
**Chapter 5: Fight**

Lykos focused intently, the rhythm of his movements blending seamlessly with the whispering breeze that rustled through the forest canopy. Each strike and parry flowed with practiced ease, a testament to the countless hours spent honing his skills under the watchful eye of the Peak-Endless Reincarnation System.

While Lykos dedicated himself to mastering his abilities, Nefelia embarked on a journey of her own. Alongside a small group of villagers, she traversed the wooded paths that led to the outskirts of Erythron. Their mission: to gather medicinal herbs and essential supplies needed to bolster the tribe's dwindling stores before the harsh winter set in.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, the group encountered minor beasts—creatures born with strength comparable to a beginner trained human. These creatures, though formidable in their own right, were limited in their growth potential, subsisting mainly on prey weaker than themselves. It was a delicate balance in the ecosystem of Lafta, where even the most mundane creatures played a crucial role in the cycle of life.

The encounter with these minor beasts posed little challenge to Nefelia and her companions. With practiced efficiency, they dispatched the creatures, their weapons flashing in the dappled sunlight as they moved with a grace born of necessity in the wilds of Erythron.

Yet, as they pressed deeper into the forest's embrace, their journey took an unexpected turn. A rustling in the underbrush alerted them to the presence of an intermediate trained creature—a significantly more formidable opponent than the minor beasts they had faced earlier.

Instinctively, Nefelia motioned for her group to take cover behind dense foliage, their breaths held in anxious anticipation. They watched as the creature prowled past, its sinewy form hinting at the strength and agility honed through relentless pursuit of prey in the unforgiving wilds.

Silently, they waited until the creature's footsteps faded into the distance, swallowed by the symphony of the forest. Only then did they dare to exhale, their relief palpable as they resumed their cautious journey towards their destination.

Meanwhile, back at the clearing where Lykos trained, the martial aspirant paused, wiping sweat from his brow as he contemplated his progress. It had been months since he last checked his stats—the alluring distractions of the Peak-Endless Reincarnation System's notifications muted in favor of uninterrupted focus on his training regimen.

Curiosity piqued, Lykos decided to assess his current standing. With a deep breath, he uttered the command that had become second nature to him.


Instantly, notifications cascaded across his mind's eye, reminders of milestones achieved and skills acquired during his solitary pursuit of mastery. He scrolled through the prompts, muting those that he deemed irrelevant or repetitive, until one caught his attention with renewed vigor.

**Host has incorporated Martial Art Skill.**

Lykos's eyes widened with surprise and intrigue. Martial arts—disciplines of combat and self-defense refined through centuries of human history on Earth—now accessible to him through the cryptic workings of the Peak-Endless Reincarnation System.

"Ding," a subsequent notification chimed, breaking his reverie. **Host can now use System Points to upgrade abilities.**

This revelation sparked a cascade of thoughts within Lykos's mind. Upgrading abilities—enhancing strength, agility, endurance, and more—was crucial to achieving his aspirations of becoming a formidable protector of Erythron.

"Ding," another prompt followed, **Host can also use skills and techniques more easily.**

Lykos nodded in understanding. Fluidity in combat—seamlessly integrating learned techniques into instinctual responses—was a hallmark of true mastery. With the System's assistance, this transition from theory to practice would be smoother, allowing him to wield newfound capabilities with precision and efficacy.

Lost in contemplation of these newfound capabilities, Lykos was interrupted by the approach of several village boys. Their swagger and taunts bespoke a challenge, their eyes alight with a mixture of curiosity and bravado.

"Well, well, if it isn't Lykos," the leader of the group sneered, his voice laced with disdain. "Still chasing after shadows, trying to prove you're not cursed?"

Lykos met their gaze evenly, his demeanor calm yet resolute. "I've no quarrel with you," he replied evenly, "but if you seek trouble, I'll defend myself."

Laughter erupted from the group, emboldening them further. "Defend yourself? Against us?" the leader scoffed, stepping forward with fists clenched. "Let's see how well you've trained, outcast."

Without further warning, the leader lunged forward, aiming a swift punch at Lykos's midsection. In a blur of motion, Lykos evaded the blow, his training instinctively guiding his movements as he countered with a precise strike to the leader's side.

The impact was met with a grunt of pain, the leader staggering back as realization dawned on his face—Lykos was no mere target for their amusement; he was a skilled combatant with the prowess to back his claims.

Undeterred, the group pressed their advantage, circling Lykos with feigned bravado masking their growing uncertainty. Yet, with each exchange, Lykos demonstrated his proficiency, deflecting blows with practiced ease and delivering calculated strikes that left his assailants reeling.

Moments later, the confrontation ended as swiftly as it began. The village boys, bruised and humbled, retreated with muttered curses and bruised pride. Among them was the shaman's son, his gaze fixed on Lykos with a mixture of resentment and newfound respect.

As the dust settled, Lykos stood alone in the clearing, his breaths steady and heart pounding with exhilaration. The encounter had reaffirmed his resolve—to prove himself not through words alone but through actions that spoke of his dedication and burgeoning strength.

Unknown to Lykos, however, trouble brewed on the horizon. The shaman, embittered by his son's defeat and fueled by superstition, harbored intentions that would challenge Lykos's newfound path. In the depths of Erythron, whispers of ancient curses and lingering shadows hinted at a confrontation that would test both his mettle and the bonds of his tribe.


This chapter sets the stage for unfolding conflicts and challenges that will shape Lykos's journey, revealing both his growing capabilities and the obstacles that stand in his path.