The Hegamon

"Hegamon Peter these sudden attacks along our outer worlds have began to cause great concern amongst the council."

"I concur council man Eiherst. The Yan-Izon consortium has been threatening to withdraw funding from the new colonies. This would be detrimental to continued growth."

"Yes not to mention we are already dealing with over a hundred terrorist cells in the area already. I fear if we don't make any attempts to stop this the outer reaches will rise up in rebellion."

A dozen other voices were shouting. At each other, at nothing, at everything, and especially at The Great Peter the Second of the ancient Rurikid line. Hegamon of the Terran Hegemony, Lord protector of Humanity, Sovereign of the stars and a million other titles.

The Long obnoxious large cape of pelts worn by Peter shifted wildly as he rose from the great stone thrones at the end of the room. All of the Two hundred and thirty three members of the Star Council stopped the incessant shouting and arguing immediately. There was never a more powerful man in the galaxy than Peter the Second.

He threw up his hands and bid his lords listen.

"Lords and Ladies. We hear your pleads and understand your fears and worries. But I ask you. Has the Hegemony not had such problems before? Have WE members of the royal lines not solved such issues before? We have heard your voices and we promise to act." 

Many of the lords preceded out of the council room knowing that for all intents and purposes the meeting was over. Of course many stayed to continue their debate or to try to get the say of their lord on other matters.

Peter wouldn't hear any of them though. "Sycophants and yes-men all" Peter thought to himself as he left the building. He left the building entirely and entered into the royal aircraft. The great craft was an unmistakable unique and powerful ship. It carried him securely all across Earth as he traveled from city to city in a never ending royal progression. It has even seen use across over two dozen different planets in his reign alone. It was armed and armored to the teeth not to mention the escorts that always followed it.

"I hear you are a fan of the classics Hegamon. But I didn't expect to see you still reading in the slight amount of downtime you have." Peter looked up from his book to look at his visitor. He did know everyone aboard the plane but that didn't mean he expected any to speak to him. Most knew better. Peter was a great leader but also a stern one and preferred only to have other speak to him when spoken to first.

"Yes. This is called The Prince. It was written by Niccolo Machiavelli centuries ago. Although I know you yourself have read it." The man Peter was talking to sat in the seat directly across form him.

"How Ironic. The Director of the HISB having all of his information read like an open book by another." 

Peter closed his book to look at the man.

"I was the one that promoted you to Director. It is only fitting I know all the details about you Collin." 

"Well I suppose it can't be helped then."

"Surely you haven't come just to chat about our personal lives."

Peter eyed Collin as he drank whatever drink he had carried over with him. He liked the director well enough but there is only so much he was willing to put up with.

"Sire. I believe our little Archangel Program is working splendidly. I am requesting funding to set up a sub-branch, it will only have the most capable of members from the program. Those ranked Hyper lethal or picked specifically for another reason."

Collin slid a dossier across the table to Peter. He accepted and skimmed through it.

"And what is this branch going to be doing?"

"I am well aware of the mounting pressures the Hegemony is facing and I seek to offer a solution. To date our program has successfully completed 86 Operations with 8 of those being conducted on foreign soil. I wish to speed up the process of putting these soldiers on the field in a complete form even sooner."

Peter thought to himself for a moment. The reasoning didn't seem all there or at least quite right. They technically were using the experiments well enough at the moment why rush. The situation wasn't that dire.

"I can see you still debating Lord so let me further my explanation. Not only will these soldiers be conducting covert operation but they will ease into leadership roles. I wish to slowly ease them into the military starting now. They will get limited access to less covert operations. Starting with small roles like small scale fireteams or squads then work up into general ship or admiralship. We have the results from the simulations, nearly all of the Hyper lethal ranked subjects scored degrees higher than normal academy students."

It wasn't a bad idea. They were already preforming higher in many ways than most during their covert operations. They could be that unbeatable edge in the near future.

"I will allow it Collin. The necessary funding will be diverted."

Collin Began to get up "Thank you sire you won't b..."

Peters hand shot out and grabbed Collins shoulder

"Collin. I expect results fast. A dozen new threats are emerging every year and it looks like war with the Enclaves of Tigris is not too far away."

"Yes lord. You will see results soon. Very soon."