo said, clapping his hands together. "We'll need our strength!"

As they settled down for the night, Yuuki found the sounds of laughter from the campfire still ringing in his ears and lay awake inside his sleeping bag.

He stared up at the tent canvas above him, reflecting upon events that day: Rena's laughter, the way Akiko and Kenzo conducted themselves together.

He took a big breath, reminding himself this trip was all about having fun and making memories. However the future turned out, he was ready to face it.

With that thought, Yuuki shut his eyes and let the sounds of nature rock him into a peaceful sleep - ready for whatever surprises the morning held.