
Ariel tossed around her bed as she giggled. She was finally done with the romance novel she had been reading for days.

In case you were wondering; then yes, she finishes her novels in days.

Ariel was a book worm, she loved fictions and preferred fictions to movies.

When her best friend, Jessica had asked why she loved them so much, she had explained it was an easy way to escape from the real world.

She laid on her bed as she flashed back to her early age.

To Ariel, romances novel where her everything! Not like she didn't read outside romance though, she did but she just preferred romance better.

She flashed back to when she was drowning in her early teens because she had no friends. Not many people liked her, she was quiet and easily picked on.

She had only Jessica and Jessica had always encourage her to find her inner self which was sleeping.

She didn't believe she could be that naive. She had always thought she had a braver her inside.

Ariel couldn't tell her parents about her traumas as it was going to get them worried. She didn't want to make them worry, that was the last thing she needed.

She would rather fight her battles on her own and grow stronger. She believed it was better to fight alone and become stronger than have people fight them for you.

Although she loved Jessica, she just couldn't believe she would stay forever.

She believed people and emotions are visitors and she was going to let them come and go. But deep down she was soft at heart and would easily get hurt.

Ariel started reading fictions right from her tender age.

She would read the little she could read till she got her own phone and discovered she could read different kind of fictions on the internet.

She inwardly pray for the soul who taught about sure an awesome idea. Slowly but steadily she got addicted to it books.

She'd lock her self all day in her room and forget she was in a real world, she rather engross herself in those fiction than face fake people every day of her life.

She always envied the female leads in every romance novel she had read. They get to have a perfect life, get a wonderful male lead who was ready to bring down the heavens for them while she just rots in her room and screams for fictional female leads love.

Maybe that was why she was addicted to romance fictions than any other genre.

Because it always forged happiness. They may be twist and turns but they all get happiness at the end of it all. She also wanted it, so the more she read, the more hope she could keep alive that she also could obtain happiness.

At seventeen, she had no boyfriend and have never been in a relationship. She had always wished for a perfect first kiss.

On a rainy day, with her man's oversized T-shirt, they would play around till he slowly catches up with her and then they'd kiss slowly but sweet.

She would slowly savour the taste of his lips~cold but coated with honey.

If only her imaginations could come through, then she'd be the happiest alive.

She really wished she had a life outside her imaginations. Although she knew most of what she read were fiction and real life doesn't work that way, she still can't help but dreams she gets someone perfect.

Maybe even as half as perfect as her best male lead Alexander Qin.

But then she knew her dreams were far fetched. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a phone call. She picked up her phone and the contact played on her screen. It was Jessica!

She suddenly remembered they were to meet up at golden club bar!

Shit! she had been so engrossed in her book which had led her into forgetting she had plans with her best friend.

"Hey bestie," Ariel smiled sweetly over the phone as she tried to evade the trouble she was in.

"Where the hell are you Ariel?! Did you stand me up again?" Jessica asked from the other end of the phone clearly pissed.

"Heavens forbid I do that to my better half, I'd see you in five minutes." with that she ended the call to avoid her best friend nagging. She hurriedly got dressed and left to meet her friend.