Davie handed the menu back to the waiter after taking down our order and then he looked at me. He wore a crisp black shirt, open at the collar with the sleeve rolled slightly to his elbow neatly, revealing one of his many tattoos. It hadn't escaped my attention that every female photographer some minutes ago outside had ogled in his direction for so long. He was probably the best-looking man I had ever seen so I understood their reaction – but he was still a bastard and a devil. I could never forget that.
'That was quite the show you put on outside,' he said as he took a sip of his water.
'Well, I had to make it look convincing, didn't I? Although I'm not sure that us together is that convincing.
'He frowned at me. 'And why is that?
''Oh, come on. I'm not your usual type, am I?
I'm sure there are plenty of people wondering what Mr Montanelli the most eligible bachelor is doing with a slightly not-so-curvy woman from New York.