Old man (2)

Ichor stared at the man in stupor, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. He was speechless.

He's bluffing… No, I don't think he is. He must be telling the truth.

Ichor made a quick assessment of the situation and came to a preliminary conclusion that the old man wasn't spouting unnecessary nonsense.

It was quite easy for anyone with a cool head to reach such a conclusion; after all, this man had casually mentioned two of the royal military's top secrets.

The first was his mention of the Spartan armour, and the second was the change in personality that Ichor was sure was known by only a very few people, even among the special squad's higher-ups.

And now he was mentioning Ichor's mother and his father.

The fact that he was mentioning both meant he knew that Ichor had both parents, and the fact that he was referring to their location could only mean one of two things.