Painted Dreams

After hours of practice, Ehvermaia realized she was supposed to teach Shevonne some ballet moves on ice, but she wasn't concerned about it. She was enjoying skating. Once they finished, both sat down on a chair. Shevonne went out to buy lunch for them. A minute later, Valerie walked in and was completely amused to see Ehvermaia.

"What are you doing here?" Valerie asked, her face filled with anger.

"Just practicing skating," Ehvermaia replied, staring back, struggling not to be sarcastic. Valerie rolled her eyes and walked away. In her head, Ehvermaia thought, "Roll your eyes until you see what's behind your head. Maybe you'll find a brain, or maybe nothing at all."

Minutes passed, and Shevonne arrived with food. He noticed Valerie but wasn't bothered. He gave Ehvermaia her food.

"Eat up. I might be the reason if you die of hunger," Shevonne said, sitting down and starting to eat.

"I'm not some weakling like you," Ehvermaia replied, giving Shevonne a annoyed look as she ate.

Valerie noticed Shevonne and quickly approached them. "Hey! Are you here to train with me?" she asked, but before she could finish, she saw them eating. Shevonne cut in, "I'm not here to train with you."

Valerie turned away, muttering, "He was supposed to be mine, you ugly bitch."

After eating, Shevonne put on his ice skates, and Ehvermaia got ready. In the rink, they skated to the middle. Shevonne held Ehvermaia's hands, but he gently pulled away to take a lollipop from his pocket. He gave it to Ehvermaia, trying to shut her up.

"Will this keep you quiet? I don't want to hear your sarcasm," Shevonne said, looking at Valerie, who was annoyed. Valerie approached them, but Shevonne grabbed Ehvermaia's hand, and they skated away, leaving Valerie behind.

"She's so damn annoying," Shevonne muttered as they skated.

Ehvermaia glanced back at Valerie, but Shevonne stopped her by pulling her chin away. Ehvermaia looked confused with the lollipop in her mouth.

"Do you have a contest soon?" she asked, sucking on the lollipop.

Shevonne skated backward, still holding Ehvermaia's hand. "Yeah, we do."

Ehvermaia stopped suddenly, almost causing them to fall. Shevonne caught them.

"Don't do that," he said.

Ehvermaia raised an eyebrow. "Both of you need to train," she said, but Shevonne put another lollipop in his mouth.

"Shut up. The coach isn't here yet, so Valerie and I can train later," Shevonne said.

The coach arrived, and Ehvermaia sat outside. Shevonne followed.

"Are you going to paint me again?" Shevonne teased, looking at Ehvermaia.

"Why would I do that? You're not that important," Ehvermaia said, taking the lollipop stick from her mouth.

"I'm hurt. Why did you paint me before?" Shevonne asked, putting the lollipop stick in his pocket.

Ehvermaia pushed his face away. "I only painted you because there was a lot of paint left. You said it was expensive, so I drew you."

Shevonne was shocked. He turned to start practicing in the rink.

Ehvermaia stood up, grabbed her bag, and began to walk away. Shevonne noticed her departure. "Hey! Are you leaving already?" he yelled. Ehvermaia turned around upon hearing him and saw him skating towards her. He approached the edge, looked up at Ehvermaia, who stared back at him. "Yes, I am. Why?" she replied.

Shevonne scratched his head. "Stay here. Let's walk together later. You can borrow the ice skates and practice inside the rink."

Valerie was already annoyed and clearly disapproved of Shevonne spending time with Ehvermaia. After a while, Ehvermaia agreed. She returned, changed her shoes, and headed to the rink. Shevonne went back to Valerie for practice, while Ehvermaia tried some ballet moves on the ice. She started by skating around and around the rink.

Shevonne noticed and smiled as he watched her. "Wow, looks like I'm a great trainer," he remarked. Valerie observed Ehvermaia closely. "I've never seen someone learn so fast in just one day," she commented, shooting a glance at Shevonne. They both resumed their practice sessions as Ehvermaia skated around the rink. Once she had mastered balancing and skating quickly, she attempted a penché on the ice.

Coach Lee noticed Ehvermaia performing the penché and watched her intently, with Valerie and Shevonne also observing her.

Ehvermaia executed the penché perfectly. "Whoa, I did it!" Coach Lee clapped his hands, impressed. Shevonne chimed in, teasingly, "Whoa, looks like I'm a great trainer, huh?"

Valerie rolled her eyes at the praise from Coach Lee and Shevonne. "Ugh, it's just some basic moves," she remarked dismissively.

