The boy in the painting

His legs were weak and he was leaning against the wall. And in that dark corridor he saw a creature that covered itself with a white sheet, it was three meters tall and its face was not visible, there were only two black holes on its face.

Black eyes that when you stared at them, you felt like you were floating in a pool of blood.

The creature did not show any movement and just stood still. It seemed that he did not see Alex as an opponent.

The shaking of the building continued, suddenly the shaking stopped and a strange sound was echoing in the building.

The sound of a music. A piece of music was playing, but the sound inside the music was scratchy and unintelligible, as if the music was broken and not playing well.

The sound seemed unbalanced and scary because of the scratchiness. Those vibrations and darkness inside the building became one and gave life to that building.

Alex looked more terrified than before and fell to his knees. And he held his ears tightly with his hands so that they would not hear that sound.

But it was no use, because even though he covered his ears, he could still hear the sound clearly, as if it was playing in his mind.

Confused, Alex suddenly looked up at the ceiling, and noticed something strange. It was dark and unclear, so he tried to look more carefully.

When he looked carefully, he was stunned. The ceiling was filled with dismembered bodies, arms, legs and heads that had been severed.

As Alex was in shock on the scene, suddenly the atmosphere of the building started to change.

The ceiling and floor of the corridor were turned upside down and their place changed. And now Alex saw himself among the dismembered bodies.

" did that happen?!"

Alex remained motionless. He did not know what to do at that moment. He felt that he was walking on the edge of a sword and that at any moment his leg might be cut and he would die from bleeding profusely.

So Alex leaned against the wall next to him and tried to get up. Certainly, it is not in his interest to remain motionless there.

That mojo standing still at the end of the corridor looked more dangerous than these corpses.

Alex stood and took the first step, trying to make his way to the stairwell, only to be caught off guard. The bodies that were motionless suddenly began to move and rush towards Alex.

They were like a colony of ants and they were gathering around Alex to surround him.

Suddenly, the head of one of those bodies jumped towards Alex's leg and bit Alex's leg with its teeth. This was the first attack and Alex screamed in pain.


After that, other corpses got courage and joined it and a group attacked Alex.

A wave of dismembered corpses were sliding towards him and turned into a huge mass. Alex turned pale and a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

He fell to the ground, and another head of them bit his leg, and several hands grabbed his legs and dragged him towards the three-meter white-clothed creature.

Alex resisted and tried to free himself from the clutches of those evil creatures. He slammed his feet on the ground and the two heads that had bitten him hit the ground and separated from him.

Alex tried to sit up and remove those annoying hands. Finally, with great difficulty, he freed himself from the hands of those bodies. And he tried to stand, when he stood up, he suddenly was eye to eye the creature that was surrounded by a white sheet.

He felt that the creature was angry.

Alex had a bad feeling so he quickly ran to the stairs.

Meanwhile, the doors of the rooms that were locked opened and pieces of bodies came out of those rooms and blocked Alex's path to the staircase.

The pile of corpses behind him was approaching him, and now a pile of corpses in front of him. He was trapped and his body was injured and in pain.

Although this pain was not comparable to the pain he experienced at the time, it made it difficult for him to walk.

Alex was trapped between two piles of corpses, and as the corpses were about to swallow Alex into themselves, the glowing ball next to Alex grew brighter and created a blinding light that caused the corpses to scatter.

So Alex seized the opportunity and went to the staircase.

The creature that was watching Alex from afar got very angry. With that, its big body rushed towards Alex from the wall next to the corridor like a giant lizard.

Alex, who noticed the movement of the creature, was very scared, even though he had a lot of pain in his leg, he increased his speed.

When he reached the staircase. He saw a boy, He did not know what that child was doing there and whether he was a friend or an enemy. But whatever it was, it was not more dangerous than the creature that was following him from behind.

The bedsheet twisted around the creature's hand and went towards Alex like a rope.

Alex didn't know what to do, so he went to the metal railing next to the staircase and slid down with the help of that railing.

Because of this, he was able to avoid the attack of that creature.

