
The Turning Point

Despite her progress, Mei-Yin still faced moments of profound frustration. There were days when Li-Jie's coldness seemed insurmountable, his rude dismissals leaving her feeling more like a nuisance than a valued employee. But she refused to give up. She began to observe him more closely, noting the rare moments when his guard seemed to slip.

Her best friend, Xiao Hong, noticed her growing frustration. One evening, over tea, Xiao Hong voiced her concerns. "Mei-Yin, you're wearing yourself out for someone who doesn't seem to care. Maybe it's time to move on."

Mei-Yin sighed. "I just thought... maybe I could reach him."

"Sometimes, people aren't meant to be reached. Focus on yourself for a change. Dress up, go out, and meet people who will appreciate you."

Taking Xiao Hong's advice to heart, Mei-Yin decided to revamp her approach. She started dressing more elegantly, paying attention to her appearance in ways she hadn't before. Her new look caught the attention of many, including a colleague named Wei, who had admired her from afar for a long time. Wei was kind, attentive, and everything that Li-Jie was not.

One evening, after a particularly draining day, Wei asked Mei-Yin out for coffee. Hesitant at first, she eventually agreed, thinking it might be a good distraction. To her surprise, she enjoyed his company immensely. Wei was engaging, funny, and made her feel valued in ways she had longed for.

As Mei-Yin began to spend more time with Wei, her attention towards Li-Jie naturally waned. She no longer left notes or brought him coffee. Her interactions with him were strictly professional, and she poured her energy into her work and her blossoming relationship with Wei.