Deal with the devil.

"Why the hell do you get to pick the guy?" Ariel asked not wanting to believe the fact that she just had to seat back and watch her evil best friend pick up a guy for her.

"Trust me, it's gonna be fun. And remember I have an awesome taste when it comes to guys." Jessica gloated.

"You have a good taste doesn't mean I would like your taste jess, we ain't same people."

"Well you have no choice, just seat back and enjoy the game."

"This is gonna be hell! I can feel it." Jessica murmured as she took a sip of her drink.


"Guess what darling," Jessica said in a song like voice through the phone.

"What?" Ariel asked rolling her eyes knowing her best friend was up to no good again.

"I found a perfect match for you my love. His a hell lot of vibes, and his looks are average, nothing over the top but his a sweet guy and you will definitely love him. And oh, he got flows too!" Jessica was clearly loving this as she ramble on and on about the so called 'perfect guy' while Ariel got goose bombs already.

"You make it sound so nice then could you please explain why I feel like puking?! What the hell jess, I already feel like this is bad news."

"Keep what you feel to yourself because I already gave him your number and you guys can hit things up. And oh, don't forget condom exits because aunty definitely isn't ready for a grandchild! She's not even ready for her own child in the first place." Jessica joked over the phone because she knew Ariel's mother rarely had time for her, her father basically raised her alone. Her mother rarely showed up.

"Your dreams are too big to fit into your nostrils. Chill bruh! I don't even know what this guy looks like and there's no way in this damn world I'd be having sex yet!! Sex is for college." Ariel said dreamily.

"Don't make it sound like I have had sex either, but I must warn you. Don't be so sure of the unknown, you may really fall for this guy." with that Jessica hung up. Although she had been in many relationship, she hasn't really had sex, the most she did with her boyfriends was making out, she hasn't really gone all the way down there.

"Don't be so sure of the unknown, you may really fall for this guy." Ariel mimicked irritatedly.

She wondered were Jessica got the guy from and Wondered if he was a total weirdo. She closed her eyes and prayed silently hoping he was going to be cool so she could at least pretend to care for him while they dated. That's if he would want her for a month.

She picked up her phone and Wondered if he had sent her an inbox already. She was right there was a message recently sent by an unsaved number. "His definitely desperate, his gotten him self a red flag already." Ariel judged not knowing this simple inbox should change a lot.

She picked up her phone and tap on his massage, what a lame text. She thought inwardly.

"Hey pretty". With a love emoji attached was his first message. Like seriously!? She couldn't help but let the little bit of hope she had left run down the drain.

She felt chilled as she stared at the two words. She had atleast expected a dramatic entry or something considering Jessica promoted him highly saying he had a lot of vibes.

What the hell happened to the vibes Jessica claimed he had?

But what could she do? She already made a deal with the devil.

"Hey," she replied back totally uninterested.

"Am guessing Jessica told you she gave out your number to a gorgeous looking guy." he replied almost immediately. Ariel looked at the message not believing her eyes, the nerve of this guy! She already felt like puking. She clearly remembered Jessica saying his looks were average what the fuck gave him so much confidence? Be polite, be polite, she chanted repeatedly to her self.

"She did inform me only after she gave out my number, but I think she definitely didn't mention you being gorgeous."

"I was kidding. Am always these way. Am Daniel by the way, but am usually called Danny."

"Danny," Ariel voiced.