Shevonne overheard her comment and raised an eyebrow. "Not just basic for a first-timer on ice, you know," he retorted.

Ehvermaia smiled, encouraged by her success. She continued to try more moves as Shevonne and Valerie returned to their practice.

Ehvermaia performed another move, executing a grand jeté with a high jump and landing perfectly on her feet without stumbling. Everyone was amazed by her skill. After Shevonne and Valerie finished their practice, Shevonne hurried over to Ehvermaia. They both changed and headed outside to walk together. As they strolled, Shevonne glanced at her, hands in his pockets.

"Do you see figure skating as a sport or as an art?" he asked.

Ehvermaia looked at Shevonne without hesitation. "It's art," she replied firmly.

Shevonne scratched his head, puzzled. "Can you explain why?"

"When you step onto the rink, you become art. When you dance, it's a masterpiece," Ehvermaia explained, avoiding eye contact.

Shevonne was flattered but looked away, blushing. "Why would you say that? It's embarrassing."

Ehvermaia glanced at Shevonne, noticing his blush, and became confused. "What the heck? Just so you know, I'm not flirting with you, idiot!" she exclaimed.

"Stop looking at me if you hate seeing me like this," Shevonne pushed his face away and they started walking home. When Shevonne arrived at his house, he paused to watch Ehvermaia walking away. He called out to her, and she turned back, confused.

"Let's go out tomorrow, I mean, just as friends," Shevonne suggested.

Ehvermaia gave him a skeptical look, raising an eyebrow. "Where?"

Shevonne grinned, pleased that she agreed. "To the mall. We can also catch a movie. Don't worry, my treat."

Ehvermaia hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Alright," she replied, before continuing on her way back home.

The next day, Ehvermaia woke up and ate some bread left over from the day before. "Shoot, I forgot to buy groceries," she muttered. After brushing her teeth, she gathered her canvas and art materials, placing them inside her tote bag. She then took a bath and changed into a long white dress. "I hope I don't get dirty in this," she sighed, looking at herself in the mirror before leaving home.

When she stepped outside, she saw Shevonne waiting for her inside his car. Approaching him, she said, "You didn't say you would pick me up?"

Shevonne stared at her, confused. "Do I have to say that? Come on, hop in."

Ehvermaia, puzzled about how to open the car door, looked at Shevonne with an intimidating expression. Shevonne let out a small giggle. "Don't tell me you don't know how to open a car door. Are you serious?" He got out and opened the door for her, and she hopped in. Once Shevonne closed the door, he got into the driver's seat and glanced at Ehvermaia in the rearview mirror. "Are you okay? You don't look good."

"Is there a thing where you wear a helmet inside a car? I don't trust you," Ehvermaia said, looking at him from the rearview mirror.

Shevonne turned his head towards her. "Are you serious? I know how to drive. Just chill."

He then drove off, and they went to the big mall in the city. Ehvermaia looked out the window, admiring the big buildings. It wasn't her first time seeing them, but to her, they were art. When they arrived at the mall, Shevonne parked the car, and they both got out and went inside. People were looking at Shevonne as usual. One of his fans approached and asked if she could take a selfie with him, but he politely declined. "I'm sorry, darling. I can't. As you can see, I'm having fun. Please don't ruin it."

Ehvermaia, afraid that Shevonne might get bashed because of her, suddenly interrupted. "Oh my, he is such a great actor. Of course, he would love to take a picture with you. Give me your phone, and I'll take a picture of both of you." The girl smiled and handed her phone to Ehvermaia. Shevonne, though annoyed, still smiled for the picture. Once they were done, Ehvermaia gave the phone back to the girl, and Shevonne suddenly grabbed Ehvermaia's hand and pulled her away from the crowd.

"Don't do that again. You're making the crowd curious, and they might end up noticing me," he scolded.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Now, who the hell are you to grab my hand just like that?" she snapped, pulling her hand away. After that, they both went to find a movie to watch.

Shevonne spotted a movie titled *Art Behind a Sport*. "Let's watch that. It sounds interesting," he suggested.

Ehvermaia looked at the price and closed her eyes. "I don't like the price."

Shevonne let out a small giggle. "Don't worry, it's on me. Didn't I tell you yesterday?" He bought two tickets, and they went in to watch the movie. They took their seats and waited for the movie to start. Shevonne remembered something and looked at Ehvermaia. "I thought you were always rude, but I was wrong about that."

Ehvermaia looked at him with disgust. "Why does it sound like you're flirting? Stop doing that; you're making me gag."

