My first day

I get up and saw the girl running. Suddenly, the bell ring and I moved in the block for finding my classroom. I was on the way suddenly a group of boys stop me for ragging. They start bullying me. As I was also a bully that's why I refused to what they want .

The head of the gang Akhil grabbed my color. Before the fight begins, the administrative officer who was on his way to principal office saw us and stop the fight. Than he introduced me as Aaditi's brother. After listening this they start treating me nicely. I was shocked what is this happening. I thought that the student respect there professor. Than they also show me my class. I went in and sit on the last bench than a girl name Ishani came and sit beside me when I turn my face I feel that I saw this girl before.

Ishani - hello, new student????

Me- yes, have we met before???

Ishaani - I don't think so.

I was thinking, when professor arrived only Ishani stand up for wishing him. All the students even don't pay attention to him . He came and start his lecture .As always I don't understand anything and sleep in the class.

The bell ring again but this time all class stand up when I saw this I also stand up for seeing whom this students are respecting. It was Aaditi. she is our buisness professor. She start her lecture and this time all the students are listening carefully including me. After the lecture over she went out of the class. I ask Ishani

Me- why the students are so afraid of her .

Ishani - we are not afraid of her we respect her. She is the best professor of the college.

After listening this, I get out of the class as my all lectures are over I went out of the college. After some time,I feel that someone is following me. I look back, Akhil and his gang was following me. In the way, I saw Vicky I run towards him.

Vicky - Are you fine?

Me- No, my school bully gang leader akhil is following me.

Vicky inspect the area but there was no one . I came back at shop before I enter Ishani pushed me and I fall on the road. This was the third time . Know I run horses of mind and start reminding every incident. Than I remember that she is the girl who pushed me in the lake and on the stairs. She saw me but this time I stop her.

Me- I remember you ..... You pushed me in the lake and today on the stairs.

Ishani - I am sorry. But I have to go somewhere that's why I will talk to you later.

I try to stop her but she tricked me and run away.

Me(in my mind)- what the hell is she. Oh god, please never cross our paths. Because if this continues I will be definitely be on hospital bed.

To be continued...