Chapter 5

Kevin's Pov.

The drive to school was okay and peaceful.

Scratch that ,

I was super nervous , I was not the one to get nervous easily but I just could not comprehend the cause of my nervousness .

I have always switched from school to school like a light switch and the regularity of me doing that should at least not make me feel nervous of changing to another school .

Right now my feelings were jumbled and my mum could sure notice that because she asked me .

"Baby are you okay , you look off and lost in thoughts are you by any chance nervous .

Please don't laugh at me .I know my mum calling me baby is weird but I like it that way .

Answering her I said "of course not I am infact super excited "

Really with the way you are sweating like a Christmas goat even while the AC is on .

Laughing a little awkwardly I said .

"Mom I am fine stressing the fine a little bit "

In no time we arrived at the school gate and after another 30 minutes of my mum bombarding me with lots of kisses.

Walking down towards the school .

I tugged at the sleeves of my school uniform .

The uniform consisted of a long sleeved  grey shirt shirt and a matching grey trousers for the  senior boys while a short for the junior boys , the girls uniform was quite sexy if I would call it , it consisted of a white long sleeved shirt over a short skirt with many pleats

On getting inside and realizing how nervous I was I rubbed my palms together and released a puff of air and I wished for nothing more than to just go back home and cradle in my mum's comfort.

I felt a tug on my shoulders and I almost snapped my neck with the force I used to turn back .

Only to meet a guy about the same height as me with a very contagious smile looking at me like I was a beast as I could not stop staring at him like a brain frozen idiot .

Breaking out my reverie I mumbled a quick Hi to him before stretching my hands for a handshake while introducing myself .

The dark skinned boy at my front soon eased my discomfort by shaking my hands and saying I go by the name Ifeoluwa .

Nice to meet you I can see you are new here so what class are you in perhaps I can take you there and probably show you round if you are free .

More than delighted I told him my class and I could not have felt happier on hearing that we were in the same class.

Side by side I followed his lead .

Somewhere at the back of my mind I knew this school was going to be a rollercoaster of adventures .


Entering into the class I was awed at how spacious and well decorated it was .

I mean it was decorated like a primary schools with card boards and other decorative items .

Pulled out of my moment I looked at my side to see Ifeoluwa already introducing me to the rest of the class .

Briefly introducing myself to the class and scanning the whole class to check for an empty seat .

Only to be pulled by Ife not before saying " Ife baby gats you bro ".

Amused I chuckled at his words before following him to where he was leading me to .

Realizing he was leading me to a couple of other guys in the class I began to feel somehow intimidated because I was not really good with large number of people and crowd.

Sitting down on my seat , I turned to face Ife who was sitting beside me and asked him of what we were doing .

Of which he replied Study period .

The rest of the period went and  I soon got to know the name of the other guys in Ifeoluwa's group .

David .... The funny and easy to relate with guy

Abraham... With the look of things that guy is bipolar cause why would a normal human eye you at first only to come back in a couple of minutes hugging you and telling you , that you are cute .

Somto ..... He was there and basically ignored my existence because he was watching Naruto .

And lastly Pizzy paral ...

I am not sure that that's his real name sounds more like a nickname the dude basically sat on my laps because he wanted to feel the texture of my hair .

Not quite long the shed of fear and anxiety soon began to wash of my body and I began to relax .

After the last subject before break time the guys asked me if I wanted to join them at their table to eat .

I quickly replied yes so as not to be left out .

Immediately the bell was rung for break time the guys held my hands to lead the way

Scratch that .

I mean Peter basically held my hands through out the walk .

Eye catching is an understatement of the adjective that qualifies the beauty of the school .

I'm sure drool would have been dripping from my mouth .

I sat on the table I am sure that The boys have set as theirs because they went straight to the table .

Our table was echoing with chatter from us and I was blending smoothly with the guys .

Until she walked in with her girls and I am super sure that my heart beat increased to a hundred and one beats in a minute because as she set foot into the canteen and every where was dead silent.

If she unconsciously did it or not I don't know because she didn't seem to care a little bit about it in any way till she bought her food and sashayed her way to our table  and I swear I died at that spot .

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