Belated Revelations (Part 9)

"What do you want to tell us about?" Kapel warily addressed Jogrin.

In a tent that was set up in the middle, right next to the tree, Kapel, Proxer, Naytia, Zanphia, Zenover, Captain Ryov, Suzannia, and Jogrin congregated.

This meeting was initiated by Jogrin shortly after every tent had been successfully pitched. The purpose of gathering them here was unknown, but Jogrin told Kapel that it had something to do with his past, or rather, the Darkians in general.

While Kapel had his doubts, he still went along with it. Jogrin followed up by adding that what he was about to disclose wasn't something like him killing his own mother, so Kapel could be rest assured that all of the Maladins could be present.

And now, everyone looked as if they were on the edge of their seats as they prepared themselves for what was to come. The exception to this was Suzannia, who seemed exhilarated as his eyes were glinting. Meanwhile, Zanphia still had a downcast expression.

"I simply want to explain how is Dark Matter used by Darkians."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Kapel demanded sternly.

"The powers that Dark Matter bestowed us Darkians."

"Wait. You're just going to reveal it... Then all the efforts for the past 1500 years..."

Proxer was talking about the failed attempts at reaching the Darkian planet, as every time they tried to connect to it via portals, it always led to somewhere else. If all the mysteries about the Darkians could just be solved merely by Jogrin explaining them here, he felt that all the sacrifices would be for naught.

"Proxer. This could be the answer we have been seeking after. If that is the case, there will not be any more lost lives in the future because of this. Please understand."

Kapel managed to persuade Proxer as the latter nodded, albeit lacking firmness.

"I'll first start by what I know about my kin."

According the Jogrin, the Darkians were divided into three types, based on the medium used for transfer of the Dark Matter throughout the entire body, and the organ used for storing the Dark Matter. They were Vascular type, Neural type, and Skeletal type respectively.

Vascular type:

The transfer medium was a type of transparent liquid which only exist inside vessels. Other than catalyzing the transfer of Dark Matter within the vessels, the fluid had no use. When the vessels were cut open in any way, the fluid would solidify to prevent leakage. It would then become liquid again after the vessels healed.

There had been various names for the storage organ for this type, but many called it "the heart." It was located right below the sternum (chest bone). Normally, the heart didn't contract. It only did during the transfer of Dark Matter.

Main abilities of this type include explosive strength and accelerated healing. However, with only a single heartbeat, Darkians of this type weren't able to do something like holding a heavy object midair unless the heart beat repeatedly.

This required high accuracy so that the output of the strength wasn't too much or too little. There weren't many who could master this technique. Those who could were held in high regard.

Neural type:

The transfer medium were neural tissues, in other words, the nerves. This type boasted the highest transfer speed. The abilities could activate pretty much as soon as the signal was initiated.

The storage organ for this type was extremely straight forward: the brain.

The abilities include high cognitive performance, improved reflexes, higher sensitivity, high movement speed. Because of this, they also travel a lot faster even on foot.

Meanwhile, they could also extend their nerves outside of their bodies, from any part of their bodies. It was useful for object manipulation that was some distance away from Darkians of this type.

The Darkians highly valued multi-capabilities, so the those of Neural type were even more highly revered than those of Vascular type, with no exceptions.

Skeletal type:

The transfer medium were the bones.

The storage organ for this type was the tail shaped like a spine. Its end was pointy, and is the most concentrated in Dark Matter out of the entire tail. Incidentally, only those of Skeletal type possess a tail and its length is usually as long as the torso.

The abilities of this type were vast. There were some notable ones.

First, extremely fragile bones which could snap from someone else flicking their finger at them. Contrarily, the skull, spine, and tail were extremely durable. Even if they were hit with multiple trucks, they'd still be intact with no sign of fracture.

Second, horribly subpar physique. There exist a certain threshold in terms of exertion level that once reached, Darkians of this type would immediately lose all strength and collapse on the ground. The threshold was usually at running on level ground for three seconds. Meanwhile, a toddler could easily overpower a Skeletal type.

Third, "fabrication." Basically, to create clothing for oneself. the fabrics dissipate, or gets reabsorbed once they weren't in contact with the one who created them.

Fourth, accelerated healing. It was the same as that of the Vascular type, except that the healing for Skeletal type was much more efficient and potent. Because of this, those of Skeletal type who went beyond the exertion threshold and those who had broken their bones always recovered almost instantly.

Fifth, weight adjustment. It was as the name described, those of Skeletal type could alter their body weight at will. However, it wasn't all that useful.

Sixth, energy absorption. This was the most significant ability, as it not only allowed the absorption of heat, kinetic energy, electricity, but also something known as "life force." By merely being in contact, those of Skeletal type could absorb energy, or kill someone. The energy would then be converted to Dark Matter for their own use.

Darkians despised anyone of Skeletal type. They were seen as "selfish" due to all of the abilities only benefiting the owner, but not for others, sometimes even doing harm to others. It was rarest type out of all three, because not many were born.

Executions were usually meted out to them at birth, but never succeeded due to the accelerated healing they possessed.

"That about sums up the capabilities of us Darkians. I'm sure that by this point, it's clear which type I belong to... If you have any inquiries, feel free."

"The liquid in the Vascular type, does it also exist in Darkians of other types too?" Captain Ryov was the first one to raise a question.

"Yes, but it's completely useless to us."

"Um. Do you guys have muscles...?" Proxer was next.

"Yes. But they are generally weak, since we rely on Dark Matter on a daily basis."

"Are all Darkians able to survive without food, drink, and sleep?" Proxer followed up. It appeared he was struggling, as there was something else on his mind that he didn't want to directly ask about.

"Well, this is a special case for me. Speaking of which, 'emotional perception' doesn't belong to any of the three types, and I have no idea why I even have it."

"That is quite the convenient answer." Kapel retorted Jogrin.

"Can't know what I don't know when the answer to it isn't even available. No one else had it, nor did any of the books about Dark Matter had anything about 'emotional perception.'"


"I had nothing to do when I was sitting in one of the secluded places, so I read books to pass the time."

"I see. Furthermore, you did not explain why we were unable to travel to your planet with portal devices."

"I can't say for sure, but I think Dark Matter naturally repels portals. I mean, I was thrown off when Proxer tried to get me to the hospital via one of those devices."

Jogrin was talking about when he first crash landed on Zuta.

"In other words, you do not know." Kapel glared at Jogrin as the latter shrugged his shoulders. "Anything else regarding your right arm that you are hiding from us?"

"... No."

"Are you really telling the truth?"

"I am..."

"Is that so? I shall put this aside for now..."

The interior of the tent became silent abruptly, and the atmosphere felt tense. This had been the case frequently since Jogrin had arrived at Zuta. Proxer had such a thought.

Suzannia fell asleep in Proxer's arms in the middle of Jogrin's speech, so their final hope at breaking free from the awkward silence was lost even before it started.

Kapel then spoke up again, ignoring the awkwardness everyone was exuding.

"Riddle me this, Jogrin... How did you protect Proxer during the bombardment back at the hospital?"

Proxer's eye widened upon hearing that. That was what he yearned to ask about the entire time, and it came out through Kapel's mouth instead of his.

Meanwhile, from "emotional perception," Jogrin could tell that everyone else became poised.