Shevonne looked at her again. "I also remember when you said it was our last time talking. You just pissed me off, you know?"

Ehvermaia scoffed irritably. "Can't you ask me how pissed I am just by looking at your face, you idiot?"

Shevonne laughed, and after a minute, the movie started. They watched in silence. When the movie ended, people were crying because of the sad plot twist. Ehvermaia and Shevonne left the theater, stunned by the unexpected sadness of the movie. Ehvermaia looked away, avoiding Shevonne's gaze.

"Are you crying?" he teased. "I didn't know you knew how to cry."

"I'm not crying, you fool. I'm hiding my laugh. I just can't handle how ugly people sound when they cry," Ehvermaia retorted.

Shevonne was in disbelief that Ehvermaia didn't cry at all. They went to a nearby park and sat on the grass. Ehvermaia took out her canvas and art materials.

"Oh, I didn't know you brought those," Shevonne said, watching her.

"I had a feeling there would be a plot twist at the end of the movie," Ehvermaia replied, recalling the film. She took out two canvases from her bag and placed one in front of Shevonne. Intrigued, Shevonne said, "Oh, so you're teaching me how to draw now? Guess what, Ehvermaia, I know how to draw a little."

Ehvermaia looked at him, intrigued. "You do, huh? Then draw something and don't show me."

Shevonne thought for a moment and agreed. He took the canvas, some paints, and other art materials, and sat opposite Ehvermaia, facing her so she couldn't see what he painted. They both started painting. After an hour, Ehvermaia finished her painting and looked at Shevonne, who was staring at her.

"Are you done?" he asked.

"Yes. Now show me what you drew, and I'll show you mine," Ehvermaia said, holding up her painting.

Shevonne handed her his painting and waited for her reaction. Ehvermaia's eyebrows raised when she saw that Shevonne had drawn her ice skating. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't bad either. Shevonne looked at the painting she had done, which depicted both of them sitting on the grass in the park, just like they were at that moment.

"You're already great at painting. I expected it to be a masterpiece," Shevonne said, still looking at the painting.

"So you like it, huh? Just admit it," he teased.

"Why would I admit it? You don't paint well," Ehvermaia retorted, though she couldn't help but glance back at the painting. "But I'll take it home."

It was the first time someone had drawn her. The painting wasn't a masterpiece, but she loved it. She just didn't want to admit it. It had always been her dream for someone to paint her, just like how she painted everyone else. Shevonne's painting wasn't perfect, but she couldn't believe her dream had come true. Even so, she still couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't like him at all.

Suddenly, Ehrie saw them sitting on the grass and approached them. As she walked closer, she noticed they were looking at paintings.

"I thought you didn't like men involved in figure skating?" Ehrie said, raising an eyebrow.

Ehvermaia was stunned and looked up at her. "I do. Did I say I didn't?"

Ehrie sat down, still curious. "Then why are you hanging out with him?" she asked, glancing at Shevonne with a hint of jealousy.

Shevonne, now curious, put the painting down on the grass. "Oh, so you don't like men who figure skate? Why not? Care to share?"

Ehvermaia looked annoyed and glared at Ehrie. Ehrie, not realizing she had stirred trouble, responded, "Why are you looking at me like that? It's scary. But what I said is true."

Shevonne let out a small chuckle. "Oh, Ehrie, don't you realize she's embarrassed?"

Ehrie sat down, tired of looking down at them. "She never gets embarrassed, except when it comes to art. You're not special to her, remember that." She grabbed her phone from her bag and took a selfie with Shevonne. Ehrie was a big fan of his.

"Embarrassed, my ass," Ehvermaia muttered, standing up. She packed her painting materials into her tote bag, leaving the canvas she had painted along with Shevonne's painting.

Shevonne stared at her as she stood. "Where are you going? We were just having fun." He stood up, picking up the paintings from the grass and handing the one he painted to Ehvermaia.

Ehvermaia rolled her eyes. "Just keep that junk of yours. I'm going to see my father." She walked away, leaving Shevonne and Ehrie behind.

Shevonne was confused and wanted to ask Ehvermaia for a ride to her father's place, but he was also puzzled about why her father and she didn't live in the same house. "What does she mean by that, anyway?" he mumbled, watching Ehvermaia walk away.

Ehrie stood up and brushed off her pants. "You didn't know? Too bad. Then she isn't really interested in you," Ehrie said, waving goodbye to him.

"Wait, what do you mean by that? What don't I know?" Shevonne asked, looking at Ehrie for answers.