Ren YuZe, you little…! I’ll get you for this!

Hirvan spotted Fu Yan standing under the shade of a large oak tree, his posture tense and his gaze distant. The city park around them was bustling with life, children laughing as they played on the swings, couples strolling hand in hand, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, but Fu Yan seemed completely detached from it all. Hirvan's eyes narrowed as he noticed the deep frown etched on Fu Yan's face, a stark contrast to the vibrant surroundings.

Concern gripped him, and he quickened his pace. The closer he got, the more he could sense something was off. Fu Yan wasn't just lost in thought, he was troubled, and that troubled Hirvan too.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did something happen?" 

Hirvan asked, his voice laced with worry as he came to a stop beside Fu Yan. His heart pounded in his chest, an uneasy feeling growing in him. He hated seeing Fu Yan like this, so distant and closed off.