Legendary Stardust
Yunoki destroys Ain's Final Strike Technique and uses her bow to pummel the house which reveals that her and Chiruno are the members from Moonlight Darkness that serves directly under Black Lord. Elesis struggles to dodge all her arrows, which swerve in physically impossible directions and are difficult to slash, until Ain helps her see the crayons that Chiruno uses to telekinetically control Yunoki's arrow.Although Elsword attacks Chiruno, the siblings are forced to change opponents, with Ain joining the fight against Yunoki, using his Final Strike Technique of concealing magic. At first, Chiruno overpowers Elesis by altering her trajectory as she tries to get close, and her brother got his arm cut off by Yunoki's knife. However, Elesis recalls her training and despite her fatigue, unleashes a combination of movements to move the crayons with touching them, managing to decapitate Chiruno.As Chiruno disintegrates, she continues to attack Elesis, determined to kill her as she dies, forcing Elesis to unleash move after move to lessen the impact, leaving Elesis utterly exhausted. Thanks to the gem-only healing serum by 1000-chan, Elsword rejoins the fight against Yunoki, and his strong will sharpens his strength greatly enough to kick the arrow back without getting injured. At that fight, 1000-chan steps in and uses her Final Strike Technique to lower Yunoki's brain functions through the scent of her mechanic blood, causing Yunoki to accidentally activate Fiery mode and is killed.After the battle, 1000-chan notes that the two villains were too weak to be members of the Moonlight Darkness as the members have their number ranks engraved on their hair, but takes some of Yunoki's butterflies. As night falls, Elesis returns her arrows and butterflies to her before she disintegrates from the moonlight. Although Levi cast an spell on Elsword to make him view humans as allies and villains as enemies, he sees 1000-chan and Ain as humans to be protected, causing Ain himself to cry out of happiness. The siblings soon set off southeast on their next mission, and Elesis sees one of those who completed Final Nightmare with her, Arme Glenstid begging a distressed man to marry her on the street.Black Lord has altered his appearance and aura to that of a woman, so they don't instantly recognize him. They kneel once they do. Black Lord declares he is disbanding the Cold Midnight, deeming them worthless. It is always the Moonstone Twilight who kills the Sourcream family while the Cold Midnight keep changing members and dying.He sets about killing them for various reasons, that Sunrise Dawn thinks about disrespectful thoughts (Black Lord reads his mind, and possibly a new skill), Evening Sunset tries to pleas that she isn't thinking about fleeing when she sees an Light El (she refutes what he says), Daylight Morning attempts to flee in vain (Black Lord catches him), and Afternoon Daytime says he can do better if he is given more of Black Lord's moonlight (which is ordering Black Lord). He asks for the final Moonstone Twilight, Polar Knight for his last words.Polar Knight considers it an honor to die by Black Lord's hands and thanks him for killing him last as he got to witness the agony of the other five members of Cold Midnight. Black Lord infuses Polar Knight with a large amount of his moonlight to strengthen him and says he'll give him more moonlight if he can kill Elesis.And during the events of Sylphs Doesn't Date Humans, a bird wakes Elesis, Arme and Lire with an assignment, that they should go west to the Endless Train, where injured people are increasing, and slay the evil there. Elesis encounters Aisha from Final Nightmare while walking, who has a short and more cute form, but Aisha goes out of her way to bump into and then ignore her.Elesis visits Ley, thanking her for helping her, but she tells her not to. She claims to have survived the Final Nigtmare by luck, and that she was too cowardly to go into battle, but Elesis says it doesn't matter since she helped them and she'll carry her feelings into the battlefield, touching her. She also says goodbye to Rena, who flips a ED to determine if she should talk to her. When the ED lands right, she tells her goodbye and explains she uses ED to decide things she hasn't been ordered to do, since she can't decide for herself.Elesis takes her ED and says if it lands heads she'll listen to the voice in her heart and make her own choices and flips it. It lands heads. She asks how she made it do that since she didn't see her cheat, but Elesis smiles and says it just did and she would have flipped it as many times as she needed for it to land heads if it hadn't. Just before the girls leave, Elesis sees Genesis and thanks her for helping with Elsword.Not sure how to talk with her, Genesis tells her to thank her by doing good work, which Elesis promises. The girls make it to the train station but Lire mistakes the Endless Train as a beast and ruler of the land since it's so mighty, though Elesis says it may be a guardian spirit.Arme calls them sleepyheads, telling them it's a train. They attract the attention of the creator and flee, deciding to hide their weapons. Their party isn't recognized by Arakashi-chan, which doesn't even acknowledge that villains exist, so they must keep a low profile. They outrun Arakashi-chan and jump onto the train as it leaves. Elesis has brought her brother even though it's safer to leave him behind, determined that they won't be separated again. On the train with them are the Korean Heroes and Polar Knight of Moonlight Darkness.