Cursed doll 2

He entered the staff building and started checking the rooms.

The first room next to him was the staff management room, so he went to the door of the room, it was not locked, so he opened it with a small push. A room with an area of ​​approximately 15 meters.

There was a desk in the middle and a few other desks were next to that desk with a few computers, on the left side of the room there were many shelves with many files and a metal locker with a lock on it and many papers that It was spilled on the ground. Nothing special was visible; That room was like an ordinary office room.

After that he left the room to check other rooms.

The next two rooms were related to staff dormitories; One dormitory for women and another for men.

The two rooms had a relatively larger space and there were four bunk beds in each room, and there was a closet and a small table next to each of them.

Because the orphanage was a little far from the city, the employees usually worked in shifts and stayed there until the weekend because the daily commute brought a lot of cost.

He checked all the eight rooms in the building and there was nothing special, but as soon as he wanted to leave the last room, he felt that all the hair on his body stood on end and his skin started to turn tingling.

A tense and strange feeling entered his heart and gave him a strange apprehension.

Thanks to the glowing ball that was next to him, he could see the path in front of him in the darkness.

But now everything was so dark that he could hardly see even with a little light.

"Tesk, why did it get so dark everywhere?!"

He was completely confused, so he slowly began to move, leaning against the wall next to him.

When all his attention was on the road ahead, he felt something behind him. So he slowly turned and looked back him.

A deep darkness, as if he is looking into a bottomless pit and that darkness wants to pull him inside.

At that moment, Alex felt a strong suffocation, as if an invisible rope was hanging around his neck and wanted to kill him.

He waved his hands in the air to grab the so-called invisible rope, but nothing happened and the feeling was intensifying.

Suddenly he felt a tremor. The walls of the corridor were shaking and the exit was unclear. The walls were getting closer and the path was getting narrower.

"Damn...what the hell is this?!

Why are the walls moving?!"

Realizing that the situation was critical, Alex increased his speed until he reached the two corridors. Right or left, he had only one choice.

"Ah, which way should I go?!"

The speed of the walls hitting each other was increasing.


So, considering the condition of the building, Alex chose the right path and entered the right corridor.

The building was like a hungry monster and wanted to devour the prey that came there after a long time. That monster was getting closer to Alex and was only a meter away from him.

Alex ran as fast as he could towards the door at the end of the corridor. He was at a critical moment. He grabbed the door handle and pushed inside, but the door did not open.

"Damn up, you bastard."

He gripped the door handle tightly and no matter how hard he pressed it had no effect, and his heart was beating fast.

"Badump, Badump."

There was only one meter between him and that building monster, so he only had one chance to escape, if he didn't succeed, he would be crushed between the walls of that building and experience a painful death again, but still not only death but This was his last chance to save himself, because if he did not succeed in this mission, he would not have a chance to return.

So he knocked on the door with all his might.


The door opened and Alex breathed a sigh of relief. and quickly closed the door.

He was saved because he entered the main building and no more noise came from the outer building, and the walls were fixed in place.

He was on the first floor of the main building at the end of the corridor.

This building was brighter than the staff building because it had more windows facing outside and the moonlight from outside was the lighting source to that corridor.

The main building had more rooms.

The first floor included the dining hall, classrooms, laboratory and management and clinic and consultation room.

On the second floor, the children's dormitory was located, which included 20 rooms for 5 people.

Alex, who had an unpleasant experience from the annex building, tried to be more careful and that his target was a cursed doll, so he should find it as soon as possible.

That's why he decided to go to the consultation room on the first floor.

The walls of the corridor were decorated with many paintings, although they were not very visible in the darkness, but one painting caught Alex's attention.

A boy was looking out of the window with a smile on his face, and a hand was on the boy's shoulder, and a tall person whose face was not clearly visible in the picture was standing behind him.

But the boy's face in the painting was a bit strange even though he was smiling.

Alex didn't know if it was because of the darkness or if he misunderstood, but the look on that child's face was not a happy look but a scared look.

However, he didn't have time to check the painting, so he quickly went to the consulting room.

A little later, he reached the front door of the consulting room. Fortunately, the door was not locked, so he entered the room.

As soon as he entered the room, he smelled a bad and unpleasant smell. It was as if a rat or an animal had died in this room and its corpse had decayed.

He covered his nose with his hands so that the smell wouldn't bother him.

He checked the room, it was just like before.

The small library and bookshelves were on the left side and the table in the middle and a couch on the right side and a white vase that was the favorite of Mrs. Maya, their nurse and advisor.

However, there was one difference, and that was a large metal closet in the right corner. He had never seen that closet in the consulting room before.

Anyway, Alex went to the shelves to see if the doll was there. When he got to the front of the shelf, he saw something strange. There was a stain on one of the shelves; It was a blood stain.

"Why is there a blood stain here?!"

The blood dried on the shelf, he got a little closer and found a few large scratches on the corner of the shelf in addition to his stain.

"This is so weird...?!"

Alex got a little scared after seeing that scratch and blood stain, he quickly checked the shelves but there were no dolls there.

At that moment, only one thing came to his mind.

Although he did not remember that time well, he remembered that when he got the doll, he hid it under his closet.

Now that he was looking at it, he thought he had done something strange.

"Why did I hide that doll under my closet?! This is really ridiculous, huh?!"

Alex decided to leave the room. who saw a shocking scene.

"What nonsense is this?! Did a wild animal attack here?!"

He didn't notice it when he entered the room, but when he looked towards the door he noticed it, there were big scratches on the door and there were traces of blood on the wall.

Alex's legs went weak at the sight and he felt the horror of his being, and the putrid smell that filled the room made him feel even worse.

He looked carefully around the room, he felt that a creature might appear in front of him from nowhere.

Although he was a little scared, he had a feeling that wanted him to check that strange metal closet.

Sometimes unnecessary curiosity may endanger your life.

But Alex didn't care and went to that closet. The closer he got to the closet, the stronger the stench.

Alex stood in front of the closet and opened it. As soon as the closet door opened, the only reaction Alex could show was to hold his mouth shut so he wouldn't scream.