I’m ready!

Hirvan popped a pill into his mouth and swallowed it, letting out a deep sigh as he leaned against the kitchen counter. The discomfort was killing him, and he couldn't shake the worry that the rest of the family might have noticed something off about him. His mind raced for a solution.

"Do you have any suggestion I could use to skip sitting at the dinner table?" he asked, his voice tinged with desperation.

Fu Yan, standing beside him, shrugged nonchalantly.

"You could say you're not feeling well."

Hirvan shook his head, dismissing the idea immediately.

"Nope. With you here, it would look suspicious. Next."

Fu Yan pondered for a moment before suggesting, "Do you want to go out?"

Hirvan raised an eyebrow at the suggestion.

"Do you have a driver's license? Actually, even if you do, I'm not comfortable with you driving because of your sleep deprivation."