
Ariel groggily opened her eyes as she grunted at the sound of her alarm as it woke her up against her will. She had taken a bold step to sacrifice some of her sleeping time for morning exercise.

What was she thinking?

She groaned as she got up to get ready.

After putting on her sports outfit, she swept her hair into a high ponytail. Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt satisfied with her appearance as headed to the door.

"Shoot my headphone!"

Groaning for what felt like the hundredth time that morning, she dashed back to her room to grab her headphones.

Running along the road, she sang loudly with her not-so-pleasing-voice.

The number of heads who had turned in her direction couldn't be counted but just like the song she was loudly singing she wasn't fuc!king with them.

Ariel was listening to 'I don't fuck with you' by Big sean and hell yeah! She felt so alive.

She looked over at a girl who was overly staring at her and got mad.

"I don't fu!ck with you, you Lil stu!pid ass bit!ch am not fuc!kin' with you."

She sang loudly as she also stared fiercely at the girl as she sang.

What a coincidence! The song gave a perfectly good reply.

Ariel didn't know which side of the bed she woke up from, but she was loving her carefree attitude today.

She should definitely do this often.

She thought energetically as she kept yelling with her horrible voice.

She was probably sure there all wanted to see the source of the voice and are surprised her voice didn't match her face.

Not her fault people! She thought in her mind as she giggled at her high spirits.

She wondered why these jobless people where up so early when there weren't doing exercise like her.

Suddenly she felt so healthy with a sense of superiority to these people on the streets.

She finished her jogging after an hour or so but hell yeah she felt proud.

Jessica was definitely not going to hear the last of these.

She got home and headed towards the shower still in high spirits as she sang loudly.

She didn't get why people didn't get the melody in her voice that she got.

She fucken felt like she sounded like her idol Tatiana Manaois!

After showering and dressing up, she suddenly felt a sense of emptiness.

She had nothing to do. She had been doing some odd jobs to save up before college but she suddenly didn't feel the need to continue.

Her dad had asked her to stop as he was still able to provide for his only princess.

Ariel wasn't one of those spoilt rich girls. She had learnt to do things on her own right from when she was young.

Her parents weren't that well off and there tried their best to give her a happy childhood till her mum left.

Ariel didn't want to be a burden to her dad, but her dad won't let her do too much work either.

She sigh tiredly as she looked at her messy room. She had been procrastinating on arranging her room as books where scattered everywhere.

She had been reading for her college exams but everything weren't just falling to places.

It had been over a month since she had met Daniel.

After their last date before he went to school, Ariel had realised he just wanted to waste her time.

Although, she discovered this, she was still unwilling to let go. Maybe it was because it was her first time having someone do things that she had dreamt of or maybe it was the way they bonded easily. She really didn't know but something wasn't letting her let go.

She had been distracted repeatedly by him while studying.

But if anything, she had noticed that he wasn't as hooked up as he was before.

This whole Daniel thing started because of her damned best friend. She couldn't help but curse at Jessica in her mind.

Although, that was what she thought, at the conner of her mind she was thankful for meeting Daniel.

Jessica had teased her how there were meant to be and stuff but she didn't budge.

She had lasted a month and didn't need to keep talking to Daniel because she had triumphed over Jessica and won their bet but somehow she still felt empty.

Maybe it was because she knew there was never a label on their relationship to begin with or maybe it was because there didn't do what couples did.

No matter the reason, she was devastated.

She had tried to push her feelings down her throat but it still stuck.

She didn't even have anyone to talk to.

Pearl was half way around the world far from her while Jessica, always brush any topic about Daniel. She had come to notice.

Any time she tried bringing up Daniel, Jessica would either directly ignore the conversation or give one or two irrelevant words.

She just couldn't figure out why.

But she didn't want to over think it.

She hated this feeling of emptiness she had and not having anything doing the whole day made it worst.

Picking up her headset, she decided to switch taste from the lousy music she heard this morning from jogging to her therapy music~ Tatiana manaois.

After turning on 'me and love don't get along' by Tatiana manaois, she started cleaning up her room.

She walked around picking up things that didn't belong where it was as she sang loudly to the music.

"Mr right turned out to be wrong,

And I stayed but everybody moves on,

My dream guy would never be mine because..

Me and love don't get along,"

She sang on, relating strongly to the music as she cleaned on.

She wondered if Tatiana saw the future and knew her dream guy would never be hers because her and love didn't get along.

Funny enough, it hit hard when she got to the part where the lyrics said 'my dream guy would never be mine because, me and love don't get along'.

Why was that?

It was simply because Daniel usually called him self her 'dream guy'.

How pathetic.

After cleaning up her room, she still felt bad because, although her room was tidy up, her heart wasn't because different thought where scattered everywhere.

She wished that like her room, her thoughts could also be picked up and arranged.

She laid down on her bed as she picked up her phone. She had slept off yesterday while waiting for Daniel's reply but she didn't get it.

She opened her phone and saw a text message from him. He had finally decided to grace her with a reply she sent about eleven hours ago.

"Good morning princess." With a kiss emoji was Daniel's reply to her seven different messages.

She knew his attention would decline but she still couldn't help but feel bad. She was still human after all.

She had talked about different things and he ignored them all.

He had been doing so lately, he had not been replying her with his usual pace and she had noticed that he was online at that time.

The other day, he had replied to her twenty or so messages with reactions. He had only reacted on her message. She had asked him why and he said he wasn't in the mood to reply text.

The nerve of the dude.

She wanted to be angry but she couldn't. Everything had been going well for weeks after he had returned to school, he had in fact stolen all of her reading time when he knew she had entrance exams at the conner but she couldn't help it.

"Good morning Dan." She replied as she also wanted to keep it simple.

"How was your night babe?" He replied almost immediately stunning Ariel. She didn't expect to get a reply the whole of today considering his behavior lately.

"It was okay. You?"

"Couldn't get you off my head mermaid Ariel."

Ariel scoffed after reading his reply. What an a!ss.

"I was busy helping my friend with his emotions last night." Ariel replied changing the topic.

"Oh? What was it about?" Daniel's curiosity was piqued.

"Just this friend of mine who couldn't get over his ex. So after a year of their breakup, he decided to have a talk with her."

"Am suddenly interested. Go on." Daniel chuckled.

"Well, during their breakup she said rude shits to him. She told him she dated him to prove to herself she wasn't lesbian. And she didn't feel anyone could love her but her dad. She never did love him."

"I think the guy is dumb." Daniel said in disdain.

"Why the fuck will you say that?"

Ariel asked angrily as she thought back to her conversation with hunter, he was indeed hurt.

Even after a year of break up, she was still his screensaver.

If that wasn't love Ariel didn't know what was.