But when he was going down the stairs with the help of the railing, the child he saw in the staircase disappeared.

"This is really strange, where did that kid go?!"

Alex's heart was racing like a racehorse. "Badump, badump."

He reached the first floor corridor. There was no body in this corridor. He had to escape, but the entrance door was locked and he had to break it, but unfortunately there was no tool around him to break the door and escape.

That evil creature had also come down from the stairs and was standing in front of Alex. Alex was shaking. And it was anxiousing.

The creature was changing its appearance due to anger. Its body under the white bedsheet was growing. Although it was tall, it looked even scarier than before.

It was so big that its head almost hit the ceiling.

The cloth around it hand rushed towards Alex again like a rope, but now it was not just a rope, but a rope of ugly worms.

The brown and ugly worms that didn't even show mercy to each other and as they came towards Alex, they were eating each other and were getting bigger.

It was a very scary scene. Those worms smelled like vomit, and that smell mixed with the rotten smell that surrounded the corridor and made everything unbearable.

Besides that, there was another white-clad creature by the staircase in the corridor in front of him and even by the door.

"Damn it."

Alex had no way to escape, he was surrounded on all sides. Those white-clad creatures with multi-worms were approaching him. Suddenly, Alex saw the boy again.

Well, if was paying attention, that boy was like the child in that painting. This was really surprising.

That child went to the consultation room. As if he was guiding Alex in that critical situation. So Alex quickly went to the consulting room that the kid pointed out.

Alex reached the door of the consultation room, next to the child. and thanked him.

"thank you."

The boy turned to Alex and nodded in response to his thanks. When Alex saw that kid's face, he froze. That child had no eyes, his eye sockets were empty and blood vessels were visible on his face.

Although he was smiling at Alex, he looked a little scary because he didn't have eyes.

Anyway, Alex didn't have time to think about anything else, he had to save himself. As soon as he wanted to enter the consultation room.

He felt something around his leg.

An ugly big worm had reached him and wanted to bite Alex's leg.

It opened its mouth and just as it was about to bite Alex's leg, the boy grabbed the disgusting worm in front of him and motioned for Alex to leave.

Alex was a little hesitant, that is, he should leave the child alone and run away. But that child pushed Alex into the consultation room. So Alex entered the consulting room, picked up the chair next to the table and threw it at the window, breaking the glass.

Just as Alex was about to jump out of the window, he felt the building shake again, but this time the shaking was more intense, to the extent that the shelves fell to the ground. Alex was stumbling, but he couldn't stop.

So he grabbed the edge of the window and jumped out.

He left that haunted building.

But it wasn't over yet, the swing that was in the playground suddenly started to move, the ground shook under his feet and the white-clothed creature showed itself again.

The creature was standing in front of the entrance of the building. This time Alex ran towards the front door without looking back. The creature quickly ran towards Alex and had a short distance to catch Alex.

Alex, who realized that the distance between him and the creature was decreasing, tried to run faster, although he was in a lot of pain, but he didn't care, he had to reach the door.

After a few moments, he reached the door, but it was locked. When he came here, the door was not locked, but now it was closed in disbelief.

Alex had to climb up the door, he put his foot on the edge of the door and due to the design of the door, which had several rhombuses in the middle and were slightly prominent, he was able to easily climb up the door, and reach the other side of the door.

As soon as Alex left the yard, the creature stopped following him. The creature stared at Alex who was standing outside the door.

The feeling of thirst for a lot of blood echoed from that creature and the aura around it turned red. Anger was boiling inside it.

Alex felt that he might die at any moment because of that sense of murder and bloodlust. After that, he get away the entrance door and went towards the street.

Twenty minutes had passed, but Alex was still standing on the side of the street in front of the orphanage.

When the creature disappeared, Alex breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground. It seems that the creature has limitations and cannot leave the orphanage.

He was really lucky, because if that creature could get out of the orphanage, he would surely died and his mission would fail.

Alex reached into his pocket and pulled out a wicker doll. It seemed that he did not intend to resist and was calm.

Alex was relieved, so he put it back in his pocket.