"Hey, are you even listening to me?"
Drake waved his hand furiously in front of Hirvan's face, his eyebrows drawn together in frustration.
Hirvan blinked rapidly, startled, as if waking from a distant dream.
"Sorry, what were you saying?"
Hirvan rubbed his forehead, his fingers massaging his temples in an attempt to focus his wandering mind on Drake.
Thinking about that special encounter would not change anything. He was sure that strange boy had heard his name and knew he was a boy, not a girl. So Drake's family's entanglement with Rosaline was somewhat suspicious. If someone had seen them interact that night, they would have witnessed their argument. How on earth was it evident that the boy had a special interest in him?
Most likely, the strange boy had talked about him to others, and they misinterpreted him as a girl.